
214 wiersze
10 KiB

from argparse import ArgumentParser
from turtle import distance
import inkex
from inkex import Line, Rectangle, Path, Polyline
from lxml import etree
import pyembroidery
import math
from wiredb_proxy import WireDBProxy
MIN_GRID_SPACING = inkex.units.convert_unit(2.5, "mm")
class CreateCustomGridEffect(inkex.Effect):
def add_arguments(self, pars):
pars.add_argument("--horizontal_wires", type=str,\
help="The number of desired horizontal wires")
pars.add_argument("--vertical_wires", type=str,\
help="The number of desired vertical wires")
def effect(self):
arg_parser = ArgumentParser()
args, _ = arg_parser.parse_known_args()
inkex.errormsg("{},{}".format(args.horizontal_wires, args.horizontal_wires))
things_selected = len(self.svg.get_selected())
if things_selected != 1:
inkex.errormsg("Please select only one object to create a grid for");
shape_points = None
for elem in self.svg.get_selected():
shape_points = [p for p in elem.path.end_points]
if len(shape_points) > 5:
inkex.errormsg("Please create a 4-sided shape.")
create_custom_grid_worker = CreateCustomGridWorker(shape_points[:len(shape_points) - 1], int(args.horizontal_wires), int(args.vertical_wires), self.svg)
class CreateCustomGridWorker():
def __init__(self, shape_points, num_horizontal_wires, num_vertical_wires, svg):
self.shape_points = shape_points
self.num_horizontal_wires = num_horizontal_wires
self.num_vertical_wires = num_vertical_wires
self.svg = svg
self.upper_left, self.lower_left, self.upper_right, self.lower_right = self.compute_corners()
self.wiredb_proxy = WireDBProxy()
def compute_euclidean_distance(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
return math.sqrt((y2 - y1) ** 2 + (x2 - x1) ** 2)
def compute_corners(self):
arranges the corners of a 4 sided polygon created by the user
sp:[Vector2d(-277.469, 592.45), Vector2d(-177.218, 590.51), Vector2d(-149.406,518.717), Vector2d(-298.812, 521.304), Vector2d(-277.469, 592.45)]
left_arranged = sorted(self.shape_points, key = lambda p: p.x)
upper_left, lower_left = sorted(left_arranged[:2], key = lambda p: p.y)
upper_right, lower_right = sorted(left_arranged[2:], key = lambda p: p.y)
return upper_left, lower_left, upper_right, lower_right
def draw_corners(self):
Debugging tool to make sure correct side vectors are identified
# top
points = ['{}, {}'.format(p.x, p.y) for p in [self.upper_left, self.upper_right]]
self.create_path(points, "red")
# left
points = ['{}, {}'.format(p.x, p.y) for p in [self.upper_left, self.lower_left]]
self.create_path(points, "blue")
points = ['{}, {}'.format(p.x, p.y) for p in [self.upper_right, self.lower_right]]
self.create_path(points, "purple")
# bottom
points = ['{}, {}'.format(p.x, p.y) for p in [self.lower_left, self.lower_right]]
self.create_path(points, "orange")
def run(self):
# self.draw_corners()
if self.num_horizontal_wires != 0:
# look at left and right side, take shorter one to compute spacing
left_side_distance = self.compute_euclidean_distance(self.upper_left.x, self.upper_left.y,
self.lower_left.x, self.lower_left.y)
right_side_distance = self.compute_euclidean_distance(self.upper_right.x, self.upper_right.y,
self.lower_right.x, self.lower_right.y)
min_height = min(left_side_distance, right_side_distance)
total_horizontal_spacing = min_height / (self.num_horizontal_wires + 1)
horizontal_wire_spacing = (min_height - total_horizontal_spacing) / self.num_horizontal_wires
if (horizontal_wire_spacing < MIN_GRID_SPACING):
inkex.errormsg('''The horizontal wires must be at least {} mm apart
They are currently {} mm apart. Either decrease the
number of wires or increase the size of the grid and try again.'''.format(MIN_GRID_SPACING, horizontal_wire_spacing))
horizontal_wire_ids = self.lay_horizontal_wires(left_side_distance, right_side_distance)
if self.num_vertical_wires != 0:
top_side_distance = self.compute_euclidean_distance(self.upper_left.x, self.upper_left.y,
self.upper_right.x, self.upper_right.y)
bottom_side_distance = self.compute_euclidean_distance(self.lower_left.x, self.lower_left.y,
self.lower_right.x, self.lower_right.y)
min_width = min(top_side_distance, bottom_side_distance)
total_vertical_spacing = min_width / (self.num_vertical_wires + 1)
vertical_wire_spacing = (min_width - total_vertical_spacing) / self.num_vertical_wires
if (vertical_wire_spacing < MIN_GRID_SPACING):
inkex.errormsg('''The vertical wires must be at least {} mm apart
They are currently {} mm apart. Either decrease the
number of wires or increase the size of the grid and try again.'''.format(MIN_GRID_SPACING, vertical_wire_spacing))
vertical_wire_ids = self.lay_vertical_wires(top_side_distance, bottom_side_distance)
def segment_line(self, line, line_distance, num_points):
Breaks line into num_points equal parts
returns array of points
line: A shapely.LineString object (interpolation along line can be done manually but this is easier)
points = []
def parameterize_line(t):
x_t = line[0][0] + (line[1][0] - line[0][0]) * t
y_t = line[0][1] + (line[1][1] - line[0][1]) * t
return x_t, y_t
segment_length = 1 / (num_points + 1)
for i in range(1 ,num_points+1): # adjust from 0 to n+1 bc we cant put in 0 to the parameterized line equation
x, y = parameterize_line(i * segment_length)
return points
def lay_horizontal_wires(self, left_side_distance, right_side_distance):
left_line = [(self.upper_left.x, self.upper_left.y), (self.lower_left.x, self.lower_left.y)]
right_line = [(self.upper_right.x, self.upper_right.y), (self.lower_right.x, self.lower_right.y)]
left_side_points = self.segment_line(left_line, left_side_distance, self.num_horizontal_wires)
right_side_points = self.segment_line(right_line, right_side_distance, self.num_horizontal_wires)
inkex.errormsg("\n\n num points lr:{} {}".format(len(left_side_points), len(right_side_points)))
return self.lay_wire(left_side_points, right_side_points, is_horizontal=True)
def lay_vertical_wires(self, top_side_distance, bottom_side_distance):
top_line = [(self.upper_left.x, self.upper_left.y), (self.upper_right.x, self.upper_right.y)]
bottom_line = [(self.lower_left.x, self.lower_left.y), (self.lower_right.x, self.lower_right.y)]
top_side_points = self.segment_line(top_line, top_side_distance, self.num_vertical_wires)
bottom_side_points = self.segment_line(bottom_line, bottom_side_distance, self.num_vertical_wires)
return self.lay_wire(top_side_points, bottom_side_points, is_horizontal=False)
def lay_wire(self, wire1_points, wire2_points, is_horizontal):
points = []
wire_count = 0
wire1_idx = 0
wire2_idx = 0
wire_ids = []
while wire1_idx < len(wire1_points) and wire2_idx < len(wire2_points):
# if wire_count % 2 == 0:
if wire1_idx < len(wire1_points):
points.append('{},{}'.format(wire1_points[wire1_idx][0], wire1_points[wire1_idx][1]))
wire1_idx += 1
if wire2_idx < len(wire2_points):
points.append('{},{}'.format(wire2_points[wire2_idx][0], wire2_points[wire2_idx][1]))
wire2_idx += 1
wire = self.create_path(points, is_horizontal)
points = []
# else:
# if wire2_idx < len(wire2_points):
# points.append('{},{}'.format(wire2_points[wire2_idx][0], wire2_points[wire2_idx][1]))
# wire2_idx += 1
# if wire1_idx < len(wire1_points):
# points.append('{},{}'.format(wire1_points[wire1_idx][0], wire1_points[wire1_idx][1]))
# wire1_idx += 1
inkex.errormsg("num wires generated:{} is horz:{}".format(len(wire_ids), is_horizontal))
return wire_ids
def create_path(self, points, is_horizontal):
Creates a wire segment path given all of the points sequentially
color = "red" if is_horizontal else "blue"
path_str = ' '.join(points)
path = inkex.Polyline(attrib={
'id': "wire_segment",
'points': path_str,
line_attribs = {
'style' : "stroke: %s; stroke-width: 0.4; fill: none; stroke-dasharray:0.4,0.4" % color,
'd': str(path.get_path())
# 'points': 'M 0,0 9,9 5,5'
elem = etree.SubElement(self.svg.get_current_layer(), inkex.addNS('path','svg'), line_attribs)
return elem
if __name__ == '__main__':