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# Authors: see git history
# Copyright (c) 2024 Authors
# Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3.0 or later. See the file LICENSE for details.
# basic info for inkstitch logging:
# ---------------------------------
# some idea can be found in: Modern Python logging -
# logging vs warnings (ChatGPT)
# -----------------------------
# warnings - a built-in mechanism for alerting developers to potential issues or deprecated features within their code.
# logging - to track events, errors, and other information relevant to the program's operation.
# Developers typically use logging to understand how their program behaves during execution, diagnose issues,
# and monitor performance.
# Inkstitch is application for Inkscape, so it is not a library, so we use logging for all messages.
# root logger:
# ------------
# - The primary logger orchestrates all other loggers through calls.
# - It should only be utilized at the application's highest level to manage the logging of all loggers.
# - It can easily disable all loggers by invoking logging.disable() and channel all warnings to logging
# by setting logging.captureWarnings(True) with the level WARNING.
# - The configuration of all loggers can be achieved via a file, and logging.config.dictConfig(logging_dict).
# module logger:
# --------------
# - Instantiate the logger by invoking logger=getLogger(name).
# Avoid using __name__ as the name, as it generates numerous loggers per application.
# The logger name persists globally throughout the application.
# - Avoid configuring the module logger within the module itself;
# instead, utilize the top-level application configuration with logging.config.
# This allows users of the application to customize it according to their requirements.
# example of module logger:
# -------------------------
# import logging
# logger = logging.getLogger('inkstitch') # create module logger with name 'inkstitch', but configure it at top level of app
# ...
# logger.debug('debug message') # example of using module logger
# ...
# top level of the application:
# ----------------------------
# - configure root and other loggers
# - best practice is to configure from a file: eg logging.config.fileConfig('logging.conf')
# - consider toml format for logging configuration (json, yaml, xml, dict are also possible)
# list of loggers in inkstitch (not complete):
# -------------------------------------------
# - root - main logger that controls all other loggers
# - inkstitch - suggested name for inkstitch
# - inkstitch.debug - uses in debug module with svg file saving
# third-party loggers:
# --------------------
# - werkzeug - is used by flask
# - shapely.geos - was used by shapely but currently replaced by exceptions and warnings
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os
import sys
from pathlib import Path
if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
import tomllib # built-in in Python 3.11+
import tomli as tomllib
import warnings # to control python warnings
import logging # to configure logging
import logging.config # to configure logging from dict
from .utils import safe_get # mimic get method of dict with default value
logger = logging.getLogger('inkstitch')
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# activate_logging - configure logging for inkstitch application
def activate_logging(running_as_frozen: bool, ini: dict, SCRIPTDIR: Path):
if running_as_frozen: # in release mode
else: # in development
activate_for_development(ini, SCRIPTDIR)
# Configure logging in frozen (release) mode of application:
# in release mode normally we want to ignore all warnings and logging, but we can enable it by setting environment variables
# - INKSTITCH_LOGLEVEL - logging level:
# - PYTHONWARNINGS, -W - warnings action controlled by python
# actions: 'error', 'ignore', 'always', 'default', 'module', 'once'
def activate_for_frozen():
loglevel = os.environ.get('INKSTITCH_LOGLEVEL') # read log level from environment variable or None
docpath = os.environ.get('DOCUMENT_PATH') # read document path from environment variable (set by inkscape) or None
if docpath is not None and loglevel is not None and loglevel.upper() in ['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']:
# The end user enabled logging and warnings are redirected to the input_svg.inkstitch.log file.
vars = {
'loglevel': loglevel.upper(),
'logfilename': Path(docpath).with_suffix('.inkstitch.log') # log file is created in document path
config = expand_variables(frozen_config, vars)
# dictConfig has access to top level variables, dict contains: ext://__main__.var
# - restriction: variable must be last token in string - very limited functionality, avoid using it
# After this operation, logging will be activated, so we can use the logger.
logging.config.dictConfig(config) # configure root logger from dict
logging.captureWarnings(True) # capture all warnings to log file with level WARNING
logging.disable() # globally disable all logging of all loggers
warnings.simplefilter('ignore') # ignore all warnings
# in development mode we want to use configuration from some LOGGING.toml file
def activate_for_development(ini: dict, SCRIPTDIR: Path):
logging_config_file = safe_get(ini, "LOGGING", "log_config_file", default=None)
vars = {'SCRIPTDIR': SCRIPTDIR} # dynamic data for logging configuration
if logging_config_file is not None:
logging_config_file = Path(logging_config_file)
if logging_config_file.exists():
with open(logging_config_file, "rb") as f:
devel_config = tomllib.load(f) # -> dict
raise FileNotFoundError(f"{logging_config_file} file not found")
else: # if LOGGING.toml file does not exist, use default logging configuration
vars['loglevel'] = 'DEBUG' # set log level to DEBUG
vars['logfilename'] = SCRIPTDIR / "inkstitch.log" # log file is created in current directory
devel_config = development_config # get TOML configuration from module
configure_logging(devel_config, ini, vars) # initialize and activate logging configuration"Running in development mode")"Using logging configuration from file: {logging_config_file}")
logger.debug(f"Logging configuration: {devel_config = }")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# configure logging from dictionary:
# - capture all warnings to log file with level WARNING - depends on warnings_capture
# - set action for warnings: 'error', 'ignore', 'always', 'default', 'module', 'once' - depends on warnings_action
def configure_logging(config: dict, ini: dict, vars: dict):
config = expand_variables(config, vars)
# After this operation, logging will be activated, so we can use the logger.
logging.config.dictConfig(config) # configure loggers from dict - using loglevel, logfilename
warnings_capture = config.get('warnings_capture', True)
logging.captureWarnings(warnings_capture) # capture warnings to log file with level WARNING
warnings_action = config.get('warnings_action', 'default').lower()
warnings.simplefilter(warnings_action) # set action for warnings: 'error', 'ignore', 'always', ...
disable_logging = safe_get(ini, "LOGGING", "disable_logging", default=False)
if disable_logging:
logger.warning(f"Logging is disabled by configuration in ini file. {disable_logging = }")
logging.disable() # globally disable all logging of all loggers
# Evaluate evaluation of variables in logging configuration:
# "handlers": {
# "file": {
# "filename": "%(SCRIPTDIR)s/xxx.log", # <--- replace %(SCRIPTDIR)s -> script path
# "%(logfilename)s", # <--- replace %(logfilename)s -> log file name
# ...
# "loggers": {
# "inkstitch": {
# "level": "%(loglevel)s", # <--- replace %(loglevel)s -> log level
# ...
# - for external configuration file (eg. LOGGING.toml) we cannot pass parameters such as the current directory.
# - we do: filename = "%(SCRIPTDIR)s/inkstitch.log" -> filename = "path/inkstitch.log"
# - safety: we can use only predefined variables in myvars, otherwise we get KeyError
# - return modified configuration
# - create logging directory if not exists, directory cannot end with ":" to avoid error with ext:// keys
def expand_variables(cfg: dict, vars: dict):
for k, v in cfg.get('loggers', {}).items():
if 'level' in v: # replace level in logger
cfg['loggers'][k]['level'] = v['level'] % vars
for k, v in cfg.get('handlers', {}).items():
if 'filename' in v: # replace filename in handler
orig_filename = v['filename'] # original filename for later comparison
cfg['handlers'][k]['filename'] = v['filename'] % vars
# create logging directory only if substitution was done, we need to avoid ext:// cfg:// keys
if orig_filename != cfg['handlers'][k]['filename']:
dirname = Path(cfg['handlers'][k]['filename']).parent
if not dirname.exists():
# inform user about creating logging directory, otherwise it is silent, logging is not yet active
print(f"DEBUG: Creating logging directory: {dirname} ", file=sys.stderr)
dirname.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
return cfg
def startup_info(logger: logging.Logger, SCRIPTDIR: Path, running_as_frozen: bool, running_from_inkscape: bool,
debug_active: bool, debug_type: str, profiler_type: str):"Running as frozen: {running_as_frozen}")"Running from inkscape: {running_from_inkscape}")"Debugger active: {debug_active}")"Debugger type: {debug_type!r}")"Profiler type: {profiler_type!r}")
# log Python version, platform, command line arguments, sys.path
import sys
import platform"Python version: {sys.version}")"Platform: {platform.platform()}")"Command line arguments: {sys.argv}")
logger.debug(f"sys.path: {sys.path}")
# example of logger configuration for release mode:
# ------------------------------------------------
# - logger suitable for release mode, where we assume that the directory of the input SVG file allows writing the log file.
# - in we check release mode and environment variable INKSTITCH_LOGLEVEL
# - this config redirect all loggers to file svg_file.inkstitch.log to directory of svg file
# - set loglevel and logfilename in before calling logging.config.dictConfig(frozen_config)
frozen_config = {
"version": 1, # mandatory key and value (int) is 1
"disable_existing_loggers": False, # false enable all loggers not defined here, true disable
"filters": {}, # no filters
"formatters": {
"simple": { # formatter name (
"format": '%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s]: %(filename)s.%(funcName)s: %(message)s' # format string
"handlers": {
"file": {
"class": "logging.FileHandler", # type - file output
"formatter": "simple", # use formatter 'simple' for handler 'file'
"filename": "%(logfilename)s", # access variable logfilename
"mode": "w" # create new file
"loggers": {
"root": { # top level logger
"level": "%(loglevel)s", # access variable loglevel
"handlers": ["file"], # use handler 'file' for logger
# ---------------------------------------------------
# example of implicit developer logger configuration:
# ---------------------------------------------------
# - configured two loggers: root and inkstitch loggers
# - output is redirected to file 'logfilename' in the directory of
# - this configuration uses only one log level 'loglevel for both the root and inkstitch loggers.
# - set loglevel and logfilename in before calling logging.config.dictConfig(development_config)
development_config = {
"warnings_action": "default", # dafault action for warnings
"warnings_capture": True, # capture warnings to log file with level WARNING
"version": 1, # mandatory key and value (int) is 1
"disable_existing_loggers": False, # false enable all loggers not defined here, true disable
"filters": {}, # no filters
"formatters": {
"simple": { # formatter name (
"format": '%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s]: %(filename)s.%(funcName)s: %(message)s' # format string
"handlers": {
"file": {
"class": "logging.FileHandler", # type - file output
"formatter": "simple", # use formatter 'simple' for handler 'file'
"filename": "%(logfilename)s", # ext: --> access variable logfilename
"mode": "w" # create new file
"loggers": { # configure loggers
"inkstitch": { # specific logger to inkstitch application
"level": "%(loglevel)s", # ext: --> access variable loglevel
"handlers": ["file"], # use handler 'file' for logger
"propagate": False, # don't propagate to root logger - otherwise all will be logged twice
"root": { # top level logger
"level": "%(loglevel)s", # ext: --> access variable loglevel
"handlers": ["file"], # use handler 'file' for logger