
381 wiersze
16 KiB

from operator import is_
from inkex.deprecated import INKEX_DIR
from networkx.algorithms.graphical import is_graphical
from networkx.algorithms.operators.binary import union
from .base import InkstitchExtension
import sys
from base64 import b64decode
from argparse import ArgumentParser, REMAINDER
import appdirs
import inkex
from inkex import Line, Rectangle, Path, Polyline, PathElement
import wx
import wx.adv
from lxml import etree
from .create_grid import BoundingBoxMetadata
class CombineGridsFrame(wx.Frame):
DEFAULT_FONT = "small_font"
def __init__(self, shape1, shape2, svg, *args, **kwargs):
if sys.platform.startswith('win32'):
import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "C")
lc = wx.Locale()
class Connector():
Object to represent connector of wires
def __init__(self, connector_pins, bbox):
self.connector_pins = connector_pins
self.points = [] # all coords where wires need to route to
for pin in self.connector_pins:
points = [p for p in pin.path.end_points]
for p in points:
self.connected_wire = [False for _ in range(len(points))]
self.open_wire_idx = 0 # idx of next available wire
self.bbox = bbox
self.num_pins = len(self.points) // 2
def connect_pins(self):
points = self.points[self.open_wire_idx : self.open_wire_idx + 4]
self.open_wire_idx += 4
return points
def get_points(self):
return self.points[self.open_wire_idx:]
def reverse_pins(self):
self.points = self.points[::-1]
def get_num_wire_joins(self, is_horizontal=True):# overloaded method for wire connection
return 1
class CombineGrids(InkstitchExtension):
COMMANDS = ["combine_grids"]
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.cancelled = False
InkstitchExtension.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
args, _ = self.arg_parser.parse_known_args()
self.is_horizontal_connection = True if args.alignment == "1" else False
self.wires = []
self.connector = None
def cancel(self):
self.cancelled = True
def pair_wires_horizontally(self):
rect1,rect2 = self.wires[0].bbox, self.wires[1].bbox
left_wire = None
right_wire = None
if rect1.left < rect2.left:
left_wire, right_wire = self.wires
right_wire, left_wire = self.wires
if left_wire.get_num_endpoints(is_horizontal=True) % 2 == 1:
union_wire_points = self.union_wires(left_wire, right_wire, is_horizontal=True)
self.create_path(union_wire_points, is_horizontal=True)
def pair_wires_vertically(self):
rect1,rect2 = self.wires[0].bbox, self.wires[1].bbox
top_wire = None
bottom_wire = None
if <
top_wire, bottom_wire = self.wires
bottom_wire, top_wire = self.wires
if top_wire.get_num_endpoints(is_horizontal=False) % 2 == 1:
union_wire_points = self.union_wires(top_wire, bottom_wire, is_horizontal=False)
self.create_path(union_wire_points, is_horizontal=False)
def union_wires(self, min_wire, max_wire, is_horizontal): #TODO: refactor names , func enforces that min_wire is left/top and max_wire is right/bottom
min_wire_points = min_wire.get_points()
max_wire_points = max_wire.get_points()
# inkex.errormsg("open connector idx:{}".format(self.connector.open_wire_idx))
# determine how many points we have to scan over, scales by factor of 2 for every wire that gets joined to one another
min_multiplier = min_wire.get_num_wire_joins(is_horizontal)
max_multiplier = max_wire.get_num_wire_joins(is_horizontal)
min_wire_idx = 2 * min_multiplier
max_wire_idx = 0
min_points = ['{},{}'.format(p.x,p.y) for p in min_wire_points[0: min_wire_idx]]
union_wire_points = []
while min_wire_idx != len(min_wire_points):
# 4 * multiplier points constitutes a wrap around from one wire path to the next
max_wire_splice_length = min(4 * max_multiplier, len(max_wire_points) - max_wire_idx)
max_points = ['{},{}'.format(p.x,p.y) for p in max_wire_points[max_wire_idx: max_wire_idx + max_wire_splice_length]]
max_wire_idx += max_wire_splice_length
min_wire_splice_length = min(4 * min_multiplier, len(min_wire_points) - min_wire_idx)
min_points = ['{},{}'.format(p.x,p.y) for p in min_wire_points[min_wire_idx: min_wire_idx + min_wire_splice_length]]
min_wire_idx += min_wire_splice_length
max_points = ['{},{}'.format(p.x,p.y) for p in max_wire_points[max_wire_idx: len(max_wire_points)]]
return union_wire_points
def horizontal_grid_union(self):
sorted_wires = sorted(self.wires, key= lambda x: # start at bottommost wire
union_wire_connector_points = self.unify_grids(sorted_wires, True)
self.create_path(union_wire_connector_points, is_horizontal=True)
def vertical_grid_union(self):
sorted_wires = sorted(self.wires, key= lambda x: x.bbox.left) # start at bottommost wire
union_wire_connector_points = self.unify_grids(sorted_wires, False)
self.create_path(union_wire_connector_points, is_horizontal=False)
def combine_wires(self, wires, is_horizontal):
union_wire_points = []
union_wire_sections = {}
flip = False # has any wire in union been flipped?
for i in range(len(wires)):
wire = wires[i]
points = None
has_odd_wires = wire.get_num_endpoints(is_horizontal) % 2 == 1
points = wire.get_points() if not flip else wire.get_flipped_points(is_horizontal)
if has_odd_wires:
flip = not flip
formatted_points = ['{},{}'.format(p.x,p.y) for p in points]
# map last index where current wire ends
union_wire_sections[len(union_wire_points)] = wire.get_num_wire_joins(is_horizontal)
return union_wire_points, union_wire_sections
def get_section_multiplier(self, current_index, union_wire_sections):
for key in union_wire_sections.keys():
if current_index < key:
return key, union_wire_sections[key]
return 0,0
def get_shape_arrangment(self, grids, is_horizontal):
shape_arrangement = None
if is_horizontal:
shape_arrangement = sorted(grids, key = lambda x: x.bbox.left)
shape_arrangement = sorted(grids, key = lambda x:
return shape_arrangement
def unify_grids(self, wires, is_horizontal):
shape_arrangement = None
grids = wires[:]
has_connector = self.connector is not None
if has_connector: # user want to hook up grids to pins
if is_horizontal:
shape_arrangement = sorted(grids, key = lambda x: x.bbox.left)
shape_arrangement = sorted(grids, key = lambda x:
reversed_connection = None
max_wire = None
if has_connector:
reversed_connection = self.connector == shape_arrangement[0]
max_wire = max(wires, key= lambda w: w.get_num_endpoints(is_horizontal))
reversed_connection = max_wire == shape_arrangement[0]
inkex.errormsg("len of wires before:{}".format(len(wires)))
wires = set(wires)
wires = list(wires)
wires = sorted(wires, key=lambda x: if is_horizontal else x.bbox.left)
inkex.errormsg("len of wires after:{}".format(len(wires)))
if reversed_connection:
_ = [wire.set_flipped_points(is_horizontal) for wire in wires]
if has_connector:
inkex.errormsg([type(i) for i in wires])
union_wire_points, union_wire_sections = self.combine_wires(wires, is_horizontal) # map sections of unionized wire to each component wire multiplier
inkex.errormsg("NUM WIRES HERE:{}".format(wires[0].get_num_endpoints(is_horizontal)))
# now we splice in connector to union wire
connection_points = []
wire_point_idx = 0
if not has_connector:
max_wire_idx = 0 # only used in wire case
max_wire_points = max_wire.get_points()
inkex.errormsg("ALL POINTS: {}".format(len(union_wire_points)))
inkex.errormsg("SECTIONS: {}".format(union_wire_sections))
while wire_point_idx < len(union_wire_points):
inkex.errormsg("CURRENT INDEX:{}".format(wire_point_idx))
max_idx, wire_multiplier = self.get_section_multiplier(wire_point_idx, union_wire_sections)
inkex.errormsg("END OF THIS WIRE:{}".format(max_idx))
points = None
if wire_point_idx == 0: #starting wire line
inkex.errormsg("\t-------STARTING WIRE------------")
connection_points.extend(union_wire_points[wire_point_idx : wire_point_idx + 2 * wire_multiplier])
wire_point_idx += 2 * wire_multiplier
inkex.errormsg("\t-------COMING FROM CONNECTOR TO WRAP------------")
mult = 2 * wire_multiplier # default is that wire wraps back around
next_idx = wire_point_idx + 2 * mult
inkex.errormsg("what is next idx:{} , {}".format(next_idx, max_idx))
if next_idx > max_idx:
inkex.errormsg("wrapping intp next wire section")
_, new_sect_multiplier = self.get_section_multiplier(next_idx, union_wire_sections)
inkex.errormsg("MULT OF NEXT WIRE:{}".format(new_sect_multiplier))
mult += new_sect_multiplier - 1
inkex.errormsg("TOTAL POINTS TO JUMP:{}".format(mult * 2))
for _ in range(mult):
connection_points.extend(union_wire_points[wire_point_idx : wire_point_idx + 2])
wire_point_idx += 2
if wire_point_idx < len(union_wire_points):
if has_connector:
connector_pins = self.connector.connect_pins()
connector_points = ['{},{}'.format(p.x,p.y) for p in connector_pins]
max_multiplier = max_wire.get_num_wire_joins(is_horizontal)
max_wire_splice_length = min(4 * max_multiplier, len(max_wire_points) - max_wire_idx)
max_points = ['{},{}'.format(p.x,p.y) for p in max_wire_points[max_wire_idx: max_wire_idx + max_wire_splice_length]]
max_wire_idx += max_wire_splice_length
endpoints = wires[-1].get_num_endpoints(is_horizontal)
if endpoints % 2 == 1:
if has_connector:
connector_pins = self.connector.connect_pins()
connector_points = ['{},{}'.format(p.x,p.y) for p in connector_pins]
max_multiplier = max_wire.get_num_wire_joins(is_horizontal)
max_wire_splice_length = min(4 * max_multiplier, len(max_wire_points) - max_wire_idx)
max_points = ['{},{}'.format(p.x,p.y) for p in max_wire_points[max_wire_idx: max_wire_idx + max_wire_splice_length]]
max_wire_idx += max_wire_splice_length
# return union_wire_points # to debug wire unions
if not has_connector:
# return union_wire_points
return connection_points
def create_path(self, points, is_horizontal):
Creates a wire segment path given all of the points sequentially
color = "red" if is_horizontal else "blue"
path_str = ' '.join(points)
path = inkex.Polyline(attrib={
'id': "wire_segment",
'style': "stroke: %s; stroke-width: 0.4; fill: none; stroke-dasharray:0.4,0.4" % color,
'points': path_str,
return path
def effect(self):
connector_pins = []
connector_bbox = None
for elem in self.svg.get_selected():
if type(elem) == Polyline:
wire = Wire(elem)
elif type(elem) == PathElement: #connector
connector_bbox = elem.bounding_box()
points = [p for p in elem.path.end_points]
if len(points) == 4:
if connector_bbox is not None:
self.connector = Connector(connector_pins, connector_bbox)
if len(self.wires) == 2 and self.connector is None:
self.pair_wires_horizontally() if self.is_horizontal_connection else self.pair_wires_vertically()
self.horizontal_grid_union() if self.is_horizontal_connection else self.vertical_grid_union()
class Wire():
def __init__(self, wire):
self.wire = wire
self.points = [p for p in self.wire.path.end_points]
# inkex.errormsg("wire_points:{}".format(["{},{}".format(p.x,p.y) for p in self.points]))
self.bbox = self.wire.bounding_box()
def get_num_wire_joins(self, is_horizontal):
Determines how many wires were horizontally joined together to create the current wire object
The default is 1
point_counter = 1
for i in range(len(self.points) - 1):
p1 = self.points[i]
p2 = self.points[i+1]
if (is_horizontal and p1.x == p2.x) or (not is_horizontal and p1.y == p2.y):
return point_counter // 2
point_counter += 1
return 1
def get_points(self):
return self.points
def get_num_endpoints(self, is_horizontal):
num_wires = 0
for p1 in self.points:
counter = 1
for p2 in self.points:
if p1 != p2:
if is_horizontal:
if p1.x == p2.x:
counter += 1
if p1.y == p2.y:
counter += 1
if counter > num_wires:
num_wires = counter
return num_wires
def set_flipped_points(self, is_horizontal):
self.points = self.get_flipped_points(is_horizontal)
def get_flipped_points(self, is_horizontal):
multiplier = self.get_num_wire_joins(is_horizontal)
flipped_points = []
idx = 0
while idx < len(self.points):
sect1 = self.points[idx: idx + 2 * multiplier]
sect2 = self.points[idx + 2 * multiplier: idx + 4 * multiplier]
idx += 4 * multiplier
return flipped_points
if __name__ == '__main__':