name: Build on: push: branches-ignore: - master tags: - "v*" jobs: linux: runs-on: ubuntu-16.04 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v1 with: submodules: recursive - uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: '11.x' - name: download dependencies shell: bash run: | curl -sOL - name: install dependencies shell: bash run: | # I'd love to use a setup-python action but it seems to give a # python that doesn't support unicode. See: # sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python2.7 python -m pip install --upgrade pip sudo apt-get install gettext # for wxPython sudo apt-get install glib-networking libsdl1.2-dev # for PyGObject sudo apt install libgirepository1.0-dev uname -a python --version python -m pip --version python -m pip debug # wxPython doen't publish linux wheels in pypi wget -q python -m pip install wxPython*.whl python -m pip install PyGObject python -m pip install -r requirements.txt python -m pip install pyinstaller==3.3.1 tar -jxf inkscape-0.92.3.tar.bz2 rm inkscape-0.92.3.tar.bz2 mv inkscape-0.92.3 inkscape echo "::add-path::${{ env.pythonLocation }}\bin" - shell: bash run: | make dist env: BUILD: linux - uses: actions/upload-artifact@master with: name: inkstitch-linux path: artifacts windows: runs-on: windows-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v1 with: submodules: recursive - uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: '11.x' - uses: actions/setup-python@v1 with: python-version: '2.7.x' architecture: 'x86' - name: download dependencies shell: bash run: | curl -sOL curl -sOL - name: install dependencies shell: bash run: | pip install Shapely-1.6.3-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl pip install -r requirements.txt pip install pyinstaller==3.3.1 # Just using tar -j freezes forever with no output. Heck if I know why. This seems to work. bzcat inkscape-0.92.3.tar.bz2 | tar -vxf - rm inkscape-0.92.3.tar.bz2 mv inkscape-0.92.3 inkscape echo "::add-path::${{ env.pythonLocation }}\bin" - name: fix geos shell: bash run: | cd "${{ env.pythonLocation }}\Lib/site-packages/shapely/DLLs" cp geos_c.dll geos.dll - shell: bash run: | make dist env: BUILD: windows - uses: actions/upload-artifact@master with: name: inkstitch-windows path: artifacts mac: runs-on: macos-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v1 with: submodules: recursive - uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: '11.x' - uses: actions/setup-python@v1 with: python-version: '2.7.x' - uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: '10.x' - name: download inkscape shell: bash run: | curl -sOL - name: install dependencies shell: bash run: | brew update # this errors because it installs python3 but python2 is already installed brew install gtk+3 pkg-config gobject-introspection libffi gettext || true export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/libffi/lib" export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/libffi/lib/pkgconfig" # for msgfmt echo "::add-path::/usr/local/opt/gettext/bin" echo "::set-env name=GI_TYPELIB_PATH::/usr/local/lib/girepository-1.0/" pip --version pip install PyGObject pip install -r requirements.txt pip install pyinstaller==3.3.1 tar -jxf inkscape-0.92.3.tar.bz2 rm inkscape-0.92.3.tar.bz2 mv inkscape-0.92.3 inkscape echo "::add-path::${{ env.pythonLocation }}/bin" - shell: bash run: | make dist env: BUILD: osx - uses: actions/upload-artifact@master with: name: inkstitch-mac path: artifacts release: runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: [linux, windows, mac] if: always() steps: - name: determine release info shell: bash run: | if [[ "${GITHUB_REF}" =~ ^refs/tags/v[0-9.]+$ ]]; then tag="${GITHUB_REF#refs/tags/}" echo "::set-env name=release_tag::${tag}" echo "::set-env name=prerelease::false" echo "::set-env name=title::${tag}" else branch="${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/}" tag="dev-build-$(echo $branch | tr / -)" echo "::set-env name=release_tag::${tag}" echo "::set-env name=prerelease::true" echo "::set-env name=title::development build of $branch" fi - name: download linux uses: actions/download-artifact@v1 with: name: 'inkstitch-linux' path: 'artifacts/' - name: download windows uses: actions/download-artifact@v1 with: name: 'inkstitch-windows' path: 'artifacts/' if: always() - name: download mac uses: actions/download-artifact@v1 with: name: 'inkstitch-mac' path: 'artifacts/' if: always() - name: create/update release uses: "marvinpinto/action-automatic-releases@latest" if: always() with: repo_token: "${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}" automatic_release_tag: "${{env.release_tag}}" prerelease: "${{env.prerelease}}" title: "${{env.title}}" files: | artifacts/*.zip