import inkex import re import json from copy import deepcopy from collections import MutableMapping from stringcase import snakecase from ..svg.tags import SVG_GROUP_TAG, INKSCAPE_GROUPMODE, SVG_DEFS_TAG, EMBROIDERABLE_TAGS, SVG_POLYLINE_TAG from ..elements import AutoFill, Fill, Stroke, SatinColumn, Polyline, EmbroideryElement from ..commands import is_command, layer_commands from ..i18n import _ SVG_METADATA_TAG = inkex.addNS("metadata", "svg") def strip_namespace(tag): """Remove xml namespace from a tag name. >>> {}namedview <<< namedview """ match = re.match('^\{[^}]+\}(.+)$', tag) if match: return else: return tag class InkStitchMetadata(MutableMapping): """Helper class to get and set inkstitch-specific metadata attributes. Operates on a document and acts like a dict. Setting an item adds or updates a metadata element in the document. Getting an item retrieves a metadata element's text contents or None if an element by that name doesn't exist. """ def __init__(self, document): self.document = document self.metadata = self._get_or_create_metadata() def _get_or_create_metadata(self): metadata = self.document.find(SVG_METADATA_TAG) if metadata is None: metadata = inkex.etree.SubElement(self.document.getroot(), SVG_METADATA_TAG) # move it so that it goes right after the first element, sodipodi:namedview self.document.getroot().remove(metadata) self.document.getroot().insert(1, metadata) return metadata # Because this class inherints from MutableMapping, all we have to do is # implement these five methods and we get a full dict-like interface. def __setitem__(self, name, value): item = self._find_item(name) item.text = json.dumps(value) def _find_item(self, name, create=True): tag = inkex.addNS(name, "inkstitch") item = self.metadata.find(tag) if item is None and create: item = inkex.etree.SubElement(self.metadata, tag) return item def __getitem__(self, name): item = self._find_item(name) try: return json.loads(item.text) except (ValueError, TypeError): return None def __delitem__(self, name): item = self._find_item(name, create=False) if item is not None: self.metadata.remove(item) def __iter__(self): for child in self.metadata: if child.prefix == "inkstitch": yield strip_namespace(child.tag) def __len__(self): i = 0 for i, item in enumerate(self): pass return i + 1 class InkstitchExtension(inkex.Effect): """Base class for Inkstitch extensions. Not intended for direct use.""" @classmethod def name(cls): return snakecase(cls.__name__) def hide_all_layers(self): for g in self.document.getroot().findall(SVG_GROUP_TAG): if g.get(INKSCAPE_GROUPMODE) == "layer": g.set("style", "display:none") def no_elements_error(self): if self.selected: inkex.errormsg(_("No embroiderable paths selected.")) else: inkex.errormsg(_("No embroiderable paths found in document.")) inkex.errormsg(_("Tip: use Path -> Object to Path to convert non-paths.")) def descendants(self, node, selected=False): nodes = [] element = EmbroideryElement(node) if element.has_command('ignore_object'): return [] if node.tag == SVG_GROUP_TAG and node.get(INKSCAPE_GROUPMODE) == "layer": if len(list(layer_commands(node, "ignore_layer"))): return [] if element.has_style('display') and element.get_style('display') is None: return [] if node.tag == SVG_DEFS_TAG: return [] if self.selected: if node.get("id") in self.selected: selected = True else: # if the user didn't select anything that means we process everything selected = True for child in node: nodes.extend(self.descendants(child, selected)) if selected and node.tag in EMBROIDERABLE_TAGS: nodes.append(node) return nodes def get_nodes(self): return self.descendants(self.document.getroot()) def detect_classes(self, node): if node.tag == SVG_POLYLINE_TAG: return [Polyline] else: element = EmbroideryElement(node) if element.get_boolean_param("satin_column"): return [SatinColumn] else: classes = [] if element.get_style("fill", "black"): if element.get_boolean_param("auto_fill", True): classes.append(AutoFill) else: classes.append(Fill) if element.get_style("stroke"): if not is_command(element.node): classes.append(Stroke) if element.get_boolean_param("stroke_first", False): classes.reverse() return classes def get_elements(self): self.elements = [] for node in self.get_nodes(): classes = self.detect_classes(node) self.elements.extend(cls(node) for cls in classes) if self.elements: return True else: self.no_elements_error() return False def elements_to_patches(self, elements): patches = [] for element in elements: if patches: last_patch = patches[-1] else: last_patch = None patches.extend(element.embroider(last_patch)) return patches def get_inkstitch_metadata(self): return InkStitchMetadata(self.document) def get_base_file_name(self): svg_filename = self.document.getroot().get(inkex.addNS('docname', 'sodipodi'), "embroidery.svg") if svg_filename.endswith('.svg'): svg_filename = svg_filename[:-4] return svg_filename def parse(self): """Override inkex.Effect to add Ink/Stitch xml namespace""" # SVG parsers don't actually look for anything at this URL. They just # care that it's unique. That defines a "namespace" of element and # attribute names to disambiguate conflicts with element and # attribute names other XML namespaces. # # Updating inkex.NSS here allows us to pass 'inkstitch' into # inkex.addNS(). inkex.NSS['inkstitch'] = '' # call the superclass's method first inkex.Effect.parse(self) # This is the only way I could find to add a namespace to an existing # element tree at the top without getting ugly prefixes like "ns0". inkex.etree.cleanup_namespaces(self.document, top_nsmap=inkex.NSS, keep_ns_prefixes=inkex.NSS.keys()) self.original_document = deepcopy(self.document)