
522 wiersze
18 KiB

$.postJSON = function(url, data, success=null) {
return $.ajax(url, {
type: 'POST',
data: JSON.stringify(data),
contentType: 'application/json',
success: success
var realistic_rendering = {};
var realistic_cache = {};
var normal_rendering = {};
function ping() {
.done(function() { setTimeout(ping, 1000) })
.fail(function() { $('#errors').attr('class', 'show') });
//function to chunk opd view into pieces
// source:
$.fn.chunk = function(size) {
var arr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i += size) {
arr.push(this.slice(i, i + size));
return this.pushStack(arr, "chunk", size);
// build operator detailed view (opd)
function buildOpd(thumbnail_size = $('#operator-detailedview-thumbnail-size').val() ) {
var thumbnail_size = parseInt(thumbnail_size);
var thumbnail_size_mm = thumbnail_size + 'mm';
var thumbnail_layout = (thumbnail_size >= 60) ? 'medium' : 'small';
// remove old settings
$( " header" ).remove();
$( " footer" ).remove();
$( " .job-headline" ).remove();
$(' .opd-color-block').parentsUntil('').addBack().unwrap();
$('.opd-color-block').removeClass('medium large');
// set thumbnail size
'width': thumbnail_size_mm,
'height': thumbnail_size_mm,
'max-width': thumbnail_size_mm
// calculate number of blocks per page
var num_blocks_per_page = 1;
if(thumbnail_layout == 'medium') {
// set width to be able to calculate the height
$('.opd-color-block').css({ 'width': thumbnail_size_mm });
// calculate max height -> source:
var color_box_height = Math.max.apply(null, $('.opd-color-block').map(function () { return $(this).height(); }).get());
var container_height = $('#opd-info').height();
var num_rows = Math.floor(container_height / color_box_height);
var num_columns = Math.floor(175 / thumbnail_size);
// if only two blocks fit into one row, use 50% of the space for each of them
if(num_columns == 2) { $('.opd-color-block').css({ 'width': 'calc(50% - 2mm)' }); }
// set equal height for all color blocks
$('.opd-color-block').css({ 'height': color_box_height });
// set number of color blocks per page for medium thumbnails
num_blocks_per_page = num_columns * num_rows;
// use layout for large thumbnails if only 2 or less color blocks fit on one page
if(num_blocks_per_page <= 2) {
thumbnail_layout = 'large';
// set number of color blocks per page for large thumbnails
num_blocks_per_page = 2;
} else {
// set number of color blocks per page for small thumbnails
num_blocks_per_page = Math.floor(220 / thumbnail_size);
// set number of color blocks per page to 1 if it defaults to zero
// this should never happen, but we want to avoid the browser to crash
num_blocks_per_page = (num_blocks_per_page <= 0) ? '1' : num_blocks_per_page;
// adjust to new settings
var header = $('#opd-info header').prop('outerHTML');
var footer = $('#opd-info footer').prop('outerHTML');
var job_headline = $('#opd-info .job-headline').prop('outerHTML');
var opd_visibility = ($('#operator-detailedview').is(':checked')) ? 'block' :'none';
var paper_size = $('#printing-size').val();
$('.opd-color-block').chunk(num_blocks_per_page).wrap('<div class="page operator-detailedview ' + paper_size + ' ' + thumbnail_layout +'" style="display:'+ opd_visibility +'"><main class="operator-detailedview"><div class="operator-job-info"></div></main></div>');
// update page numbers
// set pagenumbers
function setPageNumbers() {
var totalPageNum = $('body').find('.page:visible').length;
$( '.page:visible' ).each(function( index ) {
$(this).text(index + 1);
// Scale SVG (fit || full size)
function scaleSVG(element, scale = 'fit') {
// always center svg
transform = "translate(-50%, -50%)";
if(scale == 'fit') {
var scale = Math.min(
element.width() / element.find('svg').width(),
element.height() / element.find('svg').height()
transform += " scale(" + scale + ")";
var label = parseInt(scale*100);
element.find('svg').css({ transform: transform });
// set preview svg scale to fit into its box if display block and transform is not set
function scaleAllSvg() {
$('.page').each(function() {
if( $(this).css('display') == 'block' ) {
if( $(this).find('.inksimulation svg').css('transform') == 'none') {
scaleSVG($(this).find('.inksimulation'), 'fit');
var saveTimerHandles = {};
function setSVGTransform(figure, transform) {
var field_name = $(figure).data('field-name');
var scale = transform.match(/-?[\d\.]+/g)[0];
figure.find('svg').css({ transform: transform });
// avoid spamming updates
if (saveTimerHandles[field_name] != null)
saveTimerHandles[field_name] = setTimeout(function() {
$.postJSON('/settings/' + field_name, {value: transform});
}, 250);
$(function() {
setTimeout(ping, 1000);
/* Mousewheel scaling */
$('figure.inksimulation').on( 'DOMMouseScroll mousewheel', function (e) {
if(e.ctrlKey == true) {
var svg = $(this).find('svg');
var transform = svg.css('transform').match(/-?[\d\.]+/g);
var scale = parseFloat(transform[0]);
if (e.originalEvent.detail > 0 || e.originalEvent.wheelDelta < 0) {
// scroll down = zoom out
scale *= 0.97;
if (scale < 0.01)
scale = 0.01;
} else {
//scroll up
scale *= 1.03;
// set modified scale
transform[0] = scale;
transform[3] = scale;
setSVGTransform($(this), 'matrix(' + transform + ')');
//prevent page fom scrolling
return false;
/* Fit SVG */
$('button.svg-fit').click(function() {
var svgfigure = $(this).closest('figure');
scaleSVG(svgfigure, 'fit');
/* Full Size SVG */
$('button.svg-full').click(function() {
var svgfigure = $(this).closest('figure');
scaleSVG(svgfigure, '1');
/* Drag SVG */
$('figure.inksimulation').on('mousedown', function(e) {
var p0 = { x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY };
var start_transform = $(this).find('svg').css('transform').match(/-?[\d\.]+/g);
var start_offset = { x: parseFloat(start_transform[4]), y: parseFloat(start_transform[5]) };
$(this).css({cursor: 'move'});
$(this).on('mousemove', function(e) {
var p1 = { x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY };
// set modified translate
var transform = $(this).find('svg').css('transform').match(/-?[\d\.]+/g);
transform[4] = start_offset.x + (p1.x - p0.x);
transform[5] = start_offset.y + (p1.y - p0.y);
// I'd ike to use setSVGTransform() here but this code runs many
// times per second and it's just too CPU-intensive.
$(this).find('svg').css({transform: 'matrix(' + transform + ')'});
}).on('mouseup', function(e) {
$(this).css({cursor: 'auto'});
$(this).data('p0', null);
// set it using setSVGTransform() to ensure that it's saved to the server
setSVGTransform($(this), $(this).find('svg').css('transform'));
// ignore mouse events on the buttons (Fill, 100%, Apply to All)
$('figure.inksimulation div').on('mousedown mouseup', function(e) {
/* Apply transforms to All */
$('button.svg-apply').click(function() {
var transform = $(this).parent().siblings('svg').css('transform');
$('.inksimulation').each(function() {
setSVGTransform($(this), transform);
/* Contendeditable Fields */
$('[contenteditable="true"]').on('focusout', function() {
/* change svg scale */
var content = $(this).html();
var field_name = $(this).attr('data-field-name');
if(field_name == 'svg-scale') {
var scale = parseInt(content);
var svg = $(this).parent().siblings('svg');
var transform = svg.css('transform').match(/-?[\d\.]+/g);
transform[0] = scale / 100;
transform[3] = scale / 100;
svg.css({ transform: 'matrix(' + transform + ')' });
} else {
/* When we focus out from a contenteditable field, we want to
* set the same content to all fields with the same classname */
$('[data-field-name="' + field_name + '"]').html(content);
$.postJSON('/settings/' + field_name, {value: content});
// load up initial metadata values
$.getJSON('/settings', function(settings) {
$.each(settings, function(field_name, value) {
$('[data-field-name="' + field_name + '"]').each(function(i, item) {
var item = $(item);
if (':checkbox')) {
item.prop('checked', value).trigger('initialize');
} else if ('img')) {
item.attr('src', value);
} else if ('select')) {
} else if ('input[type=range]')) {
$('#display-thumbnail-size').html(value + 'mm');
} else if ('figure.inksimulation')) {
setSVGTransform(item, value);
} else {
// wait until page size is set (if they've specified one) and then scale SVGs to fit and build operator detailed view
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
$('[contenteditable="true"]').keypress(function(e) {
if (e.which == 13) {
// pressing enter defocuses the element
// also suppress the enter keystroke to avoid adding a new line
return false;
} else {
return true;
/* Settings Bar */
$('button.close').click(function() {
$.post('/shutdown', {})
.always(function(data) {
/* Chrome and Firefox both have a rule: scripts can only close windows
* that they opened. Chrome seems to have an exception for windows that
* were opened by an outside program, so the above works fine. Firefox
* steadfastly refuses to allow us to close the window, so we'll tell
* the user (in their language) that they can close it.
setTimeout(function() {;
document.write("<html><body>" + data + "</body></html>");
}, 1000);
$('button.print').click(function() {
// printing halts all javascript activity, so we need to tell the backend
// not to shut down until we're done.
.done(function() {
/* Settings */
// Settings Tabs
$('#tabs button').click(function() {
var active_fieldset_position = $(this).index() +1;
$('#settings-ui #fieldsets-ui > fieldset').css({'display': 'none'});
$('#settings-ui #fieldsets-ui > fieldset:nth-child('+active_fieldset_position+')').css({'display': 'block'});
// Paper Size
$('select#printing-size').on('change initialize', function(){
$('.page').toggleClass('a4', $(this).find(':selected').val() == 'a4');
}).on('change', function() {
$.postJSON('/settings/paper-size', {value: $(this).find(':selected').val()});
// Operator detailed view: thumbnail size setting
$(document).on('input', '#operator-detailedview-thumbnail-size', function() {
var thumbnail_size_mm = $(this).val() + 'mm';
$('#display-thumbnail-size').html( thumbnail_size_mm );
// Operator detailed view: thumbnail size setting action
$('#operator-detailedview-thumbnail-size').change(function() {
// set thumbnail size
var thumbnail_size = $(this).val();
// set page break positions
$.postJSON('/settings/operator-detailedview-thumbnail-size', {value: thumbnail_size});
// Thread Palette
}).on('update', function() {
$(this).data('current-value', $(this).find(':selected').val());
$('#modal-yes').on('click', function(){
var body = {'name': $('select#thread-palette').find(':selected').val()};
$.postJSON('/palette', body, function() {
$.getJSON('/threads', function(threads) {
console.log("threads: " + JSON.stringify(threads));
$.each(threads, function(i, thread) {
console.log("doing: " + JSON.stringify(thread));
$('[data-field-name="color-' + thread.hex + '"]').text(;
var thread_description = thread.manufacturer;
if (thread.number) {
thread_description += " #" + thread.number;
$('[data-field-name="thread-' + thread.hex + '"]').text(thread_description);
$('#modal-no').on('click', function(){
var select = $("select#thread-palette");
select.find('[value="' +'current-value') + '"]').prop('selected', true);
// View selection checkboxes
$(':checkbox.view').on('change initialize', function() {
var field_name = $(this).attr('data-field-name');
$('.' + field_name).toggle($(this).prop('checked'));
}).on('change', function() {
var field_name = $(this).attr('data-field-name');
$.postJSON('/settings/' + field_name, {value: $(this).prop('checked')});
// Realistic rendering checkboxes
$(':checkbox.realistic').on('change', function(e) {
console.log("realistic rendering checkbox");
var item = $(this).data('field-name');
var figure = $(this).closest('figure');
var svg = figure.find('svg');
var transform = svg.css('transform');
var checked = $(this).prop('checked');
console.log("" + item + " " + transform);
function finalize(svg_content) {
svg[0].outerHTML = svg_content;
// can't use the svg variable here because setting outerHTML created a new tag
figure.find('svg').css({transform: transform});
// do this later to allow this event handler to return now,
// which will cause the checkbox to be checked or unchecked
// immediately even if SVG rendering takes awhile
setTimeout(function() {
if (checked) {
if (!(item in normal_rendering)) {
normal_rendering[item] = svg[0].outerHTML;
if (!(item in realistic_cache)) {
// pre-render the realistic SVG to a raster image to spare the poor browser
var image = document.createElement('img');
image.onload = function() {
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
// maybe make DPI configurable? for now, use 600
canvas.width = image.width / 96 * 600;
canvas.height = image.height / 96 * 600;
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// rendering slows down the browser enough that we can miss sending
// pings, so tell the server side to wait for us
.done(function() {
ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0, image.width, image.height, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
realistic_cache[item] = '<svg width=' + image.width + ' height=' + image.height + ' xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">' +
'<image x=0 y=0 width=' + image.width + ' height=' + image.height + ' xlink:href="' + canvas.toDataURL() + '" />' +
image.src = '/realistic/' + item;
} else {
} else {
}, 100);
return true;
// Logo
$('#logo-picker').change(function(e) {
var file = e.originalEvent.currentTarget.files[0];
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function() {
var data = reader.result;
$('figure.brandlogo img').attr('src', data);
$.postJSON('/settings/logo', {value: data});
// "save as defaults" button
$('#save-settings').click(function(e) {
var settings = {};
settings["client-overview"] = $("[data-field-name='client-overview']").is(':checked');
settings["client-detailedview"] = $("[data-field-name='client-detailedview']").is(':checked');
settings["operator-overview"] = $("[data-field-name='operator-overview']").is(':checked');
settings["operator-detailedview"] = $("[data-field-name='operator-detailedview']").is(':checked');
settings["operator-detailedview-thumbnail-size"] = $("[data-field-name='operator-detailedview-thumbnail-size']").val();
settings["paper-size"] = $('select#printing-size').find(':selected').val();
var logo = $("figure.brandlogo img").attr('src');
if (logo.startsWith("data:")) {
settings["logo"] = logo;
$.postJSON('/defaults', {'value': settings});