import os from math import ceil, floor import inkex import json import lxml import networkx as nx from shapely.geometry import LineString, MultiLineString from shapely.prepared import prep from .debug import debug from .i18n import _ from .svg import apply_transforms from .utils import Point, cache, get_bundled_dir, guess_inkscape_config_path from .utils.threading import check_stop_flag class Tile: def __init__(self, path): self._load_tile(path) def _load_tile(self, tile_path): self.tile_svg = inkex.load_svg(os.path.join(tile_path, "tile.svg")) self.preview_image = self._load_preview(tile_path) self._load_metadata(tile_path) self.tile = None self.width = None self.height = None self.shift0 = None self.shift1 = None def __lt__(self, other): return < def __repr__(self): return f"Tile({}, {}, {self.preview_image})" __str__ = __repr__ def _load_preview(self, tile_path): image_path = os.path.join(tile_path, "preview.png") if os.path.isfile(image_path): return image_path return None def _load_metadata(self, tile_path): with open(os.path.join(tile_path, "tile.json"), "rb") as tile_json: tile_metadata = json.load(tile_json) = _(tile_metadata.get('name')) = tile_metadata.get('id') def _get_name(self, tile_path): return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(tile_path))[0] def _load(self): self._load_paths(self.tile_svg) self._load_dimensions(self.tile_svg) self._load_parallelogram(self.tile_svg) def _load_paths(self, tile_svg): path_elements = tile_svg.findall('.//svg:path', namespaces=inkex.NSS) tile = self._path_elements_to_line_strings(path_elements) center, ignore, ignore = self._get_center_and_dimensions(MultiLineString(tile)) self.tile = [(start - center, end - center) for start, end in tile] def _load_dimensions(self, tile_svg): svg_element = tile_svg.getroot() self.width = svg_element.viewport_width self.height = svg_element.viewport_height def _load_parallelogram(self, tile_svg): parallelogram_elements = tile_svg.findall(".//svg:*[@class='para']", namespaces=inkex.NSS) if parallelogram_elements: path_element = parallelogram_elements[0] path = apply_transforms(path_element.get_path(), path_element) subpaths = path.to_superpath() subpath = subpaths[0] points = [Point.from_tuple(p[1]) for p in subpath] self.shift0 = points[1] - points[0] self.shift1 = points[2] - points[1] else: self.shift0 = Point(self.width, 0) self.shift1 = Point(0, self.height) def _path_elements_to_line_strings(self, path_elements): lines = [] for path_element in path_elements: path = apply_transforms(path_element.get_path(), path_element) for subpath in path.to_superpath(): # We only care about the endpoints of each subpath. They're # supposed to be simple line segments. lines.append([Point.from_tuple(subpath[0][1]), Point.from_tuple(subpath[-1][1])]) return lines def _get_center_and_dimensions(self, shape): min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = shape.bounds center = Point((max_x + min_x) / 2, (max_y + min_y) / 2) width = max_x - min_x height = max_y - min_y return center, width, height def _translate_tile(self, tile, shift): translated_tile = [] for start, end in tile: start += shift end += shift translated_tile.append((start.as_int().as_tuple(), end.as_int().as_tuple())) return translated_tile def _scale(self, x_scale, y_scale): scaled_shift0 = self.shift0.scale(x_scale, y_scale) scaled_shift1 = self.shift1.scale(x_scale, y_scale) scaled_tile = [] for start, end in self.tile: start = start.scale(x_scale, y_scale) end = end.scale(x_scale, y_scale) scaled_tile.append((start, end)) return scaled_shift0, scaled_shift1, scaled_tile @debug.time def to_graph(self, shape, scale): """Apply this tile to a shape, repeating as necessary. Return value: networkx.Graph with edges corresponding to lines in the pattern. Each edge has an attribute 'line_string' with the LineString representation of this edge. """ self._load() x_scale, y_scale = scale shift0, shift1, tile = self._scale(x_scale, y_scale) shape_center, shape_width, shape_height = self._get_center_and_dimensions(shape) prepared_shape = prep(shape) return self._generate_graph(prepared_shape, shape_center, shape_width, shape_height, shift0, shift1, tile) @debug.time def _generate_graph(self, shape, shape_center, shape_width, shape_height, shift0, shift1, tile): graph = nx.Graph() shape_diagonal = Point(shape_width, shape_height).length() num_tiles = ceil(shape_diagonal / min(shift0.length(), shift1.length())) debug.log(f"num_tiles: {num_tiles}") tile_diagonal = (shift0 + shift1).length() x_cutoff = shape_width / 2 + tile_diagonal y_cutoff = shape_height / 2 + tile_diagonal for repeat0 in range(-num_tiles, num_tiles): for repeat1 in range(-num_tiles, num_tiles): check_stop_flag() offset0 = repeat0 * shift0 offset1 = repeat1 * shift1 offset = offset0 + offset1 if abs(offset.x) > x_cutoff or abs(offset.y) > y_cutoff: continue this_tile = self._translate_tile(tile, offset + shape_center) for line in this_tile: line_string = LineString(line) if shape.contains(line_string): graph.add_edge(line[0], line[1]) self._remove_dead_ends(graph) return graph @debug.time def _remove_dead_ends(self, graph): graph.remove_edges_from(nx.selfloop_edges(graph)) while True: dead_end_nodes = [node for node, degree in if degree <= 1] if dead_end_nodes: graph.remove_nodes_from(dead_end_nodes) else: return def all_tile_paths(): return [os.path.join(guess_inkscape_config_path(), 'tiles'), get_bundled_dir('tiles')] @cache def all_tiles(): tiles = [] for tiles_path in all_tile_paths(): try: for tile_dir in sorted(os.listdir(tiles_path)): try: tiles.append(Tile(os.path.join(tiles_path, tile_dir))) except (OSError, lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError, json.JSONDecodeError, KeyError) as exc: debug.log(f"error loading tile {tiles_path}/{tile_dir}: {exc}") except Exception as exc: debug.log(f"unexpected error loading tile {tiles_path}/{tile_dir}: {exc}") raise except FileNotFoundError: pass return tiles