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from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import chain
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import trimesh
from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString, LinearRing, MultiLineString
from shapely.ops import nearest_points
from .running_stitch import running_stitch
from ..debug import debug
from ..stitches import constants
from ..stitch_plan import Stitch
from ..utils.geometry import cut, roll_linear_ring, reverse_line_string
nearest_neighbor_tuple = namedtuple(
def get_nearest_points_closer_than_thresh(travel_line, next_line, threshold):
Find the first point along travel_line that is within threshold of next_line.
-travel_line: The "parent" line for which the distance should
be minimized to enter next_line
-next_line: contains the next_line which need to be entered
-threshold: The distance between travel_line and next_line needs
to below threshold to be a valid point for entering
-tuple or None
- the tuple structure is:
(nearest point in travel_line, nearest point in next_line)
- None is returned if there is no point that satisfies the threshold.
# We'll buffer next_line and find the intersection with travel_line.
# Then we'll return the very first point in the intersection,
# matched with a corresponding point on next_line. Fortunately for
# us, intersection of a Polygon with a LineString yields pieces of
# the LineString in the same order as the input LineString.
threshold_area = next_line.buffer(threshold)
portion_within_threshold = travel_line.intersection(threshold_area)
if portion_within_threshold.is_empty:
return None
if isinstance(portion_within_threshold, MultiLineString):
portion_within_threshold = portion_within_threshold.geoms[0]
parent_point = Point(portion_within_threshold.coords[0])
return nearest_points(parent_point, next_line)
def create_nearest_points_list(
travel_line, tree, children_list, threshold, threshold_hard):
Takes a line and calculates the nearest distance along this line to
enter the childs in children_list
The method calculates the distances along the line and along the
reversed line to find the best direction which minimizes the overall
distance for all childs.
-travel_line: The "parent" line for which the distance should
be minimized to enter the childs
-children_list: contains the childs of travel_line which need to be entered
-threshold: The distance between travel_line and a child needs to be
below threshold to be a valid point for entering
-preferred_direction: Put a bias on the desired travel direction along
travel_line. If equals zero no bias is applied.
preferred_direction=1 means we prefer the direction of travel_line;
preferred_direction=-1 means we prefer the opposite direction.
-stitching direction for travel_line
-list of tuples (one tuple per child). The tuple structure is:
((nearest point in travel_line, nearest point in child),
distance along travel_line, belonging child)
children_nearest_points = []
for child in children_list:
result = get_nearest_points_closer_than_thresh(travel_line, tree.nodes[child].val, threshold)
if result is None:
# where holes meet outer borders a distance
# up to 2 * used offset can arise
result = get_nearest_points_closer_than_thresh(travel_line, tree.nodes[child].val, threshold_hard)
proj = travel_line.project(result[0])
return children_nearest_points
def connect_raster_tree_from_inner_to_outer(tree, node, offset, stitch_distance, starting_point,
avoid_self_crossing, forward=True):
Takes the offset curves organized as a tree, connects and samples them.
Strategy: A connection from parent to child is made as fast as possible to
reach the innermost child as fast as possible in order to stitch afterwards
from inner to outer.
-tree: contains the offsetted curves in a hierachical organized
data structure.
-used_offset: used offset when the offsetted curves were generated
-stitch_distance: maximum allowed distance between two points
after sampling
-min_stitch_distance stitches within a row shall be at least min_stitch_distance apart. Stitches connecting
offsetted paths might be shorter.
-close_point: defines the beginning point for stitching
(stitching starts always from the undisplaced curve)
-offset_by_half: If true the resulting points are interlaced otherwise not.
-All offsetted curves connected to one line and sampled with points obeying
stitch_distance and offset_by_half
-Tag (origin) of each point to analyze why a point was placed
at this position
current_node = tree.nodes[node]
current_ring = current_node.val
if not forward and avoid_self_crossing:
current_ring = reverse_line_string(current_ring)
# reorder the coordinates of this ring so that it starts with
# a point nearest the starting_point
start_distance = current_ring.project(starting_point)
current_ring = roll_linear_ring(current_ring, start_distance)
current_node.val = current_ring
# Find where along this ring to connect to each child.
nearest_points_list = create_nearest_points_list(
constants.offset_factor_for_adjacent_geometry * offset,
2.05 * offset
nearest_points_list.sort(key=lambda tup: tup.proj_distance_parent)
result_coords = []
if not nearest_points_list:
# We have no children, so we're at the center of a spiral. Reversing
# the ring gives a nicer visual appearance.
# current_ring = reverse_line_string(current_ring)
# This is a recursive algorithm. We'll stitch along this ring, pausing
# to jump to each child ring in turn and sew it before continuing on
# this ring. We'll end back where we started.
distance_so_far = 0
for child_connection in nearest_points_list:
# Cut this ring into pieces before and after where this child will connect.
before, after = cut(current_ring, child_connection.proj_distance_parent - distance_so_far)
distance_so_far += child_connection.proj_distance_parent
# Stitch the part leading up to this child.
if before is not None:
# Stitch this child. The child will start and end in the same
# place, which should be close to our current location.
child_path = connect_raster_tree_from_inner_to_outer(
not forward
# Skip ahead a little bit on this ring before resuming. This
# gives a nice spiral pattern, where we spiral out from the
# innermost child.
if after is not None:
skip, after = cut(after, offset)
distance_so_far += offset
current_ring = after
if current_ring is not None:
# skip a little at the end so we don't end exactly where we started.
remaining_length = current_ring.length
if remaining_length > offset:
current_ring, skip = cut(current_ring, current_ring.length - offset)
return LineString(result_coords)
def reorder_linear_ring(ring, start):
distances = ring - start
start_index = np.argmin(np.linalg.norm(distances, axis=1))
return np.roll(ring, -start_index, axis=0)
def interpolate_linear_rings(ring1, ring2, max_stitch_length, start=None):
Interpolate between two LinearRings
Creates a path from start_point on ring1 and around the rings, ending at a
nearby point on ring2. The path will smoothly transition from ring1 to
ring2 as it travels around the rings.
Inspired by interpolate() from
ring1 -- LinearRing start point will lie on
ring2 -- LinearRing end point will lie on
max_stitch_length -- maximum stitch length (used to calculate resampling accuracy)
start -- Point on ring1 to start at, as a tuple
Return value: Path interpolated between two LinearRings, as a LineString.
# Resample the two LinearRings so that they are the same number of points
# long. Then take the corresponding points in each ring and interpolate
# between them, gradually going more toward ring2.
# This is a little less accurate than the method in interpolate(), but several
# orders of magnitude faster because we're not building and querying a KDTree.
num_points = int(20 * ring1.length / max_stitch_length)
ring1_resampled = trimesh.path.traversal.resample_path(np.array(ring1.coords), count=num_points)
ring2_resampled = trimesh.path.traversal.resample_path(np.array(ring2.coords), count=num_points)
if start is not None:
ring1_resampled = reorder_linear_ring(ring1_resampled, start)
ring2_resampled = reorder_linear_ring(ring2_resampled, start)
weights = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, num_points).reshape((-1, 1))
points = (ring1_resampled * (1.0 - weights)) + (ring2_resampled * weights)
result = LineString(points)
# TODO: remove when rastering is cheaper
return result.simplify(constants.simplification_threshold, False)
def connect_raster_tree_single_spiral(tree, used_offset, stitch_distance, close_point): # noqa: C901
Takes the offsetted curves organized as tree, connects and samples them as a spiral.
It expects that each node in the tree has max. one child
-tree: contains the offsetted curves in a hierarchical organized
data structure.
-used_offset: used offset when the offsetted curves were generated
-stitch_distance: maximum allowed distance between two points
after sampling
-min_stitch_distance stitches within a row shall be at least min_stitch_distance apart. Stitches connecting
offsetted paths might be shorter.
-close_point: defines the beginning point for stitching
(stitching starts always from the undisplaced curve)
-offset_by_half: If true the resulting points are interlaced otherwise not.
Return values:
-All offsetted curves connected to one spiral and sampled with
points obeying stitch_distance and offset_by_half
-Tag (origin) of each point to analyze why a point was
placed at this position
starting_point = close_point.coords[0]
rings = [tree.nodes[node].val for node in nx.dfs_preorder_nodes(tree, 'root')]
path = make_spiral(rings, stitch_distance, starting_point)
path = [Stitch(*stitch) for stitch in path]
return running_stitch(path, stitch_distance)
def connect_raster_tree_double_spiral(tree, used_offset, stitch_distance, close_point): # noqa: C901
Takes the offsetted curves organized as tree, connects and samples them as a spiral.
It expects that each node in the tree has max. one child
-tree: contains the offsetted curves in a hierarchical organized
data structure.
-used_offset: used offset when the offsetted curves were generated
-stitch_distance: maximum allowed distance between two points
after sampling
-min_stitch_distance stitches within a row shall be at least min_stitch_distance apart. Stitches connecting
offsetted paths might be shorter.
-close_point: defines the beginning point for stitching
(stitching starts always from the undisplaced curve)
-offset_by_half: If true the resulting points are interlaced otherwise not.
Return values:
-All offsetted curves connected to one spiral and sampled with
points obeying stitch_distance and offset_by_half
-Tag (origin) of each point to analyze why a point was
placed at this position
starting_point = close_point.coords[0]
rings = [tree.nodes[node].val for node in nx.dfs_preorder_nodes(tree, 'root')]
path = make_fermat_spiral(rings, stitch_distance, starting_point)
path = [Stitch(*stitch) for stitch in path]
return running_stitch(path, stitch_distance)
def make_fermat_spiral(rings, stitch_distance, starting_point):
forward = make_spiral(rings[::2], stitch_distance, starting_point)
back = make_spiral(rings[1::2], stitch_distance, starting_point)
return chain(forward, back)
def make_spiral(rings, stitch_distance, starting_point):
path = []
for ring1, ring2 in zip(rings[:-1], rings[1:]):
spiral_part = interpolate_linear_rings(ring1, ring2, stitch_distance, starting_point)
return path