kopia lustrzana https://github.com/inkstitch/inkstitch
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# Authors: see git history
# Copyright (c) 2022 Authors
# Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3.0 or later. See the file LICENSE for details.
from copy import deepcopy
from os import path
from shapely import geometry as shgeo
import inkex
from .svg.tags import EMBROIDERABLE_TAGS
from .utils import cache, get_bundled_dir
MARKER = ['pattern', 'guide-line']
def ensure_marker(svg, marker):
marker_path = ".//*[@id='inkstitch-%s-marker']" % marker
if svg.defs.find(marker_path) is None:
def _marker_svg():
marker_path = path.join(get_bundled_dir("symbols"), "marker.svg")
with open(marker_path) as marker_file:
return inkex.load_svg(marker_file).getroot()
def set_marker(node, position, marker):
ensure_marker(node.getroottree().getroot(), marker)
# attach marker to node
style = node.get('style') or ''
style = style.split(";")
style = [i for i in style if not i.startswith('marker-%s' % position)]
style.append('marker-%s:url(#inkstitch-%s-marker)' % (position, marker))
node.set('style', ";".join(style))
def get_marker_elements(node, marker, get_fills=True, get_strokes=True, get_satins=False):
from .elements import EmbroideryElement
from .elements.fill_stitch import FillStitch
from .elements.satin_column import SatinColumn
from .elements.stroke import Stroke
fills = []
strokes = []
satins = []
# do not close marker-start:url(
# if the marker group has been copied and pasted in Inkscape it may have been duplicated with an updated id (e.g. -4)
xpath = "./parent::svg:g/*[contains(@style, 'marker-start:url(#inkstitch-%s-marker')]" % marker
markers = node.xpath(xpath, namespaces=inkex.NSS)
for marker in markers:
if marker.tag not in EMBROIDERABLE_TAGS:
element = EmbroideryElement(marker)
fill = element.get_style('fill')
stroke = element.get_style('stroke')
if get_fills and fill is not None:
fill = FillStitch(marker).shape
if get_strokes and stroke is not None:
stroke = Stroke(marker).paths
line_strings = [shgeo.LineString(path) for path in stroke]
if get_satins and stroke is not None:
satin = SatinColumn(marker)
if len(satin.rails) == 2:
return {'fill': fills, 'stroke': strokes, 'satin': satins}
def has_marker(node, marker=list()):
if not marker:
marker = MARKER
for m in marker:
style = node.get('style') or ''
if "marker-start:url(#inkstitch-%s-marker" % m in style:
return True
return False