# Authors: see git history # # Copyright (c) 2010 Authors # Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3.0 or later. See the file LICENSE for details. import os import sys from pathlib import Path import configparser import lib.debug_utils as debug_utils SCRIPTDIR = Path(__file__).parent.absolute() if len(sys.argv) < 2: # no arguments - prevent accidentally running this script print("No arguments given, continue without arguments?") answer = input("Continue? [y/N] ") if answer.lower() != 'y': exit(1) running_as_frozen = getattr(sys, 'frozen', None) is not None # check if running from pyinstaller bundle ini = configparser.ConfigParser() ini.read(SCRIPTDIR / "DEVEL.ini") # read DEVEL.ini file if exists # prefer pip installed inkex over inkscape bundled inkex, pip version is bundled with Inkstitch prefere_pip_inkex = ini.getboolean("LIBRARY","prefer_pip_inkex", fallback=True) # check if running from inkscape, given by environment variable if os.environ.get('INKSTITCH_OFFLINE_SCRIPT', '').lower() in ['true', '1', 'yes', 'y']: running_from_inkscape = False else: running_from_inkscape = True debug_active = bool((gettrace := getattr(sys, 'gettrace')) and gettrace()) # check if debugger is active on startup debug_type = 'none' profile_type = 'none' if not running_as_frozen: # debugging/profiling only in development mode # define names of files used by offline Bash script bash_file_base = ini.get("DEBUG","bash_file_base", fallback="debug_inkstitch") bash_name = Path(bash_file_base).with_suffix(".sh") # Path object bash_svg = Path(bash_file_base).with_suffix(".svg") # Path object # specify debugger type # - if script was already started from debugger then don't read debug file if not debug_active: debug_type = ini.get("DEBUG","debugger", fallback="none") # debugger type vscode, pycharm, pydevd, none # specify profiler type profile_type = ini.get("PROFILE","profiler", fallback="none") # profiler type cprofile, profile, pyinstrument, none # process creation of the Bash script if running_from_inkscape: if ini.getboolean("DEBUG","create_bash_script", fallback=False): # create script only if enabled in DEVEL.ini debug_utils.write_offline_debug_script(SCRIPTDIR, bash_name, bash_svg) # disable debugger when running from inkscape disable_from_inkscape = ini.getboolean("DEBUG","disable_from_inkscape", fallback=False) if disable_from_inkscape: debug_type = 'none' # do not start debugger when running from inkscape if prefere_pip_inkex and 'PYTHONPATH' in os.environ: # see static void set_extensions_env() in inkscape/src/inkscape-main.cpp # When running in development mode, we prefer inkex installed by pip, not the one bundled with Inkscape. # - move inkscape extensions path to the end of sys.path # - we compare PYTHONPATH with sys.path and move PYTHONPATH to the end of sys.path # - also user inkscape extensions path is moved to the end of sys.path - may cause problems? # - path for deprecated-simple are removed from sys.path, will be added later by importing inkex # PYTHONPATH to list pythonpath = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', '').split(os.pathsep) # remove pythonpath from sys.path sys.path = [p for p in sys.path if p not in pythonpath] # remove deprecated-simple, it will be added later by importing inkex pythonpath = [p for p in pythonpath if not p.endswith('deprecated-simple')] # remove nonexisting paths pythonpath = [p for p in pythonpath if os.path.exists(p)] # add pythonpath to the end of sys.path sys.path.extend(pythonpath) # >> should be removed after previous code was tested << # if sys.platform == "darwin": # extensions_path = "/Applications/Inkscape.app/Contents/Resources/share/inkscape/extensions" # Mac # else: # extensions_path = "/usr/share/inkscape/extensions" # Linux # # windows ? # move inkscape extensions path to the end of sys.path # sys.path.remove(extensions_path) # sys.path.append(extensions_path) # >> ------------------------------------------------- << import logging from argparse import ArgumentParser from io import StringIO from lib.exceptions import InkstitchException, format_uncaught_exception from inkex import errormsg from lxml.etree import XMLSyntaxError import lib.debug as debug from lib import extensions from lib.i18n import _ from lib.utils import restore_stderr, save_stderr # file DEBUG exists next to inkstitch.py - enabling debug mode depends on value of debug_type in DEBUG file if debug_type != 'none': debug_file = ini.get("DEBUG","debug_file", fallback="debug.log") wait_attach = ini.getboolean("DEBUG","wait_attach", fallback=True) # currently only for vscode debug.enable(debug_type, debug_file, wait_attach) # check if debugger is really activated debug_active = bool((gettrace := getattr(sys, 'gettrace')) and gettrace()) # ignore warnings in releases - see warnings.warn() if running_as_frozen or not debug_active: import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # set logger for shapely logger = logging.getLogger('shapely.geos') # attach logger of shapely, from ver 2.0.0 all logs are exceptions logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) shapely_errors = StringIO() # in memory file to store shapely errors ch = logging.StreamHandler(shapely_errors) ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) # pop '--extension' from arguments and generate extension class name from extension name parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--extension") my_args, remaining_args = parser.parse_known_args() extension_name = my_args.extension # example: foo_bar_baz -> FooBarBaz extension_class_name = extension_name.title().replace("_", "") extension_class = getattr(extensions, extension_class_name) extension = extension_class() # create instance of extension class - call __init__ method # extension run(), but we differentiate between debug and normal mode # - in debug or profile mode we run extension or profile extension # - in normal mode we run extension in try/except block to catch all exceptions and hide GTK spam if debug_active or profile_type != "none": # if debug or profile mode profile_file_base = ini.get("PROFILE","profile_file_base", fallback="debug_profile") profile_path = SCRIPTDIR / profile_file_base # Path object if profile_type == 'none': extension.run(args=remaining_args) elif profile_type == 'cprofile': import cProfile import pstats profiler = cProfile.Profile() profiler.enable() extension.run(args=remaining_args) profiler.disable() profiler.dump_stats(profile_path.with_suffix(".prof")) # can be read by 'snakeviz -s' or 'pyprof2calltree' with open(profile_path, 'w') as stats_file: stats = pstats.Stats(profiler, stream=stats_file) stats.sort_stats(pstats.SortKey.CUMULATIVE) stats.print_stats() print(f"profiling stats written to '{profile_path.name}' and '{profile_path.name}.prof'. Use snakeviz to see it.", file=sys.stderr) elif profile_type == 'profile': import profile import pstats profiler = profile.Profile() profiler.run('extension.run(args=remaining_args)') profiler.dump_stats(profile_path.with_suffix(".prof")) # can be read by 'snakeviz' or 'pyprof2calltree' - seems broken with open(profile_path, 'w') as stats_file: stats = pstats.Stats(profiler, stream=stats_file) stats.sort_stats(pstats.SortKey.CUMULATIVE) stats.print_stats() print(f"profiling stats written to '{profile_path.name}'", file=sys.stderr) elif profile_type == 'pyinstrument': import pyinstrument profiler = pyinstrument.Profiler() profiler.start() extension.run(args=remaining_args) profiler.stop() profile_path = SCRIPTDIR / "profile_stats.html" with open(profile_path, 'w') as stats_file: stats_file.write(profiler.output_html()) print(f"profiling stats written to '{profile_path.name}'. Use browser to see it.", file=sys.stderr) else: # if not debug nor profile mode save_stderr() # hide GTK spam exception = None try: extension.run(args=remaining_args) except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt): raise except XMLSyntaxError: msg = _("Ink/Stitch cannot read your SVG file. " "This is often the case when you use a file which has been created with Adobe Illustrator.") msg += "\n\n" msg += _("Try to import the file into Inkscape through 'File > Import...' (Ctrl+I)") errormsg(msg) except InkstitchException as exc: errormsg(str(exc)) except Exception: errormsg(format_uncaught_exception()) sys.exit(1) finally: restore_stderr() if shapely_errors.tell(): errormsg(shapely_errors.getvalue()) sys.exit(0)