
137 wiersze
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import inkex
from math import ceil, floor
from networkx import Graph
import os
from shapely.geometry import LineString
from shapely.prepared import prep
from .svg import apply_transforms
from .utils import get_bundled_dir, guess_inkscape_config_path, Point
from random import random
class Tile:
def __init__(self, path):
def _load_tile(self, tile_path):
tile_svg = inkex.load_svg(tile_path) = self._get_name(tile_path)
def __repr__(self):
return f"Tile({}, {self.shift0}, {self.shift1})"
__str__ = __repr__
def _get_name(self, tile_path):
return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(tile_path))[0]
def _load_paths(self, tile_svg):
path_elements = tile_svg.findall('.//svg:path', namespaces=inkex.NSS)
self.tile = self._path_elements_to_line_strings(path_elements)
#, ignore, ignore = self._get_center_and_dimensions(self.tile)
def _load_dimensions(self, tile_svg):
svg_element = tile_svg.getroot()
self.width = svg_element.viewport_width
self.height = svg_element.viewport_height
def _load_buffer_size(self, tile_svg):
circle_elements = tile_svg.findall('.//svg:circle', namespaces=inkex.NSS)
if circle_elements:
self.buffer_size = circle_elements[0].radius
self.buffer_size = 0
def _load_parallelogram(self, tile_svg):
parallelogram_elements = tile_svg.findall(".//svg:*[@class='para']", namespaces=inkex.NSS)
if parallelogram_elements:
path_element = parallelogram_elements[0]
path = apply_transforms(path_element.get_path(), path_element)
subpaths = path.to_superpath()
subpath = subpaths[0]
points = [Point.from_tuple(p[1]) for p in subpath]
self.shift0 = points[1] - points[0]
self.shift1 = points[2] - points[1]
self.shift0 = Point(self.width, 0)
self.shift1 = Point(0, self.height)
def _path_elements_to_line_strings(self, path_elements):
lines = []
for path_element in path_elements:
path = apply_transforms(path_element.get_path(), path_element)
for subpath in path.to_superpath():
# We only care about the endpoints of each subpath. They're
# supposed to be simple line segments.
lines.append([Point.from_tuple(subpath[0][1]), Point.from_tuple(subpath[-1][1])])
return lines
def _get_center_and_dimensions(self, shape):
min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = shape.bounds
center = Point((max_x + min_x) / 2, (max_y + min_y) / 2)
width = max_x - min_x
height = max_y - min_y
return center, width, height
def translate_tile(self, shift):
translated_tile = []
for start, end in self.tile:
start += shift
end += shift
translated_tile.append((start.as_int().as_tuple(), end.as_int().as_tuple()))
return translated_tile
def to_graph(self, shape, only_inside=True, pad=True):
"""Apply this tile to a shape, repeating as necessary.
Return value:
networkx.Graph with edges corresponding to lines in the pattern.
Each edge has an attribute 'line_string' with the LineString
representation of this edge.
shape_center, shape_width, shape_height = self._get_center_and_dimensions(shape)
shape_diagonal = (shape_width ** 2 + shape_height ** 2) ** 0.5
graph = Graph()
if pad:
shape = shape.buffer(-self.buffer_size)
prepared_shape = prep(shape)
tiles0 = ceil(shape_diagonal / self.shift0.length()) + 2
tiles1 = ceil(shape_diagonal / self.shift1.length()) + 2
for repeat0 in range(floor(-tiles0 / 2), ceil(tiles0 / 2)):
for repeat1 in range(floor(-tiles1 / 2), ceil(tiles1 / 2)):
shift0 = repeat0 * self.shift0 + shape_center
shift1 = repeat1 * self.shift1 + shape_center
this_tile = self.translate_tile(shift0 + shift1)
for line in this_tile:
line_string = LineString(line)
if not only_inside or prepared_shape.contains(line_string):
graph.add_edge(line[0], line[1], line_string=line_string, weight=random() + 0.1)
return graph
def all_tile_paths():
return [os.path.join(guess_inkscape_config_path(), 'tiles'),
def all_tiles():
for tile_dir in all_tile_paths():
for tile_file in sorted(os.listdir(tile_dir)):
yield Tile(os.path.join(tile_dir, tile_file))
except FileNotFoundError: