const inkStitch = require("../../../lib/api") const Mousetrap = require("mousetrap") import { SVG } from '@svgdotjs/svg.js' require('@svgdotjs/svg.panzoom.js/src/svg.panzoom.js') require('@svgdotjs/svg.filter.js') const svgpath = require('svgpath') import Loading from 'vue-loading-overlay'; import 'vue-loading-overlay/dist/vue-loading.css'; import VueSlider from 'vue-slider-component' import 'vue-slider-component/theme/default.css' const throttle = require('lodash.throttle') function SliderMark(command, icon) { this.label = "" this.command = command this.icon = icon } export default { name: 'simulator', components: { Loading, VueSlider }, data: function () { return { loading: false, controlsExpanded: true, infoExpanded: false, infoMaxHeight: 0, speed: 16, currentStitch: 1, currentStitchDisplay: 1, direction: 1, numStitches: 1, animating: false, sliderProcess: dotPos => this.sliderColorSections, showTrims: false, showJumps: false, showColorChanges: false, showStops: false, showNeedlePenetrationPoints: false, showRealisticPreview: false, showCursor: true } }, watch: { currentStitch: throttle(function () { this.currentStitchDisplay = Math.floor(this.currentStitch) }, 100, {leading: true, trailing: true}), showNeedlePenetrationPoints: function () { if (this.needlePenetrationPoints === null) { return; } this.needlePenetrationPoints.forEach(npp => { if (this.showNeedlePenetrationPoints) { } else { npp.hide() } }) }, showRealisticPreview() { let animating = this.animating this.stop() if (this.showRealisticPreview) { if (this.realisticPreview === null) { // This workflow should be improved and might be a bit unconventional. // We don't want to make the user wait for it too long. // It would be best, if the realistic preview could load before it is actually requested. this.$nextTick(() => {this.loading=true}) setImmediate(()=> {this.generateRealisticPaths()}) setImmediate(()=> {this.loading = false}) } setImmediate(()=> { for (let i = 1; i < this.stitches.length; i++) { if (i < this.currentStitch) { this.realisticPaths[i].show() } else { this.realisticPaths[i].hide() } } this.simulation.hide() }) } else { for (let i = 1; i < this.stitches.length; i++) { if (i < this.currentStitch) { this.stitchPaths[i].show() } else { this.stitchPaths[i].hide() } } this.realisticPreview.hide() } if (animating) { this.start() } }, showCursor: function () { if (this.showCursor) { } else { this.cursor.hide() } } }, computed: { speedDisplay() { return this.speed * this.direction }, currentCommand() { let stitch = this.stitches[Math.floor(this.currentStitch)] if (stitch === undefined || stitch === null) { return "" } let label = this.$gettext("STITCH") switch (true) { case stitch.jump: label = this.$gettext("JUMP") break case stitch.trim: label = this.$gettext("TRIM") break case stitch.stop: label = this.$gettext("STOP") break case stitch.color_change: label = this.$gettext("COLOR CHANGE") break } return label }, paused() { return !this.animating }, forward() { return this.direction > 0 }, reverse() { return this.direction < 0 }, sliderMarks() { var marks = {} if (this.showTrims) Object.assign(marks, this.trimMarks); if (this.showJumps) Object.assign(marks, this.jumpMarks); if (this.showColorChanges) Object.assign(marks, this.colorChangeMarks); if (this.showStops) Object.assign(marks, this.stopMarks); return marks } }, methods: { toggleInfo() { this.infoExpanded = !this.infoExpanded; this.infoMaxHeight = this.$refs.controlInfoButton.getBoundingClientRect().top; }, toggleControls() { this.controlsExpanded = !this.controlsExpanded; }, animationSpeedUp() { this.speed *= 2.0 }, animationSlowDown() { this.speed = Math.max(this.speed / 2.0, 1) }, animationReverse() { this.direction = -1 this.start() }, animationForward() { this.direction = 1 this.start() }, toggleAnimation(e) { if (this.animating) { this.stop() } else { this.start() } e.preventDefault(); }, animationForwardOneStitch() { this.setCurrentStitch(this.currentStitch + 1) }, animationBackwardOneStitch() { this.setCurrentStitch(this.currentStitch - 1) }, animationNextCommand() { let nextCommandIndex = this.getNextCommandIndex() if (nextCommandIndex === -1) { this.setCurrentStitch(this.stitches.length) } else { this.setCurrentStitch(this.commandList[nextCommandIndex]) } }, animationPreviousCommand() { let nextCommandIndex = this.getNextCommandIndex() let prevCommandIndex = 0 if (nextCommandIndex === -1) { prevCommandIndex = this.commandList.length - 2 } else { prevCommandIndex = nextCommandIndex - 2 } let previousCommand = this.commandList[prevCommandIndex] if (previousCommand === undefined) { previousCommand = 1 } this.setCurrentStitch(previousCommand) }, getNextCommandIndex() { let currentStitch = this.currentStitchDisplay let nextCommand = this.commandList.findIndex(function (command) { return command > currentStitch }) return nextCommand }, onCurrentStitchEntered() { let newCurrentStitch = parseInt(this.$refs.currentStitchInput.value) if (isNaN(newCurrentStitch)) { this.$refs.currentStitchInput.value = Math.floor(this.currentStitch) } else { this.setCurrentStitch(parseInt(newCurrentStitch)) } }, setCurrentStitch(newCurrentStitch) { this.stop() this.currentStitch = newCurrentStitch this.clampCurrentStitch() this.renderFrame() }, clampCurrentStitch() { this.currentStitch = Math.max(Math.min(this.currentStitch, this.numStitches), 0) }, animate() { let frameStart = let frameTime = null if (this.lastFrameStart !== null) { frameTime = frameStart - this.lastFrameStart } else { frameTime = this.targetFramePeriod } this.lastFrameStart = frameStart let numStitches = this.speed * Math.max(frameTime, this.targetFramePeriod) / 1000.0; this.currentStitch = this.currentStitch + numStitches * this.direction this.clampCurrentStitch() this.renderFrame() if (this.animating && this.shouldAnimate()) { this.timer = setTimeout(this.animate, Math.max(0, this.targetFramePeriod - frameTime)) } else { this.timer = null; this.stop() } }, renderFrame() { while (this.renderedStitch < this.currentStitch) { this.renderedStitch += 1 if (this.showRealisticPreview) { this.realisticPaths[this.renderedStitch].show() } else { this.stitchPaths[this.renderedStitch].show(); } } while (this.renderedStitch > this.currentStitch) { if (this.showRealisticPreview) { this.realisticPaths[this.renderedStitch].hide() } else { this.stitchPaths[this.renderedStitch].hide(); } this.renderedStitch -= 1 } this.moveCursor() }, shouldAnimate() { if (this.direction == 1 && this.currentStitch < this.numStitches) { return true; } else if (this.direction == -1 && this.currentStitch > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }, start() { if (!this.animating && this.shouldAnimate()) { this.animating = true this.timer = setTimeout(this.animate, 0); } }, stop() { if (this.animating) { if (this.timer) { clearTimeout(this.timer) this.timer = null } this.animating = false this.lastFrameStart = null } }, resizeCursor() { // This makes the cursor stay the same size when zooming in or out. // I'm not exactly sure how it works, but it does. this.cursor.size(25 / this.svg.zoom()) this.cursor.stroke({width: 2 / this.svg.zoom()}) // SVG.js seems to move the cursor when we resize it, so we need to put // it back where it goes. this.moveCursor() this.adjustScale() }, moveCursor() { let stitch = this.stitches[Math.floor(this.currentStitch)] if (stitch === null || stitch === undefined) { this.cursor.hide() } else if (this.showCursor) {, stitch.y) } }, adjustScale: throttle(function () { let one_mm = 96 / 25.4 * this.svg.zoom(); let scaleWidth = one_mm let simulatorWidth = this.$refs.simulator.getBoundingClientRect().width let maxWidth = Math.min(simulatorWidth / 2, 300) while (scaleWidth > maxWidth) { scaleWidth /= 2.0 } while (scaleWidth < 100) { scaleWidth += one_mm } let scaleMM = scaleWidth / one_mm this.scale.plot(`M0,0 v10 h${scaleWidth / 2} v-5 v5 h${scaleWidth / 2} v-10`) // round and strip trailing zeros, source: let mm = scaleMM.toFixed(8).replace(/([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+[1-9])?)(\.?0+$)/, '$1') this.scaleLabel.text(`${mm} mm`) }, 100, {leading: true, trailing: true} ), generateMarks() { this.commandList = Array() for (let i = 1; i < this.stitches.length; i++) { if (this.stitches[i].trim) { this.trimMarks[i] = new SliderMark("trim", "cut") this.commandList.push(i) } else if (this.stitches[i].stop) { this.stopMarks[i] = new SliderMark("stop", "pause") this.commandList.push(i) } else if (this.stitches[i].jump) { this.jumpMarks[i] = new SliderMark("jump", "frog") this.commandList.push(i) } else if (this.stitches[i].color_change) { this.colorChangeMarks[i] = new SliderMark("color-change", "exchange-alt") this.commandList.push(i) } } }, generateColorSections() { var currentStitch = 0 this.stitchPlan.color_blocks.forEach(color_block => { this.sliderColorSections.push([ (currentStitch + 1) / this.numStitches * 100, (currentStitch + color_block.stitches.length) / this.numStitches * 100, {backgroundColor: color_block.color.visible_on_white.hex} ]) currentStitch += color_block.stitches.length }) }, generateMarker(color) { return this.svg.marker(3, 3, add => { let needlePenetrationPoint = this.needlePenetrationPoints.push(needlePenetrationPoint) }) }, generateScale() { let svg = SVG().addTo(this.$refs.simulator) svg.node.classList.add("simulation-scale") this.scale = svg.path("M0,0").stroke({color: "black", width: "1px"}).fill("none") this.scaleLabel = svg.text("0 mm").move(0, 12) this.scaleLabel.node.classList.add("simulation-scale-label") }, generateCursor() { this.cursor = this.svg.path("M0,0 v2.8 h1.2 v-2.8 h2.8 v-1.2 h-2.8 v-2.8 h-1.2 v2.8 h-2.8 v1.2 h2.8") .stroke({ width: 0.1, color: '#FFFFFF', }) .fill('#000000') this.cursor.node.classList.add("cursor") }, generateRealisticPaths() { // Create Realistic Filter this.filter = this.svg.defs().filter() this.filter.attr({id: "realistic-stitch-filter", x: "-0.1", y: "-0.1", height: "1.2", width: "1.2", style: "color-interpolation-filters:sRGB"}) this.filter.gaussianBlur({id: "gaussianBlur1", stdDeviation: "1.5", in: "SourceAlpha"}) this.filter.componentTransfer(function (add) { add.funcR({ type: "identity" }), add.funcG({ type: "identity" }), add.funcB({ type: "identity", slope: "4.53" }), add.funcA({ type: "gamma", slope: "0.149", intercept: "0", amplitude: "3.13", offset: "-0.33" }) }).attr({id: "componentTransfer1", in: "gaussianBlur1"}) this.filter.composite({id: "composite1", in: "componentTransfer1", in2: "SourceAlpha", operator: "in"}) this.filter.gaussianBlur({id: "gaussianBlur2", in: "composite1", stdDeviation: 0.09}) this.filter.morphology({id: "morphology1", in: "gaussianBlur2", operator: "dilate", radius: 0.1}) this.filter.specularLighting({id: "specularLighting1", in: "morphology1", specularConstant: 0.709, surfaceScale: 30}).pointLight({z: 10}) this.filter.gaussianBlur({id: "gaussianBlur3", in: "specularLighting1", stdDeviation: 0.04}) this.filter.composite({id: "composite2", in: "gaussianBlur3", in2: "SourceGraphic", operator: "arithmetic", k2: 1, k3: 1, k1: 0, k4: 0}) this.filter.composite({in: "composite2", in2: "SourceAlpha", operator: "in"}) // Create realistic paths in it's own group and move it behind the cursor this.realisticPreview ={id: 'realistic'}).backward() this.stitchPlan.color_blocks.forEach(color_block => { let color = `${color_block.color.visible_on_white.hex}` let realistic_path_attrs = {fill: color, stroke: "none", filter: this.filter} let stitching = false let prevStitch = null color_block.stitches.forEach(stitch => { let realisticPath = null if (stitching && prevStitch) { // Position let stitch_center = [] stitch_center.x = (prevStitch.x + stitch.x) / 2.0 stitch_center.y = (prevStitch.y + stitch.y) / 2.0 // Angle var stitch_angle = Math.atan2(stitch.y - prevStitch.y, stitch.x - prevStitch.x) * (180 / Math.PI) // Length let path_length = Math.hypot(stitch.x - prevStitch.x, stitch.y - prevStitch.y) var path = `M0,0 c 0.4,0,0.4,0.3,0.4,0.6 c 0,0.3,-0.1,0.6,-0.4,0.6 v 0.2,-0.2 h -${path_length} c -0.4,0,-0.4,-0.3,-0.4,-0.6 c 0,-0.3,0.1,-0.6,0.4,-0.6 v -0.2,0.2 z` path = svgpath(path).rotate(stitch_angle).toString() realisticPath = this.realisticPreview.path(path).attr(realistic_path_attrs).center(stitch_center.x, stitch_center.y).hide() } else { realisticPath = this.realisticPreview.rect(0, 1).attr(realistic_path_attrs).center(stitch.x, stitch.y).hide() } this.realisticPaths.push(realisticPath) if (stitch.trim || stitch.color_change) { stitching = false } else if (!stitch.jump) { stitching = true } prevStitch = stitch }) }) } }, created: function () { // non-reactive properties this.targetFPS = 30 this.targetFramePeriod = 1000.0 / this.targetFPS this.renderedStitch = 0 this.lastFrameStart = null this.stitchPaths = [null] // 1-indexed to match up with stitch number display this.realisticPaths = [null] this.stitches = [null] this.svg = null this.simulation = null this.realisticPreview = null this.timer = null this.sliderColorSections = [] this.trimMarks = {} this.stopMarks = {} this.colorChangeMarks = {} this.jumpMarks = {} this.needlePenetrationPoints = [] this.cursor = null }, mounted: function () { this.svg = SVG().addTo(this.$refs.simulator).size('100%', '100%').panZoom({zoomMin: 0.1}) this.svg.node.classList.add('simulation') this.simulation ={id: 'line'}) this.loading = true inkStitch.get('stitch_plan').then(response => { this.stitchPlan = let [minx, miny, maxx, maxy] = this.stitchPlan.bounding_box let width = maxx - minx let height = maxy - miny this.svg.viewbox(0, 0, width, height); this.stitchPlan.color_blocks.forEach(color_block => { let color = `${color_block.color.visible_on_white.hex}` let path_attrs = {fill: "none", stroke: color, "stroke-width": 0.3} let marker = this.generateMarker(color) let stitching = false let prevStitch = null color_block.stitches.forEach(stitch => { stitch.x -= minx stitch.y -= miny let path = null if (stitching && prevStitch) { path = this.simulation.path(`M${prevStitch.x},${prevStitch.y} ${stitch.x},${stitch.y}`).attr(path_attrs).hide() } else { path = this.simulation.path(`M${stitch.x},${stitch.y} ${stitch.x},${stitch.y}`).attr(path_attrs).hide() } path.marker('end', marker) this.stitchPaths.push(path) this.stitches.push(stitch) if (stitch.trim || stitch.color_change) { stitching = false } else if (!stitch.jump) { stitching = true } prevStitch = stitch }) }) this.numStitches = this.stitches.length - 1 this.generateMarks() this.generateColorSections() this.generateScale() this.generateCursor() this.loading = false // v-on:keydown doesn't seem to work, maybe an Electron issue? Mousetrap.bind("up", this.animationSpeedUp) Mousetrap.bind("down", this.animationSlowDown) Mousetrap.bind("left", this.animationReverse) Mousetrap.bind("right", this.animationForward) Mousetrap.bind("pagedown", this.animationPreviousCommand) Mousetrap.bind("pageup", this.animationNextCommand) Mousetrap.bind("space", this.toggleAnimation) Mousetrap.bind("+", this.animationForwardOneStitch) Mousetrap.bind("-", this.animationBackwardOneStitch) this.svg.on('zoom', this.resizeCursor) this.resizeCursor() this.start() }) } }