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# Authors: see git history
# Copyright (c) 2010 Authors
# Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3.0 or later. See the file LICENSE for details.
from .stitch import Stitch
from ..threads import ThreadColor
from ..utils.geometry import Point
from ..svg import PIXELS_PER_MM
class ColorBlock(object):
"""Holds a set of stitches, all with the same thread color."""
def __init__(self, color=None, stitches=None):
self.color = color
self.stitches = stitches or []
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.stitches)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.stitches)
def __repr__(self):
return "ColorBlock(%s, %s)" % (self.color, self.stitches)
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.stitches[item]
def __delitem__(self, item):
del self.stitches[item]
def __json__(self):
return dict(color=self.color, stitches=self.stitches)
def has_color(self):
return self._color is not None
def color(self):
return self._color
def color(self, value):
if isinstance(value, ThreadColor):
self._color = value
elif value is None:
self._color = None
self._color = ThreadColor(value)
def last_stitch(self):
if self.stitches:
return self.stitches[-1]
return None
def num_stitches(self):
"""Number of stitches in this color block."""
return len(self.stitches)
def estimated_thread(self):
previous_stitch = self.stitches[0]
length = 0
for stitch in self.stitches[1:]:
length += (stitch - previous_stitch).length()
previous_stitch = stitch
return length
def num_trims(self):
"""Number of trims in this color block."""
return sum(1 for stitch in self if stitch.trim)
def stop_after(self):
if self.last_stitch is not None:
return self.last_stitch.stop
return False
def trim_after(self):
# If there's a STOP, it will be at the end. We still want to return
# True.
for stitch in reversed(self.stitches):
if stitch.stop or stitch.jump:
elif stitch.trim:
return True
return False
def filter_duplicate_stitches(self, min_stitch_len=0.1):
if not self.stitches:
if min_stitch_len is None:
min_stitch_len = 0.1
stitches = [self.stitches[0]]
for stitch in self.stitches[1:]:
if stitches[-1].jump or stitch.stop or stitch.trim or stitch.color_change:
# Don't consider jumps, stops, color changes, or trims as candidates for filtering
length = (stitch - stitches[-1]).length()
if length <= min_stitch_len * PIXELS_PER_MM:
# duplicate stitch, skip this one
self.stitches = stitches
def add_stitch(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not args:
# They're adding a command, e.g. `color_block.add_stitch(stop=True)``.
# Use the position from the last stitch.
if self.last_stitch:
args = (self.last_stitch.x, self.last_stitch.y)
raise ValueError("internal error: can't add a command to an empty stitch block")
self.stitches.append(Stitch(*args, **kwargs))
if isinstance(args[0], Stitch):
self.stitches.append(Stitch(*args, **kwargs))
elif isinstance(args[0], Point):
self.stitches.append(Stitch(args[0].x, args[0].y, *args[1:], **kwargs))
def add_stitches(self, stitches, *args, **kwargs):
for stitch in stitches:
if isinstance(stitch, (Stitch, Point)):
self.add_stitch(stitch, *args, **kwargs)
self.add_stitch(*stitch, *args, **kwargs)
def replace_stitches(self, stitches):
self.stitches = stitches
def bounding_box(self):
minx = min(stitch.x for stitch in self)
miny = min(stitch.y for stitch in self)
maxx = max(stitch.x for stitch in self)
maxy = max(stitch.y for stitch in self)
return minx, miny, maxx, maxy