kopia lustrzana https://github.com/inkstitch/inkstitch
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53 wiersze
2.0 KiB
dist: version locales inx
bash bin/build-python
bash bin/build-electron
bash bin/build-distribution-archives
rm -rf build dist inx locales artifacts win mac *.spec *.tar.gz *.zip electron/node_modules electron/dist
.PHONY: inx
inx: version locales
mkdir -p inx
python bin/generate-inx-files; \
.PHONY: messages.po
messages.po: inx
rm -f messages.po
xgettext inx/*.inx --its=its/inx.its -o messages-inx.po
# There seems to be no propper way to set the charset to utf-8
sed -i 's/charset=CHARSET/charset=UTF-8/g' messages-inx.po
bin/pyembroidery-gettext > pyembroidery-format-descriptions.py
bin/inkstitch-fonts-gettext > inkstitch-fonts-metadata.py
# After the inx files are finished building, we don't need the src/ folder anymore.
# We don't want babel to grab possible translation strings from that folder, so let's remove it
rm -rf src/
pybabel extract -o messages-babel.po -F babel.conf --add-location=full --add-comments=l10n,L10n,L10N --sort-by-file --strip-comments -k N_ -k '$$gettext' .
rm pyembroidery-format-descriptions.py inkstitch-fonts-metadata.py
cd electron && yarn --link-duplicates --pure-lockfile
find electron/src -name '*.html' -o -name '*.js' -o -name '*.vue' | xargs electron/node_modules/.bin/gettext-extract --quiet --attribute v-translate --output messages-vue.po
msgcat -o messages.po messages-babel.po messages-vue.po messages-inx.po
electron/src/renderer/assets/translations.json: $(wildcard translations/messages_*.po)
find translations -name '*.po' -a ! -empty | \
xargs electron/node_modules/.bin/gettext-compile --output electron/src/renderer/assets/translations.json
%.po: %.mo
msgunfmt -o $@ $<
.PHONY: clean
rm -f messages.po pyembroidery-format-descriptions.py
.PHONY: locales
bash bin/generate-translation-files
.PHONY: version
bash bin/generate-version-file
.PHONY: style
flake8 . --count --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=150 --statistics --exclude=pyembroidery,__init__.py,electron,build,src