EXTENSIONS:=inkstitch # This gets the branch name or the name of the tag VERSION:=$(subst /,-,$(TRAVIS_BRANCH)) OS:=$(TRAVIS_OS_NAME) ARCH:=$(shell uname -m) dist: distclean locales inx bin/build-dist $(EXTENSIONS) cp inx/*.inx dist cp -a images/examples dist/inkstitch cp -a palettes dist/inkstitch cp -a symbols dist/inkstitch cp -a fonts dist/inkstitch cp -a icons dist/inkstitch/bin cp -a locales dist/inkstitch/bin cp -a print dist/inkstitch/bin if [ "$$BUILD" = "windows" ]; then \ cd dist; zip -r ../inkstitch-$(VERSION)-win32.zip *; \ else \ cd dist; tar zcf ../inkstitch-$(VERSION)-$(OS)-$(ARCH).tar.gz *; \ fi distclean: rm -rf build dist inx locales *.spec *.tar.gz *.zip .PHONY: inx inx: locales mkdir -p inx if [ "$$BUILD" = "windows" ]; then \ wine c:\\Python\\python.exe bin/generate-inx-files; \ else \ bin/generate-inx-files; \ fi .PHONY: messages.po messages.po: rm -f messages.po bin/pyembroidery-gettext > pyembroidery-format-descriptions.py pybabel extract -o messages.po -F babel.conf --add-location=full --add-comments=l10n,L10n,L10N --sort-by-file --strip-comments -k N_ . rm pyembroidery-format-descriptions.py .PHONY: clean clean: rm -f messages.po pyembroidery-format-descriptions.py .PHONY: locales locales: # message files will look like this: # translations/messages_en_US.po if ls translations/*.po > /dev/null 2>&1; then \ for po in translations/*.po; do \ lang=$${po%.*}; \ lang=$${lang#*_}; \ mkdir -p locales/$$lang/LC_MESSAGES/; \ msgfmt $$po -o locales/$$lang/LC_MESSAGES/inkstitch.mo; \ done; \ else \ mkdir -p locales; \ fi .PHONY: style style: flake8 . --count --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=150 --statistics --exclude=pyembroidery,__init__.py