
303 wiersze
14 KiB

from argparse import ArgumentParser
import inkex
from inkex import Polyline, PathElement
from lxml import etree
from sympy import Segment, Point
class Connector():
Object to represent connector of wires
def __init__(self, connector_pins, bbox):
self.connector_pins = connector_pins
self.points = [] # all coords where wires need to route to
for pin in self.connector_pins:
points = [p for p in pin.path.end_points]
for p in points:
self.open_wire_idx = 0 # idx of next available wire
self.bbox = bbox
self.num_pins = len(self.points) // 2
def connect_pins(self):
points = self.points[self.open_wire_idx : self.open_wire_idx + 4]
self.open_wire_idx += 4
return points
def get_points(self):
return self.points[self.open_wire_idx:]
def reverse_pins(self):
self.points = self.points[::-1]
def get_num_wire_joins(self, is_horizontal=True):# overloaded method for wire connection
return 1
MIN_GRID_SPACING = inkex.units.convert_unit(1.5, "mm") # change this to user input in future?
class CombineGridsEffect(inkex.Effect):
def add_arguments(self, pars):
pars.add_argument("--alignment", type=int, help="The type of connection to make")
def effect(self):
arg_parser = ArgumentParser()
args,_ = arg_parser.parse_known_args()
is_horizontal_connection = True if args.alignment == 1 else False
combine_grids_worker = CombineGridsWorker(self.svg, is_horizontal_connection)
class CombineGridsWorker():
COMMANDS = ["combine_grids"]
def __init__(self, svg, is_horizontal_connection):
self.svg = svg
self.is_horizontal_connection = is_horizontal_connection
self.wires = []
self.interpolation_wires = [] # for custom combination routing
self.connector = None
def group_wires(self, wires):
Wires in the same grid are currently disjoint from each other
Need to group them together so they get connected together
Need to fix this for when wire groups are angled (Same x/y won't apply)
TODO: integrate IDs somehow
wire_groups = {}
# if self.is_horizontal_connection: # wires will have same x
for w_points in wires:
# points = [p for p in w.path.end_points]
p = w_points[0]
key = p.x if self.is_horizontal_connection else p.y
if key not in wire_groups:
wire_groups[key] = [w_points]
for k in wire_groups:
if self.is_horizontal_connection: # sort wires from top to bottom
wire_groups[k] = sorted(wire_groups[k], key=lambda w:-w[0].y)
else: # sort wires from left to right
wire_groups[k] = sorted(wire_groups[k], key=lambda w:w[0].x)
return wire_groups
def connect_wires(self, wire_groups_dict, interp_wires=None, interp_dict=None, interp_start_indices=None):
start_points = sorted(list(wire_groups_dict.keys()))
wire_groups = [wire_groups_dict[k] for k in start_points]
wire_lens = [len(w) for w in wire_groups]
wire_indices = [0 for _ in range(len(wire_groups))] # starting indices
generated_combined_wires = []
while wire_indices != wire_lens:
joint_wire_points = []
interp_done = False # FIX THIS to better determine when to add interpolation wires!
for wire_group_idx, curr_wire_idx in enumerate(wire_indices):
max_idx = wire_lens[wire_group_idx]
if curr_wire_idx != max_idx: # add the wire itself
current_wire = wire_groups[wire_group_idx][curr_wire_idx]
joint_wire_points.extend([[p.x, p.y] for p in current_wire])
wire_indices[wire_group_idx] += 1
if interp_wires is not None and not interp_done: # add custom routes if inputted by user
if curr_wire_idx == 0: joint_wire_points.extend([[p.x,p.y] for p in interp_wires[0]])
elif curr_wire_idx == max_idx - 1: joint_wire_points.extend([[p.x,p.y] for p in interp_wires[1]])
interp_points = self.add_interpolation_points(curr_wire_idx, interp_wires, interp_dict)
# check if interp points intersect with any others
interp_done = True
joint_wire_points = ['{},{}'.format(p[0],p[1]) for p in joint_wire_points]
self.create_path(joint_wire_points, is_horizontal=self.is_horizontal_connection)
# can move this block before to prevent drawing of wires
is_valid_routing = self.has_valid_interpolation_points(generated_combined_wires)
if not is_valid_routing:
inkex.errormsg("Please change your template routing wires.")
def has_valid_interpolation_points(self, generated_combined_wires):
generated_combined_wires: list of interpolation wire_points for each wire
checks if the interpolation wires (1) don't intersect and (2) are sufficienty far away from each other
the minimum pitch between interpolation wires determined by MIN_GRID_SPACING
but can easily be made a user input in the future
for wire1 in generated_combined_wires:
for wire2 in generated_combined_wires:
if wire1 != wire2:
for i in range(len(wire1) - 1):
wire1_p1 = Point(wire1[i])
wire1_p2 = Point(wire1[i+1])
wire1_segment = Segment(wire1_p1, wire1_p2)
# check current segment across all segments in next wire
for j in range(len(wire2) - 1):
wire2_p1 = Point(wire2[j])
wire2_p2 = Point(wire2[j+1])
wire2_segment = Segment(wire2_p1, wire2_p2)
# check for intersection
intersection = wire1_segment.intersection(wire2_segment)
if intersection != []:
inkex.errormsg("There are intersecting routing wires present.")
return False # has intersecting points
# check for distance
min_distance = min(wire1_segment.distance(wire2_p1), wire1_segment.distance(wire2_p2),
wire2_segment.distance(wire1_p1), wire2_segment.distance(wire1_p2))
if min_distance < MIN_GRID_SPACING:
inkex.errormsg("The routing wires are closer than the minimum {} distance.".format(MIN_GRID_SPACING))
return False
return True
def segment_line(self, line, num_points):
Breaks line into num_points equal parts
returns array of points
line: A shapely.LineString object (interpolation along line can be done manually but this is easier)
points = []
def parameterize_line(t):
x_t = line[0][0] + (line[1][0] - line[0][0]) * t
y_t = line[0][1] + (line[1][1] - line[0][1]) * t
return x_t, y_t
segment_length = 1 / (num_points + 1)
for i in range(1 ,num_points+2): # adjust from 0 to n+1 bc we cant put in 0 to the parameterized line equation
x, y = parameterize_line(i * segment_length)
return points
def generate_interpolation_points(self, interpolation_wires, num_wires):
Generates a dict mapping a pair of points on interpolation wires to the intermediate
points to be used by wires
interp_dict = {}
for i in range(len(interpolation_wires) - 1):
wire1 = interpolation_wires[i]
wire2 = interpolation_wires[i+1]
for j in range(1, len(wire1) - 1): # exclude parts of interp wire that connect to sensor wire
x1, y1 = wire1[j].x, wire1[j].y
x2, y2 = wire2[j].x, wire2[j].y
line = [[x1, y1], [x2, y2]]
interp_dict[(x1, y1, x2, y2)] = [[x1, y1]]
# FOR NOW, assume interp wires are placed @ top and bottommost wire
# need to account for these points already placed by subtracting 2
# in future, user may only want custom wiring for SOME wires and default for others
# in this case, need to add additional detection mechanisms to see where they are
interp_points = self.segment_line(line, num_wires - 2)
interp_dict[(x1, y1, x2, y2)].extend(interp_points)
# points = ['{},{}'.format(p[0],p[1]) for p in line]
# self.create_path(points, False)
return interp_dict
def calculate_interp_wire_group(self, wire_groups_dict, interpolation_wires):
start_points = sorted(list(wire_groups_dict.keys()))
interp_start_indices = []
for sp in start_points:
for wire_idx, wire in enumerate(wire_groups_dict[sp]):
# assumption that interpolation wire starts at END of a wire
for w in interpolation_wires:
if wire[-1].x == w[0][0] and wire[-1].y == w[0][1]:
return interp_start_indices
def connect_custom_wires(self, wire_groups_dict, interpolation_wires):
# how many wires are grouped together???
num_wires = len(wire_groups_dict[list(wire_groups_dict.keys())[0]])
interp_dict = self.generate_interpolation_points(interpolation_wires, num_wires)
# determine the wiregroups where the interpolation wires start
interp_start_indices = self.calculate_interp_wire_group(wire_groups_dict, interpolation_wires)
self.connect_wires(wire_groups_dict, interpolation_wires, interp_dict, interp_start_indices)
def add_interpolation_points(self, wire_idx, interpolation_wires, interpolation_dict):
Generates list of interpolation points to add to current wire
wire1, wire2 = interpolation_wires
intermediate_points = []
for i in range(1, len(wire1) - 1):
x1, y1 = wire1[i].x, wire1[i].y
xn, yn = wire2[i].x , wire2[i].y
interpolation_points = interpolation_dict[(x1,y1,xn,yn)]
return intermediate_points
def run(self):
for elem in self.svg.get_selected():
if type(elem) == PathElement: #connector
points = [p for p in elem.path.end_points]
# if len(points) == 4: # figure out differnt condition for this
# connector_bbox = elem.bounding_box()
# connector_pins.append(elem)
if len(points) > 2:
wire_groups = self.group_wires(self.wires)
if len(self.interpolation_wires) == 0:
else: #custom connection
if len(self.interpolation_wires) > 2: # may not need to be the case in the future
inkex.errormsg("only create two custom routes for interpolation")
# check lens of interpolation wires to make sure they are the same
len_wire = len(self.interpolation_wires[0])
same_length = all([len(w) == len_wire for w in self.interpolation_wires])
if not same_length:
inkex.errormsg("interpolation wires have the same number of points")
if self.is_horizontal_connection:
self.interpolation_wires = sorted(self.interpolation_wires, key=lambda w:-w[0].y)
self.interpolation_wires = sorted(self.interpolation_wires, key=lambda w:w[0].x)
self.connect_custom_wires(wire_groups, self.interpolation_wires)
# remove old wires
for elem in self.svg.get_selected(): elem.getparent().remove(elem)
def create_path(self, points, is_horizontal):
Creates a wire segment path given all of the points sequentially
color = "red" if is_horizontal else "blue"
path_str = ' '.join(points)
path = inkex.Polyline(attrib={
'id': "wire_segment",
'points': path_str,
line_attribs = {
'style' : "stroke: %s; stroke-width: 0.4; fill: none; stroke-dasharray:0.4,0.4" % color,
'd': str(path.get_path())
# 'points': 'M 0,0 9,9 5,5'
etree.SubElement(self.svg.get_current_layer(), inkex.addNS('path','svg'), line_attribs)
if __name__ == '__main__':