{ "name": "EMILIO 20 TRICOLORE", "description": "Emilio 20 tricolore is a large tricolor fill stitches and satin columns font of size approximately 100mm. It contains 36 glyphs including the numbers and the 26 capitals A-Z. It can be reduced down to 90% and enlarged up to 120%", "leading": 400, "auto_satin": false, "reversible": false, "letter_case": "upper", "default_glyph": "�", "min_scale": 0.9, "max_scale": 1.2, "horiz_adv_x_default": 320, "horiz_adv_x_space": 120, "units_per_em": 400, "horiz_adv_x": { "9": 318, "6": 313, "7": 292, "3": 317, "5": 323, "1": 199, "Z": 316, "Y": 349, "X": 372, "N": 371, "K": 377, "H": 362, "I": 202, "P": 341, "C": 298, "R": 350, "A": 360, "V": 352, "B": 330, "D": 328, "0": 313, "O": 306, "E": 331, "F": 327, "G": 302, "J": 296, "L": 312, "M": 445, "Q": 307, "S": 321, "T": 308, "U": 376, "W": 572, "4": 337 }, "kerning_pairs": { "FA":50 } }