from networkx import is_empty from shapely import geometry as shgeo from shapely.ops import substring from lib.utils import prng from ..stitch_plan import Stitch from ..utils.geometry import Point, reverse_line_string from .auto_fill import (build_fill_stitch_graph, build_travel_graph, collapse_sequential_outline_edges, fallback, find_stitch_path, graph_make_valid, travel) from .contour_fill import _make_fermat_spiral from .running_stitch import bean_stitch, even_running_stitch, running_stitch def circular_fill(shape, angle, row_spacing, end_row_spacing, num_staggers, running_stitch_length, running_stitch_tolerance, bean_stitch_repeats, repeats, skip_last, starting_point, ending_point, underpath, target, enable_random_stitch_length, running_stitch_length_jitter, random_seed, ): # get furthest distance of the target point to a shape border # so we know how many circles we will need distance = shape.hausdorff_distance(target) radius = row_spacing center = shgeo.Point(target) if radius > distance: # if the shape is smaller than row_spacing, return a simple circle in the size of row_spacing stitches = even_running_stitch([Stitch(*point) for point in center.buffer(radius).exterior.coords], running_stitch_length, running_stitch_tolerance) return _apply_bean_stitch_and_repeats(stitches, repeats, bean_stitch_repeats) circles = [] # add a small inner circle to make sure that the spiral ends close to the center circles.append(shgeo.LineString(center.buffer(0.1).exterior.coords)) # add twice the size of the (end_)row_spacing to make sure we go big enough stopp_at_distance = distance + (end_row_spacing or row_spacing) * 2 while radius < stopp_at_distance: circles.append(shgeo.LineString(center.buffer(radius).exterior.coords)) if end_row_spacing: radius += row_spacing + (end_row_spacing - row_spacing) * (radius / distance) else: radius += row_spacing circles.reverse() # Use double spiral from contour fill (we don't want to get stuck in the middle of the spiral) double_spiral = _make_fermat_spiral(circles, running_stitch_length, circles[0].coords[0]) double_spiral = shgeo.LineString(list(double_spiral)) intersection = double_spiral.intersection(shape) if isinstance(intersection, shgeo.LineString): # if we get a single linestrig (original shape is a circle), apply start and end commands and return path path = list(intersection.coords) path = _apply_start_end_commands(shape, path, starting_point, ending_point) stitches = running_stitch([Stitch(*point) for point in path], running_stitch_length, running_stitch_tolerance, enable_random_stitch_length, running_stitch_length_jitter, random_seed) return _apply_bean_stitch_and_repeats(stitches, repeats, bean_stitch_repeats) segments = [] for n, line in enumerate(intersection.geoms): if isinstance(line, shgeo.LineString): # use running stitch here to adjust the stitch length coords = running_stitch([Point(*point) for point in line.coords], running_stitch_length, running_stitch_tolerance, enable_random_stitch_length, running_stitch_length_jitter, prng.join_args(random_seed, n)) segments.append([(point.x, point.y) for point in coords]) fill_stitch_graph = build_fill_stitch_graph(shape, segments, starting_point, ending_point) if is_empty(fill_stitch_graph): return fallback(shape, running_stitch_length, running_stitch_tolerance) graph_make_valid(fill_stitch_graph) travel_graph = build_travel_graph(fill_stitch_graph, shape, angle, underpath) path = find_stitch_path(fill_stitch_graph, travel_graph, starting_point, ending_point) result = path_to_stitches(shape, path, travel_graph, fill_stitch_graph, running_stitch_length, running_stitch_tolerance, skip_last, underpath) result = _apply_bean_stitch_and_repeats(result, repeats, bean_stitch_repeats) return result def _apply_bean_stitch_and_repeats(stitches, repeats, bean_stitch_repeats): if any(bean_stitch_repeats): # add bean stitches, but ignore travel stitches stitches = bean_stitch(stitches, bean_stitch_repeats, ['auto_fill_travel']) if repeats: for i in range(1, repeats): if i % 2 == 1: # reverse every other pass stitches.extend(stitches[::-1]) else: stitches.extend(stitches) return stitches def _apply_start_end_commands(shape, path, starting_point, ending_point): if starting_point or ending_point: outline = shape.boundary if starting_point: start = _get_start_end_sequence(outline, shgeo.Point(*starting_point), shgeo.Point(*path[0])) path = list(start.coords) + path if ending_point: end = _get_start_end_sequence(outline, shgeo.Point(*path[-1]), shgeo.Point(*ending_point)) path.extend(list(end.coords)) return path def _get_start_end_sequence(outline, start, end): start_dist = outline.project(start) end_dist = outline.project(end) return substring(outline, start_dist, end_dist) def path_to_stitches(shape, path, travel_graph, fill_stitch_graph, running_stitch_length, running_stitch_tolerance, skip_last, underpath): path = collapse_sequential_outline_edges(path, fill_stitch_graph) stitches = [] # If the very first stitch is travel, we'll omit it in travel(), so add it here. if not path[0].is_segment(): stitches.append(Stitch(*path[0].nodes[0], tags={'auto_fill_travel'})) for edge in path: if edge.is_segment(): current_edge = fill_stitch_graph[edge[0]][edge[-1]]['segment'] path_geometry = current_edge['geometry'] if edge[0] != path_geometry.coords[0]: path_geometry = reverse_line_string(path_geometry) new_stitches = [Stitch(*point) for point in path_geometry.coords] # need to tag stitches if skip_last: del new_stitches[-1] stitches.extend(new_stitches) travel_graph.remove_edges_from(fill_stitch_graph[edge[0]][edge[1]]['segment'].get('underpath_edges', [])) else: stitches.extend(travel(shape, travel_graph, edge, running_stitch_length, running_stitch_tolerance, skip_last, underpath)) return stitches