import sys import inkex import cubicsuperpath import simpletransform from .svg import apply_transforms, get_node_transform from .svg.tags import SVG_USE_TAG, SVG_SYMBOL_TAG, CONNECTION_START, CONNECTION_END, XLINK_HREF from .utils import cache, Point from .i18n import _, N_ COMMANDS = { # L10N command attached to an object N_("fill_start"): N_("Fill stitch starting position"), # L10N command attached to an object N_("fill_end"): N_("Fill stitch ending position"), # L10N command attached to an object N_("satin_start"): N_("Auto-route satin stitch starting position"), # L10N command attached to an object N_("satin_end"): N_("Auto-route satin stitch ending position"), # L10N command attached to an object N_("stop"): N_("Stop (pause machine) after sewing this object"), # L10N command attached to an object N_("trim"): N_("Trim thread after sewing this object"), # L10N command attached to an object N_("ignore_object"): N_("Ignore this object (do not stitch)"), # L10N command attached to an object N_("satin_cut_point"): N_("Satin cut point (use with Cut Satin Column)"), # L10N command that affects a layer N_("ignore_layer"): N_("Ignore layer (do not stitch any objects in this layer)"), # L10N command that affects entire document N_("origin"): N_("Origin for exported embroidery files"), # L10N command that affects entire document N_("stop_position"): N_("Jump destination for Stop commands (a.k.a. \"Frame Out position\")."), } OBJECT_COMMANDS = ["fill_start", "fill_end", "satin_start", "satin_end", "stop", "trim", "ignore_object", "satin_cut_point"] LAYER_COMMANDS = ["ignore_layer"] GLOBAL_COMMANDS = ["origin", "stop_position"] class CommandParseError(Exception): pass class BaseCommand(object): @property @cache def description(self): return get_command_description(self.command) def parse_symbol(self): if self.symbol.tag != SVG_SYMBOL_TAG: raise CommandParseError("use points to non-symbol") self.command = self.symbol.get('id') if self.command.startswith('inkstitch_'): self.command = self.command[10:] else: raise CommandParseError("symbol is not an Ink/Stitch command") def get_node_by_url(self, url): # url will be #path12345. Find the corresponding object. if url is None: raise CommandParseError("url is None") if not url.startswith('#'): raise CommandParseError("invalid connection url: %s" % url) id = url[1:] try: return self.svg.xpath(".//*[@id='%s']" % id)[0] except (IndexError, AttributeError): raise CommandParseError("could not find node by url %s" % id) class Command(BaseCommand): def __init__(self, connector): self.connector = connector self.svg = self.connector.getroottree().getroot() self.parse_command() def parse_connector_path(self): path = cubicsuperpath.parsePath(self.connector.get('d')) return apply_transforms(path, self.connector) def parse_command(self): path = self.parse_connector_path() neighbors = [ (self.get_node_by_url(self.connector.get(CONNECTION_START)), path[0][0][1]), (self.get_node_by_url(self.connector.get(CONNECTION_END)), path[0][-1][1]) ] if neighbors[0][0].tag != SVG_USE_TAG: neighbors.reverse() if neighbors[0][0].tag != SVG_USE_TAG: raise CommandParseError("connector does not point to a use tag") self.use = neighbors[0][0] self.symbol = self.get_node_by_url(neighbors[0][0].get(XLINK_HREF)) self.parse_symbol() = neighbors[1][0] self.target_point = neighbors[1][1] def __repr__(self): return "Command('%s', %s)" % (self.command, self.target_point) class StandaloneCommand(BaseCommand): def __init__(self, use): self.node = use self.svg = self.node.getroottree().getroot() self.parse_command() def parse_command(self): self.symbol = self.get_node_by_url(self.node.get(XLINK_HREF)) if self.symbol.tag != SVG_SYMBOL_TAG: raise CommandParseError("use points to non-symbol") self.parse_symbol() @property @cache def point(self): pos = [float(self.node.get("x", 0)), float(self.node.get("y", 0))] transform = get_node_transform(self.node) simpletransform.applyTransformToPoint(transform, pos) return Point(*pos) def get_command_description(command): return COMMANDS[command] def find_commands(node): """Find the symbols this node is connected to and return them as Commands""" # find all paths that have this object as a connection xpath = ".//*[@inkscape:connection-start='#%(id)s' or @inkscape:connection-end='#%(id)s']" % dict(id=node.get('id')) connectors = node.getroottree().getroot().xpath(xpath, namespaces=inkex.NSS) # try to turn them into commands commands = [] for connector in connectors: try: commands.append(Command(connector)) except CommandParseError: # Parsing the connector failed, meaning it's not actually an Ink/Stitch command. pass return commands def layer_commands(layer, command): """Find standalone (unconnected) command symbols in this layer.""" for global_command in global_commands(layer.getroottree().getroot(), command): if layer in global_command.node.iterancestors(): yield global_command def global_commands(svg, command): """Find standalone (unconnected) command symbols anywhere in the document.""" for standalone_command in _standalone_commands(svg): if standalone_command.command == command: yield standalone_command @cache def global_command(svg, command): """Find a single command of the specified type. If more than one is found, print an error and exit. """ commands = list(global_commands(svg, command)) if len(commands) == 1: return commands[0] elif len(commands) > 1: print >> sys.stderr, _("Error: there is more than one %(command)s command in the document, but there can only be one. " "Please remove all but one.") % dict(command=command) # L10N This is a continuation of the previous error message, letting the user know # what command we're talking about since we don't normally expose the actual # command name to them. Contents of %(description)s are in a separate translation # string. print >> sys.stderr, _("%(command)s: %(description)s") % dict(command=command, description=_(get_command_description(command))) sys.exit(1) else: return None def _standalone_commands(svg): """Find all unconnected command symbols in the SVG.""" xpath = ".//svg:use[starts-with(@xlink:href, '#inkstitch_')]" symbols = svg.xpath(xpath, namespaces=inkex.NSS) for symbol in symbols: try: yield StandaloneCommand(symbol) except CommandParseError: pass def is_command(node): return CONNECTION_START in node.attrib or CONNECTION_END in node.attrib