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# Authors: see git history
# Copyright (c) 2010 Authors
# Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3.0 or later. See the file LICENSE for details.
from typing import List
from ..svg import PIXELS_PER_MM
from ..threads import ThreadColor
from ..utils.geometry import Point
from .stitch import Stitch
class ColorBlock(object):
"""Holds a set of stitches, all with the same thread color."""
def __init__(self, color=None, stitches=None):
self.color = color
self.stitches = stitches or []
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.stitches)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.stitches)
def __repr__(self):
return "ColorBlock(%s, %s)" % (self.color, self.stitches)
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.stitches[item]
def __delitem__(self, item):
del self.stitches[item]
def __json__(self):
return dict(color=self.color, stitches=self.stitches)
def has_color(self):
return self._color is not None
def color(self):
return self._color
def color(self, value):
if isinstance(value, ThreadColor):
self._color = value
elif value is None:
self._color = None
self._color = ThreadColor(value)
def last_stitch(self):
if self.stitches:
return self.stitches[-1]
return None
def num_stitches(self):
"""Number of stitches in this color block."""
return len(self.stitches)
def estimated_thread(self):
previous_stitch = self.stitches[0]
length = 0
for stitch in self.stitches[1:]:
length += (stitch - previous_stitch).length()
previous_stitch = stitch
return length
def num_trims(self):
"""Number of trims in this color block."""
return sum(1 for stitch in self if stitch.trim)
def num_jumps(self):
"""Number of jumps in this color block."""
return sum(1 for stitch in self if stitch.jump)
def stop_after(self):
if self.last_stitch is not None:
return self.last_stitch.stop
return False
def trim_after(self):
# If there's a STOP, it will be at the end. We still want to return
# True.
for stitch in reversed(self.stitches):
if stitch.stop or stitch.jump:
elif stitch.trim:
return True
return False
def filter_duplicate_stitches(self, min_stitch_len=0.1):
if not self.stitches:
if min_stitch_len is None:
min_stitch_len = 0.1
min_stitch_len *= PIXELS_PER_MM
stitches = [self.stitches[0]]
for stitch in self.stitches[1:]:
if stitches[-1].jump or stitch.stop or stitch.trim or stitch.color_change:
# Don't consider jumps, stops, color changes, or trims as candidates for filtering
elif 'lock_stitch' in stitch.tags:
# do not filter specific stitches
length = (stitch - stitches[-1]).length()
min_length = stitch.min_stitch_length or min_stitch_len
if length <= min_length:
# duplicate stitch, skip this one
self.stitches = stitches
def add_stitch(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not args:
# They're adding a command, e.g. `color_block.add_stitch(stop=True)``.
# Use the position from the last stitch.
if self.last_stitch:
args = (self.last_stitch.x, self.last_stitch.y)
raise ValueError("internal error: can't add a command to an empty stitch block")
self.stitches.append(Stitch(*args, **kwargs))
if isinstance(args[0], Stitch):
self.stitches.append(Stitch(*args, **kwargs))
elif isinstance(args[0], Point):
self.stitches.append(Stitch(args[0].x, args[0].y, *args[1:], **kwargs))
def add_stitches(self, stitches, *args, **kwargs):
for stitch in stitches:
if isinstance(stitch, (Stitch, Point)):
self.add_stitch(stitch, *args, **kwargs)
self.add_stitch(*stitch, *args, **kwargs)
def replace_stitches(self, stitches):
self.stitches = stitches
def bounding_box(self):
minx = min(stitch.x for stitch in self)
miny = min(stitch.y for stitch in self)
maxx = max(stitch.x for stitch in self)
maxy = max(stitch.y for stitch in self)
return minx, miny, maxx, maxy
def make_offsets(self, offsets: List[Point]):
first_final_stitch = len(self.stitches)
while (first_final_stitch > 0 and self.stitches[first_final_stitch-1].is_terminator):
first_final_stitch -= 1
if first_final_stitch == 0:
return self
final_stitches = self.stitches[first_final_stitch:]
block_stitches = self.stitches[:first_final_stitch]
out = ColorBlock(self.color)
for i, offset in enumerate(offsets):
out.add_stitches([s.offset(offset) for s in block_stitches])
if i != len(offsets) - 1:
return out