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# Authors: see git history
# Copyright (c) 2010 Authors
# Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3.0 or later. See the file LICENSE for details.
from math import degrees, pi
from inkex import (DirectedLineSegment, LinearGradient, PathElement, Transform,
from shapely import geometry as shgeo
from shapely.affinity import rotate
from shapely.geometry import Point
from shapely.ops import nearest_points, split
from ..commands import add_commands
from ..elements import FillStitch
from ..i18n import _
from ..svg import PIXELS_PER_MM, get_correction_transform
from ..svg.tags import INKSTITCH_ATTRIBS
from .commands import CommandsExtension
from .duplicate_params import get_inkstitch_attributes
class GradientBlocks(CommandsExtension):
This will break apart fill objects with a gradient fill into solid color blocks with end_row_spacing.
COMMANDS = ['fill_start', 'fill_end']
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
CommandsExtension.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.arg_parser.add_argument("--notebook", type=str, default=0.0)
self.arg_parser.add_argument("--options", type=str, default=0.0)
self.arg_parser.add_argument("--info", type=str, default=0.0)
self.arg_parser.add_argument("-e", "--end-row-spacing", type=float, default=0.0, dest="end_row_spacing")
def effect(self):
if not self.svg.selection:
errormsg(_("Please select at least one object with a gradient fill."))
if not self.get_elements():
elements = [element for element in self.elements if isinstance(element, FillStitch) and isinstance(element.gradient, LinearGradient)]
if not elements:
errormsg(_("Please select at least one object with a gradient fill."))
for element in elements:
parent = element.node.getparent()
correction_transform = get_correction_transform(element.node)
style =
index = parent.index(element.node)
fill_shapes, attributes = gradient_shapes_and_attributes(element, element.shape, self.svg.viewport_to_unit(1))
# reverse order so we can always insert with the same index number
if self.options.end_row_spacing != 0:
end_row_spacing = self.options.end_row_spacing
end_row_spacing = element.row_spacing / PIXELS_PER_MM * 2
end_row_spacing = f'{end_row_spacing: .2f}'
previous_color = None
previous_element = None
for i, shape in enumerate(fill_shapes):
color = attributes[i]['color']
style['fill'] = color
is_gradient = attributes[i]['is_gradient']
angle = degrees(attributes[i]['angle'])
angle = f'{angle: .2f}'
d = self._element_to_path(shape)
block = PathElement(attrib={
"id": self.uniqueId("path"),
"style": str(style),
"transform": correction_transform,
"d": d,
INKSTITCH_ATTRIBS['angle']: angle
# apply parameters from original element
params = get_inkstitch_attributes(element.node)
for attrib in params:
block.attrib[attrib] = str(element.node.attrib[attrib])
# disable underlay and underpath
block.set('inkstitch:fill_underlay', False)
block.set('inkstitch:underpath', False)
# set end_row_spacing
if is_gradient:
block.set('inkstitch:end_row_spacing_mm', end_row_spacing)
# use underlay to compensate for higher density in the gradient parts
block.set('inkstitch:fill_underlay', True)
block.set('inkstitch:fill_underlay_angle', angle)
block.set('inkstitch:fill_underlay_row_spacing_mm', end_row_spacing)
parent.insert(index, block)
if previous_color == color:
self._add_block_commands(block, previous_element)
previous_color = color
previous_element = block
def _add_block_commands(self, block, previous_element):
current = FillStitch(block)
previous = FillStitch(previous_element)
if previous.shape.is_empty:
nearest = nearest_points(current.shape, previous.shape)
pos_current = self._get_command_postion(current, nearest[0])
pos_previous = self._get_command_postion(previous, nearest[1])
add_commands(current, ['fill_end'], pos_current)
add_commands(previous, ['fill_start'], pos_previous)
def _get_command_postion(self, fill, point):
center = fill.shape.centroid
line = DirectedLineSegment((center.x, center.y), (point.x, point.y))
pos = line.point_at_length(line.length + 20)
return Point(pos)
def _element_to_path(self, shape):
coords = list(shape.exterior.coords)
for interior in shape.interiors:
path = "M " + " ".join([f'{x}, {y}' for x, y in coords]) + " Z"
return path
def gradient_shapes_and_attributes(element, shape, unit_multiplier):
# e.g. url(#linearGradient872) -> linearGradient872
gradient = element.gradient
point1 = (float(gradient.get('x1')), float(gradient.get('y1')))
point2 = (float(gradient.get('x2')), float(gradient.get('y2')))
# get 90° angle to calculate the splitting angle
transform = -Transform(get_correction_transform(element.node, child=True))
line = DirectedLineSegment(transform.apply_to_point(point1), transform.apply_to_point(point2))
angle = line.angle - (pi / 2)
# Ink/Stitch somehow turns the stitch angle
stitch_angle = angle * -1
# create bbox polygon to calculate the length necessary to make sure that
# the gradient splitter lines will cut the entire design
# bounding_box returns the value in viewport units, we need to convert the length later to px
bbox = element.node.bounding_box()
bbox_polygon = shgeo.Polygon([(bbox.left,, (bbox.right,,
(bbox.right, bbox.bottom), (bbox.left, bbox.bottom)])
# gradient stops
offsets = gradient.stop_offsets
stop_styles = gradient.stop_styles
# now split the shape according to the gradient stops
polygons = []
colors = []
attributes = []
previous_color = None
is_gradient = False
for i, offset in enumerate(offsets):
shape_rest = []
split_point = shgeo.Point(line.point_at_ratio(float(offset)))
length = split_point.hausdorff_distance(bbox_polygon) / unit_multiplier
split_line = shgeo.LineString([(split_point.x - length - 2, split_point.y),
(split_point.x + length + 2, split_point.y)])
split_line = rotate(split_line, angle, origin=split_point, use_radians=True)
offset_line = split_line.parallel_offset(1, 'right')
polygon = split(shape, split_line)
color = stop_styles[i]['stop-color']
# does this gradient line split the shape
offset_outside_shape = len(polygon.geoms) == 1
for poly in polygon.geoms:
if isinstance(poly, shgeo.Polygon) and poly.is_valid:
if poly.intersects(offset_line):
if previous_color:
attributes.append({'color': previous_color, 'angle': stitch_angle, 'is_gradient': is_gradient})
attributes.append({'color': color, 'angle': stitch_angle + pi, 'is_gradient': is_gradient})
shape = shgeo.MultiPolygon(shape_rest)
previous_color = color
is_gradient = True
# add left over shape(s)
if shape:
if offset_outside_shape:
for s in shape.geoms:
attributes.append({'color': stop_styles[-2]['stop-color'], 'angle': stitch_angle, 'is_gradient': is_gradient})
stitch_angle += pi
is_gradient = False
for s in shape.geoms:
attributes.append({'color': stop_styles[-1]['stop-color'], 'angle': stitch_angle, 'is_gradient': is_gradient})
return polygons, attributes
if __name__ == '__main__':
e = GradientBlocks()