{ "name": "Emilio 20 Simple Small", "description": "This font is an altered version of Emilio 20 simple, to allow a greater scaling down. The use of both thin thread (60) and thin needle (60) is mandatory. The altered embroidery parameters of this font allow to scale down the original Emilio 20 Simple font between 15% (for a 8mm font ) and 40 % (for a 20mm font).", "keywords": [ "serif", "tiny" ], "leading": 194, "auto_satin": false, "reversible": false, "letter_case": "upper", "default_glyph": " ", "min_scale": 0.15, "max_scale": 0.40, "size": 42, "horiz_adv_x_default": 153, "horiz_adv_x_space": 78, "units_per_em": 194, "horiz_adv_x": { " ": 84, "9": 153, "8": 156, "6": 150, "7": 140, "3": 152, "5": 155, "2": 154, "1": 93, "Z": 152, "Y": 168, "X": 180, "N": 179, "K": 182, "H": 175, "I": 96, "P": 164, "C": 143, "R": 169, "A": 174, "V": 170, "D": 158, "0": 150, "O": 147, "F": 157, "G": 146, "J": 142, "L": 150, "M": 216, "Q": 147, "S": 154, "T": 148, "U": 182, "W": 280, "$": 148, "4": 162, ".": 80, "a": 174, "c": 143, "d": 158, "f": 157, "g": 145, "h": 175, "i": 95, "j": 142, "k": 182, "l": 150, "m": 216, "n": 179, "o": 147, "p": 164, "q": 147, "r": 169, "s": 154, "t": 148, "u": 182, "v": 170, "w": 280, "x": 180, "y": 168, "z": 152 }, "kerning_pairs": {}, "glyphs": [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z" ] }