#!python #!/usr/bin/python # http://www.achatina.de/sewing/main/TECHNICL.HTM import math import sys dbg = sys.stderr def abs(x): if (x<0): return -x return x class Point: def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y def __add__(self, other): return Point(self.x+other.x, self.y+other.y) def __sub__(self, other): return Point(self.x-other.x, self.y-other.y) def mul(self, scalar): return Point(self.x*scalar, self.y*scalar) def __repr__(self): return "Pt(%s,%s)" % (self.x,self.y) def length(self): return math.sqrt(math.pow(self.x,2.0)+math.pow(self.y,2.0)) def unit(self): return self.mul(1.0/self.length()) def rotate_left(self): return Point(-self.y, self.x) def as_int(self): return Point(int(round(self.x)), int(round(self.y))) def as_tuple(self): return (self.x,self.y) def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(self.as_tuple(), other.as_tuple()) class Embroidery: def __init__(self): self.coords = [] def addStitch(self, coord): self.coords.append(coord) def translate_to_origin(self): if (len(self.coords)==0): return (maxx,maxy) = (self.coords[0].x,self.coords[0].y) (minx,miny) = (self.coords[0].x,self.coords[0].y) for p in self.coords: minx = min(minx,p.x) miny = min(miny,p.y) maxx = max(maxx,p.x) maxy = max(maxy,p.y) sx = maxx-minx sy = maxy-miny for p in self.coords: p.x -= minx p.y -= miny dbg.write("Field size %s x %s\n" % (sx,sy)) def scale(self, sc): for p in self.coords: p.x *= sc p.y *= sc def export_ksm(self, dbg): str = "" self.pos = Point(0,0) lastColor = None for stitch in self.coords: if (lastColor!=None and stitch.color!=lastColor): mode_byte = 0x99 #dbg.write("Color change!\n") else: mode_byte = 0x80 #dbg.write("color still %s\n" % stitch.color) lastColor = stitch.color new_int = stitch.as_int() old_int = self.pos.as_int() delta = new_int - old_int assert(abs(delta.x)<=127) assert(abs(delta.y)<=127) str+=chr(abs(delta.y)) str+=chr(abs(delta.x)) if (delta.y<0): mode_byte |= 0x20 if (delta.x<0): mode_byte |= 0x40 str+=chr(mode_byte) self.pos = stitch return str def export_melco(self, dbg): self.str = "" self.pos = self.coords[0] dbg.write("stitch count: %d\n" % len(self.coords)) lastColor = None numColors = 0x0 for stitch in self.coords[1:]: if (lastColor!=None and stitch.color!=lastColor): numColors += 1 # color change self.str += chr(0x80) self.str += chr(0x01) # self.str += chr(numColors) # self.str += chr(((numColors+0x80)>>8)&0xff) # self.str += chr(((numColors+0x80)>>0)&0xff) lastColor = stitch.color new_int = stitch.as_int() old_int = self.pos.as_int() delta = new_int - old_int def move(x,y): if (x<0): x = x + 256 self.str+=chr(x) if (y<0): y = y + 256 self.str+=chr(y) while (delta.x!=0 or delta.y!=0): def clamp(v): if (v>127): v = 127 if (v<-127): v = -127 return v dx = clamp(delta.x) dy = clamp(delta.y) move(dx,dy) delta.x -= dx delta.y -= dy #dbg.write("Stitch: %s delta %s\n" % (stitch, delta)) self.pos = stitch return self.str def export_csv(self, dbg): self.str = "" self.str += '"#","[THREAD_NUMBER]","[RED]","[GREEN]","[BLUE]","[DESCRIPTION]","[CATALOG_NUMBER]"\n' self.str += '"#","[STITCH_TYPE]","[X]","[Y]"\n' lastColor = None colorIndex = 0 for stitch in self.coords: if lastColor == None or stitch.color != lastColor: colorIndex += 1 self.str += '"$","%d","%d","%d","%d","(null)","(null)"\n' % ( colorIndex, int(stitch.color[1:3], 16), int(stitch.color[3:5], 16), int(stitch.color[5:7], 16)) if stitch.jumpStitch: self.str += '"*","JUMP","%f","%f"\n' % (stitch.x/10, stitch.y/10) if lastColor != None and stitch.color != lastColor: # not first color choice, add color change record self.str += '"*","COLOR","%f","%f"\n' % (stitch.x/10, stitch.y/10) self.str += '"*","STITCH","%f","%f"\n' % (stitch.x/10, stitch.y/10) lastColor = stitch.color return self.str class Test: def __init__(self): emb = Embroidery() for x in range(0,301,30): emb.addStitch(Point(x, 0)); emb.addStitch(Point(x, 15)); emb.addStitch(Point(x, 0)); for x in range(300,-1,-30): emb.addStitch(Point(x, -12)); emb.addStitch(Point(x, -27)); emb.addStitch(Point(x, -12)); fp = open("test.exp", "wb") fp.write(emb.export_melco()) fp.close() class Turtle: def __init__(self): self.emb = Embroidery() self.pos = Point(0.0,0.0) self.dir = Point(1.0,0.0) self.emb.addStitch(self.pos) def forward(self, dist): self.pos = self.pos+self.dir.mul(dist) self.emb.addStitch(self.pos) def turn(self, degreesccw): radcw = -degreesccw/180.0*3.141592653589 self.dir = Point( math.cos(radcw)*self.dir.x-math.sin(radcw)*self.dir.y, math.sin(radcw)*self.dir.x+math.cos(radcw)*self.dir.y) def right(self, degreesccw): self.turn(degreesccw) def left(self, degreesccw): self.turn(-degreesccw) class Koch(Turtle): def __init__(self, depth): Turtle.__init__(self) edgelen = 750.0 for i in range(3): self.edge(depth, edgelen) self.turn(120.0) fp = open("koch%d.exp" % depth, "wb") fp.write(self.emb.export_melco()) fp.close() def edge(self, depth, dist): if (depth==0): self.forward(dist) else: self.edge(depth-1, dist/3.0) self.turn(-60.0) self.edge(depth-1, dist/3.0) self.turn(120.0) self.edge(depth-1, dist/3.0) self.turn(-60.0) self.edge(depth-1, dist/3.0) class Hilbert(Turtle): def __init__(self, level): Turtle.__init__(self) self.size = 10.0 self.hilbert(level, 90.0) fp = open("hilbert%d.exp" % level, "wb") fp.write(self.emb.export_melco()) fp.close() # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilbert_curve#Python def hilbert(self, level, angle): if (level==0): return self.right(angle) self.hilbert(level-1, -angle) self.forward(self.size) self.left(angle) self.hilbert(level-1, angle) self.forward(self.size) self.hilbert(level-1, angle) self.left(angle) self.forward(self.size) self.hilbert(level-1, -angle) self.right(angle) if (__name__=='__main__'): #Koch(4) Hilbert(6)