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# Authors: see git history
# Copyright (c) 2024 Authors
# Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3.0 or later. See the file LICENSE for details.
# ### General debugging notes:
# 1. to enable debugging or profiling copy DEBUG_template.toml to DEBUG.toml and edit it
# ### How create bash script for offline debugging from console
# 1. in DEBUG.toml set create_bash_script = true
# 2. call extension from inkscape to create bash script named by bash_file_base in DEBUG.toml
# 3. run bash script from console
# ### Enable debugging
# 1. set debug_type to one of - vscode, pycharm, pydev, see below for details
# debug_type = vscode - 'debugpy' for vscode editor
# debug_type = pycharm - 'pydevd-pycharm' for pycharm editor
# debug_type = pydev - 'pydevd' for eclipse editor
# 2. set debug_enable = true in DEBUG.toml
# or use command line argument -d in bash script
# or set environment variable INKSTITCH_DEBUG_ENABLE = True or 1 or yes or y
# ### Enable profiling
# 1. set profiler_type to one of - cprofile, profile, pyinstrument
# profiler_type = cprofile - 'cProfile' profiler
# profiler_type = profile - 'profile' profiler
# profiler_type = pyinstrument- 'pyinstrument' profiler
# 2. set profile_enable = true in DEBUG.toml
# or use command line argument -p in bash script
# or set environment variable INKSTITCH_PROFILE_ENABLE = True or 1 or yes or y
# ### Miscelaneous notes:
# - to disable debugger when running from inkscape set disable_from_inkscape = true in DEBUG.toml
# - to change various output file names see DEBUG.toml
# - to disable waiting for debugger to attach (vscode editor) set wait_attach = false in DEBUG.toml
# - to prefer inkscape version of inkex module over pip version set prefer_pip_inkex = false in DEBUG.toml
# ###
# ### How to debug Ink/Stitch with LiClipse:
# 1. Install LiClipse ( -- no need to install Eclipse first
# 2. Start debug server as described here:
# * follow the "Note:" to enable the debug server menu item
# 3. Copy and edit a file named "DEBUG.toml" from "DEBUG_template.toml" next to in your git clone
# and set debug_type = pydev
# 4. Run any extension and PyDev will start debugging.
# ###
# ### To debug with PyCharm:
# You must use the PyCharm Professional Edition and _not_ the Community
# Edition. Jetbrains has chosen to make remote debugging a Pro feature.
# To debug Inkscape python extensions, the extension code and Inkscape run
# independently of PyCharm, and only communicate with the debugger via a
# TCP socket. Thus, debugging is "remote," even if it's on the same machine,
# connected via the loopback interface.
# 1. pip install pydev_pycharm
# pydev_pycharm is versioned frequently. Jetbrains suggests installing
# a version at least compatible with the current build. For example, if your
# PyCharm build, as found in menu PyCharm -> About Pycharm is 223.8617.48,
# you could do:
# pip install pydevd-pycharm~=223.8617.48
# 2. From the Pycharm "Run" menu, choose "Edit Configurations..." and create a new
# configuration. Set "IDE host name:" to "localhost" and "Port:" to 5678.
# You can leave the default settings for all other choices.
# 3. Touch a file named "DEBUG.toml" at the top of your git repo, as above
# set debug_type = pycharm
# 4. Create a symbolic link in the Inkscape extensions directory to the
# top-level directory of your git repo. On a mac, for example:
# cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/org.inkscape.Inkscape/config/inkscape/extensions/
# ln -s <full path to the top level of your Ink/Stitch git repo>
# On other architectures it may be:
# cd ~/.config/inkscape/extensions
# ln -s <full path to the top level of your Ink/Stitch git repo>
# Remove any other Ink/Stitch files or references to Ink/Stitch from the
# extensions directory, or you'll see duplicate entries in the Ink/Stitch
# extensions menu in Inkscape.
# 5. In Pycharm, either click on the green "bug" icon if visible in the upper
# right or press Ctrl-D to start debugging.The PyCharm debugger pane will
# display the message "Waiting for process connection..."
# 6. Do some action in Inkscape which invokes Ink/Stitch extension code, and the
# debugger will be triggered. If you've left "Suspend after connect" checked
# in the Run configuration, PyCharm will pause in the "self.log("Enabled
# PyDev debugger.)" statement, below. Uncheck the box to have it continue
# automatically to your first set breakpoint.
# ###
# ### To debug with VS Code
# see:
# 1. Install the Python extension for VS Code
# pip install debugpy
# 2. create .vscode/launch.json containing:
# "configurations": [ ...
# {
# "name": "Python: Attach",
# "type": "python",
# "request": "attach",
# "connect": {
# "host": "localhost",
# "port": 5678
# }
# }
# ]
# 3. Touch a file named "DEBUG.toml" at the top of your git repo, as above
# set debug_type = vscode
# 4. Start the debug server in VS Code by clicking on the debug icon in the left pane
# select "Python: Attach" from the dropdown menu and click on the green arrow.
# The debug server will start and connect to already running python processes,
# but immediately exit if no python processes are running.
# Notes:
# to see flask server url routes:
# - comment out the line self.disable_logging() in run() of lib/api/
import os
import sys
import socket # to check if debugger is running
from .utils import safe_get # mimic get method of dict with default value
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("inkstitch")
# we intentionally disable flakes C901 - function is too complex, beacuse it is used only for debugging
# currently complexity is set 10 see 'make style', this means that function can have max 10 nested blocks, here we have more
# flake8: noqa: C901
def init_debugger(debug_type:str, ini: dict):
if debug_type == 'none':
wait_attach = safe_get(ini, "DEBUG", "wait_attach", default=True) # currently only for vscode
debugger = debug_type
if debugger == 'vscode':
import debugpy
elif debugger == 'pycharm':
import pydevd_pycharm
elif debugger == 'pydev':
import pydevd
elif debugger == 'file':
raise ValueError(f"unknown debugger: '{debugger}'")
except ImportError:"importing debugger failed (debugger disabled) for {debugger}")
# pydevd likes to shout about errors to stderr whether I want it to or not
with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
stderr = sys.stderr
sys.stderr = devnull
if debugger == 'vscode':
debugpy.listen(('localhost', 5678))
if wait_attach:
print("Waiting for debugger attach", file=sys.stderr)
debugpy.wait_for_client() # wait for debugger to attach
debugpy.breakpoint() # stop here to start normal debugging
elif debugger == 'pycharm':
pydevd_pycharm.settrace('localhost', port=5678, stdoutToServer=True,
elif debugger == 'pydev':
elif debugger == 'file':
raise ValueError(f"unknown debugger: '{debugger}'")
except socket.error as error:"Debugging: connection to pydevd failed: %s", error)"Be sure to run 'Start debugging server' in {debugger} to enable debugging.")
else:"Enabled '{debugger}' debugger.")
sys.stderr = stderr