kopia lustrzana https://github.com/inkstitch/inkstitch
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170 wiersze
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from copy import copy
from math import atan, degrees
from simpletransform import (applyTransformToNode, applyTransformToPoint,
computeBBox, parseTransform)
from ..commands import is_command, is_command_symbol
from ..i18n import _
from ..svg.path import get_node_transform
from ..svg.svg import find_elements
from ..utils import cache
from .auto_fill import AutoFill
from .element import EmbroideryElement, param
from .fill import Fill
from .polyline import Polyline
from .satin_column import SatinColumn
from .stroke import Stroke
from .validation import ObjectTypeWarning, ValidationWarning
class CloneWarning(ValidationWarning):
name = _("Clone Object")
description = _("There are one or more clone objects in this document. "
"Ink/Stitch can work with single clones, but you are limited to set a very few parameters. ")
steps_to_solve = [
_("If you want to convert the clone into a real element, follow these steps:"),
_("* Select the clone"),
_("* Run: Edit > Clone > Unlink Clone (Alt+Shift+D)")
class CloneSourceWarning(ObjectTypeWarning):
name = _("Clone is not embroiderable")
description = _("There are one ore more clone objects in this document. A clone must be a direct child of an embroiderable element. "
"Ink/Stitch cannot embroider clones of groups or other not embroiderable elements (text or image).")
steps_to_solve = [
_("Convert the clone into a real element:"),
_("* Select the clone."),
_("* Run: Edit > Clone > Unlink Clone (Alt+Shift+D)")
class Clone(EmbroideryElement):
# A clone embroidery element is linked to an embroiderable element.
# It will be ignored if the source element is not a direct child of the xlink attribute.
element_name = "Clone"
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Clone, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
@param('clone', _("Clone"), type='toggle', inverse=False, default=True)
def clone(self):
return self.get_boolean_param("clone")
_('Custom fill angle'),
tooltip=_("This setting will apply a custom fill angle for the clone."),
def clone_fill_angle(self):
return self.get_float_param('angle', 0)
def clone_to_element(self, node):
# we need to determine if the source element is polyline, stroke, fill or satin
element = EmbroideryElement(node)
if node.tag == SVG_POLYLINE_TAG:
return [Polyline(node)]
elif element.get_boolean_param("satin_column") and element.get_style("stroke"):
return [SatinColumn(node)]
elements = []
if element.get_style("fill", 'black') and not element.get_style('fill-opacity', 1) == "0":
if element.get_boolean_param("auto_fill", True):
if element.get_style("stroke"):
if not is_command(element.node):
if element.get_boolean_param("stroke_first", False):
return elements
def to_patches(self, last_patch=None):
patches = []
source_node = get_clone_source(self.node)
if source_node.tag not in EMBROIDERABLE_TAGS:
return []
clone = copy(source_node)
# set id
clone_id = 'clone__%s__%s' % (self.node.get('id', ''), clone.get('id', ''))
clone.set('id', clone_id)
# apply transform
transform = get_node_transform(self.node)
applyTransformToNode(transform, clone)
# set fill angle. Use either
# a. a custom set fill angle
# b. calculated rotation for the cloned fill element to look exactly as it's source
param = INKSTITCH_ATTRIBS['angle']
if self.clone_fill_angle is not None:
angle = self.clone_fill_angle
# clone angle
clone_mat = parseTransform(clone.get('transform', ''))
clone_angle = degrees(atan(-clone_mat[1][0]/clone_mat[1][1]))
# source node angle
source_mat = parseTransform(source_node.get('transform', ''))
source_angle = degrees(atan(-source_mat[1][0]/source_mat[1][1]))
# source node fill angle
source_fill_angle = source_node.get(param, 0)
angle = clone_angle + float(source_fill_angle) - source_angle
clone.set(param, str(angle))
elements = self.clone_to_element(clone)
for element in elements:
return patches
def center(self, source_node):
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = computeBBox([source_node])
point = [(xmax-((xmax-xmin)/2)), (ymax-((ymax-ymin)/2))]
transform = get_node_transform(self.node)
applyTransformToPoint(transform, point)
return point
def validation_warnings(self):
source_node = get_clone_source(self.node)
if source_node.tag not in EMBROIDERABLE_TAGS:
point = self.center(source_node)
yield CloneSourceWarning(point)
point = self.center(source_node)
yield CloneWarning(point)
def is_clone(node):
if node.tag == SVG_USE_TAG and node.get(XLINK_HREF) and not is_command_symbol(node):
return True
return False
def is_embroiderable_clone(node):
if is_clone(node) and get_clone_source(node).tag in EMBROIDERABLE_TAGS:
return True
return False
def get_clone_source(node):
source_id = node.get(XLINK_HREF)[1:]
xpath = ".//*[@id='%s']" % (source_id)
source_node = find_elements(node, xpath)[0]
return source_node