
129 wiersze
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import os
import inkex
from copy import deepcopy
from random import random
from .base import InkstitchExtension
from ..utils import get_bundled_dir, cache
from ..commands import get_command_description
from ..i18n import _
from ..svg import get_correction_transform
class CommandsExtension(InkstitchExtension):
"""Base class for extensions that manipulate commands."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
InkstitchExtension.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
for command in self.COMMANDS:
self.OptionParser.add_option("--%s" % command, type="inkbool")
def symbols_path(self):
return os.path.join(get_bundled_dir("symbols"), "inkstitch.svg")
def symbols_svg(self):
with open(self.symbols_path) as symbols_file:
return inkex.etree.parse(symbols_file)
def symbol_defs(self):
return self.symbols_svg.find(SVG_DEFS_TAG)
def defs(self):
return self.document.find(SVG_DEFS_TAG)
def ensure_symbol(self, command):
path = "./*[@id='inkstitch_%s']" % command
if self.defs.find(path) is None:
def add_connector(self, symbol, element):
# I'd like it if I could position the connector endpoint nicely but inkscape just
# moves it to the element's center immediately after the extension runs.
start_pos = (symbol.get('x'), symbol.get('y'))
end_pos = element.shape.centroid
path = inkex.etree.Element(SVG_PATH_TAG,
"id": self.uniqueId("connector"),
"d": "M %s,%s %s,%s" % (start_pos[0], start_pos[1], end_pos.x, end_pos.y),
"style": "stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1px;stroke-opacity:0.5;fill:none;",
CONNECTION_START: "#%s" % symbol.get('id'),
CONNECTION_END: "#%s" % element.node.get('id'),
CONNECTOR_TYPE: "polyline",
# l10n: the name of the line that connects a command to the object it applies to
INKSCAPE_LABEL: _("connector")
symbol.getparent().insert(0, path)
def get_command_pos(self, element, index, total):
# Put command symbols 30 pixels out from the shape, spaced evenly around it.
# get a line running 30 pixels out from the shape
outline = element.shape.buffer(30).exterior
# pick this item's spot arond the outline and perturb it a bit to avoid
# stacking up commands if they run the extension multiple times
position = index / float(total)
position += random() * 0.1
return outline.interpolate(position, normalized=True)
def remove_legacy_param(self, element, command):
if command == "trim" or command == "stop":
# If they had the old "TRIM after" or "STOP after" attributes set,
# automatically delete them. THe new commands will do the same
# thing.
# If we didn't delete these here, then things would get confusing.
# If the user were to delete a "trim" symbol added by this extension
# but the "embroider_trim_after" attribute is still set, then the
# trim would keep happening.
attribute = "embroider_%s_after" % command
if attribute in element.node.attrib:
del element.node.attrib[attribute]
def add_commands(self, element, commands):
for i, command in enumerate(commands):
self.remove_legacy_param(element, command)
pos = self.get_command_pos(element, i, len(commands))
group = inkex.etree.SubElement(element.node.getparent(), SVG_GROUP_TAG,
"id": self.uniqueId("group"),
INKSCAPE_LABEL: _("Ink/Stitch Command") + ": %s" % get_command_description(command),
"transform": get_correction_transform(element.node)
symbol = inkex.etree.SubElement(group, SVG_USE_TAG,
"id": self.uniqueId("use"),
XLINK_HREF: "#inkstitch_%s" % command,
"height": "100%",
"width": "100%",
"x": str(pos.x),
"y": str(pos.y),
# l10n: the name of a command symbol (example: scissors icon for trim command)
INKSCAPE_LABEL: _("command marker"),
self.add_connector(symbol, element)