
130 wiersze
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# Authors: see git history
# Copyright (c) 2010 Authors
# Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3.0 or later. See the file LICENSE for details.
import os
import re
import sys
import inkex
from pyembroidery.exceptions import TooManyColorChangesError
import pyembroidery
from .commands import global_command
from .i18n import _
from .stitch_plan import Stitch
from .svg import PIXELS_PER_MM
from .utils import Point
def get_command(stitch):
if stitch.jump:
return pyembroidery.JUMP
elif stitch.trim:
return pyembroidery.TRIM
elif stitch.color_change:
return pyembroidery.COLOR_CHANGE
elif stitch.stop:
return pyembroidery.STOP
return pyembroidery.NEEDLE_AT
def _string_to_floats(string):
floats = string.split(',')
return [float(num) for num in floats]
def get_origin(svg, bounding_box):
(minx, miny, maxx, maxy) = bounding_box
origin_command = global_command(svg, "origin")
if origin_command:
return origin_command.point
bounding_box_center = [(maxx+minx)/2, (maxy+miny)/2]
default = Point(*bounding_box_center)
return default
def jump_to_stop_point(pattern, svg):
stop_position = global_command(svg, "stop_position")
if stop_position:
pattern.add_stitch_absolute(pyembroidery.JUMP, stop_position.point.x, stop_position.point.y)
def write_embroidery_file(file_path, stitch_plan, svg, settings={}):
# convert from pixels to millimeters
# also multiply by 10 to get tenths of a millimeter as required by pyembroidery
scale = 10 / PIXELS_PER_MM
origin = get_origin(svg, stitch_plan.bounding_box)
# origin = origin * scale
pattern = pyembroidery.EmbPattern()
# For later use when writing .dst header title field.
pattern.extras['name'] = os.path.splitext([0]
stitch = Stitch(0, 0)
for color_block in stitch_plan:
for stitch in color_block:
if stitch.stop:
jump_to_stop_point(pattern, svg)
command = get_command(stitch)
pattern.add_stitch_absolute(command, stitch.x, stitch.y)
pattern.add_stitch_absolute(pyembroidery.END, stitch.x, stitch.y)
# correct for the origin
"translate": -origin,
# convert from pixels to millimeters
# also multiply by 10 to get tenths of a millimeter as required by pyembroidery
"scale": (scale, scale),
# This forces a jump at the start of the design and after each trim,
# even if we're close enough not to need one.
"full_jump": True,
if not file_path.endswith(('.col', '.edr', '.inf')):
settings['encode'] = True
if file_path.endswith('.csv'):
# Special treatment for CSV: instruct pyembroidery not to do any post-
# processing. This will allow the user to match up stitch numbers seen
# in the simulator with commands in the CSV.
settings['max_stitch'] = float('inf')
settings['max_jump'] = float('inf')
settings['explicit_trim'] = False
elif file_path.endswith('.png'):
settings['linewidth'] = 1
settings['background'] = 'white'
pyembroidery.write(pattern, file_path, settings)
except IOError as e:
# L10N low-level file error. %(error)s is (hopefully?) translated by
# the user's system automatically.
msg = _("Error writing to %(path)s: %(error)s") % dict(path=file_path, error=e.strerror)
except TooManyColorChangesError as e:
num_color_changes ="d+", str(e)).group()
msg = _("Couldn't save embrodiery file.")
msg += '\n\n'
msg += _("There are {num_color_changes} in your design. This is way too many.").format(num_color_changes=num_color_changes)
msg += '\n'
msg += _("Please reduce color changes. Find more information on our website:")
msg += '\n\n'
msg += _("")