
52 wiersze
1.6 KiB

"@jupyterlab/apputils-extension:palette": {
"modal": false
"@jupyterlab/extensionmanager-extension:plugin": {
"enabled": false
"jupyterlab-tour:user-tours": {
"tours": [
"id": "ipydrawiolite",
"label": "IPyDrawioLite",
"options": {
"styles": {
"options": {
"arrowColor": "#7b8aff",
"beaconSize": 48,
"primaryColor": "#7b8aff"
"steps": [
"content": "This is running in JupyterLite",
"target": "#jp-MainLogo"
"content": "It can open multi-page drawio XML files, as well as editable SVG and PNG files, or even Jupyter Notebooks",
"target": ".jp-DirListing-item svg[data-icon*='drawio']"
"content": "You can create new diagrams from the launcher...",
"target": ".jp-Launcher-sectionHeader svg[data-icon='drawio:drawio']"
"content": "... start with a blank canvas XML file with your default diagram theme...",
"target": ".jp-LauncherCard[title='Create a blank .dio file']"
"content": "...or one of many templates, formats, and themes",
"target": ".jp-LauncherCard[title='Create a diagram with customized formats, templates, and UI']"
"content": "The diagram theme is configurable from the Settings menu",
"target": ".lm-MenuBar-item:nth-last-child(2)"