from itertools import izip import sys from threading import Thread, Event import time import traceback import wx from wx.lib.intctrl import IntCtrl from ..i18n import _ from ..stitch_plan import stitch_plan_from_file, patches_to_stitch_plan from ..svg import PIXELS_PER_MM from .dialogs import info_dialog # L10N command label at bottom of simulator window COMMAND_NAMES = [_("STITCH"), _("JUMP"), _("TRIM"), _("STOP"), _("COLOR CHANGE")] STITCH = 0 JUMP = 1 TRIM = 2 STOP = 3 COLOR_CHANGE = 4 class ControlPanel(wx.Panel): """""" def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs): """""" self.parent = parent self.stitch_plan = kwargs.pop('stitch_plan') self.target_stitches_per_second = kwargs.pop('stitches_per_second') self.target_duration = kwargs.pop('target_duration') kwargs['style'] = wx.BORDER_SUNKEN wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs) self.statusbar = self.GetTopLevelParent().statusbar self.drawing_panel = None self.num_stitches = 1 self.current_stitch = 1 self.speed = 1 self.direction = 1 # Widgets self.btnMinus = wx.Button(self, -1, label='-') self.btnMinus.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.animation_slow_down) self.btnMinus.SetToolTip(_('Slow down (arrow down)')) self.btnPlus = wx.Button(self, -1, label='+') self.btnPlus.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.animation_speed_up) self.btnPlus.SetToolTip(_('Speed up (arrow up)')) self.btnBackwardStitch = wx.Button(self, -1, label='<|') self.btnBackwardStitch.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.animation_one_stitch_backward) self.btnBackwardStitch.SetToolTip(_('Go on step backward (-)')) self.btnForwardStitch = wx.Button(self, -1, label='|>') self.btnForwardStitch.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.animation_one_stitch_forward) self.btnForwardStitch.SetToolTip(_('Go on step forward (+)')) self.directionBtn = wx.Button(self, -1, label='<<') self.directionBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_direction_button) self.directionBtn.SetToolTip(_('Switch direction (arrow left | arrow right)')) self.pauseBtn = wx.Button(self, -1, label=_('Pause')) self.pauseBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_pause_start_button) self.pauseBtn.SetToolTip(_('Pause (P)')) self.restartBtn = wx.Button(self, -1, label=_('Restart')) self.restartBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.animation_restart) self.restartBtn.SetToolTip(_('Restart (R)')) self.quitBtn = wx.Button(self, -1, label=_('Quit')) self.quitBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.animation_quit) self.quitBtn.SetToolTip(_('Quit (Q)')) self.slider = wx.Slider(self, -1, value=1, minValue=1, maxValue=2, style=wx.SL_HORIZONTAL | wx.SL_LABELS) self.slider.Bind(wx.EVT_SLIDER, self.on_slider) self.stitchBox = IntCtrl(self, -1, value=1, min=1, max=2, limited=True, allow_none=False) self.stitchBox.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.on_stitch_box) # Layout self.vbSizer = vbSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.hbSizer1 = hbSizer1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.hbSizer2 = hbSizer2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hbSizer1.Add(self.slider, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 3) hbSizer1.Add(self.stitchBox, 0, wx.ALL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 2) vbSizer.Add(hbSizer1, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 3) hbSizer2.Add(self.btnMinus, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) hbSizer2.Add(self.btnPlus, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) hbSizer2.Add(self.btnBackwardStitch, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) hbSizer2.Add(self.btnForwardStitch, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) hbSizer2.Add(self.directionBtn, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) hbSizer2.Add(self.pauseBtn, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) hbSizer2.Add(self.restartBtn, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) hbSizer2.Add(self.quitBtn, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) vbSizer.Add(hbSizer2, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 3) self.SetSizerAndFit(vbSizer) # Keyboard Shortcuts shortcut_keys = [ (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_RIGHT, self.animation_forward), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_RIGHT, self.animation_forward), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_LEFT, self.animation_reverse), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_LEFT, self.animation_reverse), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_UP, self.animation_speed_up), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_UP, self.animation_speed_up), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_DOWN, self.animation_slow_down), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_DOWN, self.animation_slow_down), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, ord('+'), self.animation_one_stitch_forward), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, ord('='), self.animation_one_stitch_forward), (wx.ACCEL_SHIFT, ord('='), self.animation_one_stitch_forward), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_ADD, self.animation_one_stitch_forward), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_ADD, self.animation_one_stitch_forward), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_UP, self.animation_one_stitch_forward), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, ord('-'), self.animation_one_stitch_backward), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, ord('_'), self.animation_one_stitch_backward), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_SUBTRACT, self.animation_one_stitch_backward), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_SUBTRACT, self.animation_one_stitch_backward), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, ord('r'), self.animation_restart), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, ord('p'), self.on_pause_start_button), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_SPACE, self.on_pause_start_button), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, ord('q'), self.animation_quit)] accel_entries = [] for shortcut_key in shortcut_keys: eventId = wx.NewId() accel_entries.append((shortcut_key[0], shortcut_key[1], eventId)) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, shortcut_key[2], id=eventId) accel_table = wx.AcceleratorTable(accel_entries) self.SetAcceleratorTable(accel_table) self.SetFocus() def set_drawing_panel(self, drawing_panel): self.drawing_panel = drawing_panel self.drawing_panel.set_speed(self.speed) def set_num_stitches(self, num_stitches): if num_stitches < 2: # otherwise the slider and intctrl get mad num_stitches = 2 self.num_stitches = num_stitches self.stitchBox.SetMax(num_stitches) self.slider.SetMax(num_stitches) self.choose_speed() def choose_speed(self): if self.target_duration: self.set_speed(int(self.num_stitches / float(self.target_duration))) else: self.set_speed(self.target_stitches_per_second) def animation_forward(self, event=None): self.directionBtn.SetLabel("<<") self.drawing_panel.forward() self.direction = 1 self.update_speed_text() def animation_reverse(self, event=None): self.directionBtn.SetLabel(">>") self.drawing_panel.reverse() self.direction = -1 self.update_speed_text() def on_direction_button(self, event): if self.direction == 1: self.animation_reverse() else: self.animation_forward() def set_speed(self, speed): self.speed = int(max(speed, 1)) self.update_speed_text() if self.drawing_panel: self.drawing_panel.set_speed(self.speed) def update_speed_text(self): self.statusbar.SetStatusText(_('Speed: %d stitches/sec') % (self.speed * self.direction), 0) self.hbSizer2.Layout() def on_slider(self, event): stitch = event.GetEventObject().GetValue() self.stitchBox.SetValue(stitch) if self.drawing_panel: self.drawing_panel.set_current_stitch(stitch) def on_current_stitch(self, stitch, command): if self.current_stitch != stitch: self.current_stitch = stitch self.slider.SetValue(stitch) self.stitchBox.SetValue(stitch) self.statusbar.SetStatusText(COMMAND_NAMES[command], 1) def on_stitch_box(self, event): stitch = self.stitchBox.GetValue() self.slider.SetValue(stitch) if self.drawing_panel: self.drawing_panel.set_current_stitch(stitch) def animation_slow_down(self, event): """""" self.set_speed(self.speed / 2.0) def animation_speed_up(self, event): """""" self.set_speed(self.speed * 2.0) def animation_pause(self, event=None): self.drawing_panel.stop() def animation_start(self, event=None): self.drawing_panel.go() def on_start(self): self.pauseBtn.SetLabel(_('Pause')) def on_stop(self): self.pauseBtn.SetLabel(_('Start')) def on_pause_start_button(self, event): """""" if self.pauseBtn.GetLabel() == _('Pause'): self.animation_pause() else: self.animation_start() def animation_one_stitch_forward(self, event): self.animation_pause() self.drawing_panel.one_stitch_forward() def animation_one_stitch_backward(self, event): self.animation_pause() self.drawing_panel.one_stitch_backward() def animation_quit(self, event): self.parent.quit() def animation_restart(self, event): self.drawing_panel.restart() class DrawingPanel(wx.Panel): """""" # render no faster than this many frames per second TARGET_FPS = 30 # It's not possible to specify a line thickness less than 1 pixel, even # though we're drawing anti-aliased lines. To get around this we scale # the stitch positions up by this factor and then scale down by a # corresponding amount during rendering. PIXEL_DENSITY = 10 # Line width in pixels. LINE_THICKNESS = 0.4 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """""" self.stitch_plan = kwargs.pop('stitch_plan') self.control_panel = kwargs.pop('control_panel') kwargs['style'] = wx.BORDER_SUNKEN wx.Panel.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # Drawing panel can really be any size, but without this wxpython likes # to allow the status bar and control panel to get squished. self.SetMinSize((100, 100)) self.SetBackgroundColour('#FFFFFF') self.SetDoubleBuffered(True) self.animating = False self.target_frame_period = 1.0 / self.TARGET_FPS self.last_frame_duration = 0 self.direction = 1 self.current_stitch = 0 self.black_pen = wx.Pen((128, 128, 128)) self.width = 0 self.height = 0 self.loaded = False # desired simulation speed in stitches per second self.speed = 16 self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.choose_zoom_and_pan) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.on_left_mouse_button_down) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOUSEWHEEL, self.on_mouse_wheel) # wait for layouts so that panel size is set wx.CallLater(50, self.load, self.stitch_plan) def clamp_current_stitch(self): if self.current_stitch < 1: self.current_stitch = 1 elif self.current_stitch > self.num_stitches: self.current_stitch = self.num_stitches def stop_if_at_end(self): if self.direction == -1 and self.current_stitch == 1: self.stop() elif self.direction == 1 and self.current_stitch == self.num_stitches: self.stop() def start_if_not_at_end(self): if self.direction == -1 and self.current_stitch > 1: self.go() elif self.direction == 1 and self.current_stitch < self.num_stitches: self.go() def animate(self): if not self.animating: return frame_time = max(self.target_frame_period, self.last_frame_duration) # No sense in rendering more frames per second than our desired stitches # per second. frame_time = max(frame_time, 1.0 / self.speed) stitch_increment = int(self.speed * frame_time) self.set_current_stitch(self.current_stitch + self.direction * stitch_increment) wx.CallLater(int(1000 * frame_time), self.animate) def OnPaint(self, e): if not self.loaded: return dc = wx.PaintDC(self) canvas = wx.GraphicsContext.Create(dc) transform = canvas.GetTransform() transform.Translate(*self.pan) transform.Scale(self.zoom / self.PIXEL_DENSITY, self.zoom / self.PIXEL_DENSITY) canvas.SetTransform(transform) stitch = 0 last_stitch = None start = time.time() for pen, stitches in izip(self.pens, self.stitch_blocks): canvas.SetPen(pen) if stitch + len(stitches) < self.current_stitch: stitch += len(stitches) if len(stitches) > 1: canvas.DrawLines(stitches) last_stitch = stitches[-1] else: stitches = stitches[:self.current_stitch - stitch] if len(stitches) > 1: canvas.DrawLines(stitches) last_stitch = stitches[-1] break self.last_frame_duration = time.time() - start if last_stitch: x = last_stitch[0] y = last_stitch[1] x, y = transform.TransformPoint(float(x), float(y)) canvas.SetTransform(canvas.CreateMatrix()) crosshair_radius = 10 canvas.SetPen(self.black_pen) canvas.DrawLines(((x - crosshair_radius, y), (x + crosshair_radius, y))) canvas.DrawLines(((x, y - crosshair_radius), (x, y + crosshair_radius))) def clear(self): dc = wx.ClientDC(self) dc.Clear() def load(self, stitch_plan): self.current_stitch = 1 self.direction = 1 self.last_frame_duration = 0 self.num_stitches = stitch_plan.num_stitches self.control_panel.set_num_stitches(self.num_stitches) self.minx, self.miny, self.maxx, self.maxy = stitch_plan.bounding_box self.width = self.maxx - self.minx self.height = self.maxy - self.miny self.parse_stitch_plan(stitch_plan) self.choose_zoom_and_pan() self.set_current_stitch(0) self.loaded = True self.go() def choose_zoom_and_pan(self, event=None): # ignore if called before we load the stitch plan if not self.width and not self.height: return panel_width, panel_height = self.GetClientSize() # add some padding to make stitches at the edge more visible width_ratio = panel_width / float(self.width + 10) height_ratio = panel_height / float(self.height + 10) self.zoom = min(width_ratio, height_ratio) # center the design self.pan = ((panel_width - self.zoom * self.width) / 2.0, (panel_height - self.zoom * self.height) / 2.0) def stop(self): self.animating = False self.control_panel.on_stop() def go(self): if not self.loaded: return if not self.animating: self.animating = True self.animate() self.control_panel.on_start() def color_to_pen(self, color): # We draw the thread with a thickness of 0.1mm. Real thread has a # thickness of ~0.4mm, but if we did that, we wouldn't be able to # see the individual stitches. return wx.Pen(color.visible_on_white.rgb, width=int(0.1 * PIXELS_PER_MM * self.PIXEL_DENSITY)) def parse_stitch_plan(self, stitch_plan): self.pens = [] self.stitch_blocks = [] # There is no 0th stitch, so add a place-holder. self.commands = [None] for color_block in stitch_plan: pen = self.color_to_pen(color_block.color) stitch_block = [] for stitch in color_block: # trim any whitespace on the left and top and scale to the # pixel density stitch_block.append((self.PIXEL_DENSITY * (stitch.x - self.minx), self.PIXEL_DENSITY * (stitch.y - self.miny))) if stitch.trim: self.commands.append(TRIM) elif stitch.jump: self.commands.append(JUMP) elif stitch.stop: self.commands.append(STOP) elif stitch.color_change: self.commands.append(COLOR_CHANGE) else: self.commands.append(STITCH) if stitch.trim or stitch.stop or stitch.color_change: self.pens.append(pen) self.stitch_blocks.append(stitch_block) stitch_block = [] if stitch_block: self.pens.append(pen) self.stitch_blocks.append(stitch_block) def set_speed(self, speed): self.speed = speed def forward(self): self.direction = 1 self.start_if_not_at_end() def reverse(self): self.direction = -1 self.start_if_not_at_end() def set_current_stitch(self, stitch): self.current_stitch = stitch self.clamp_current_stitch() self.control_panel.on_current_stitch(self.current_stitch, self.commands[self.current_stitch]) self.stop_if_at_end() self.Refresh() def restart(self): if self.direction == 1: self.current_stitch = 1 elif self.direction == -1: self.current_stitch = self.num_stitches self.go() def one_stitch_forward(self): self.set_current_stitch(self.current_stitch + 1) def one_stitch_backward(self): self.set_current_stitch(self.current_stitch - 1) def on_left_mouse_button_down(self, event): self.CaptureMouse() self.drag_start = event.GetPosition() self.drag_original_pan = self.pan self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.on_drag) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_LOST, self.on_drag_end) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.on_drag_end) def on_drag(self, event): if self.HasCapture() and event.Dragging(): delta = event.GetPosition() offset = (delta[0] - self.drag_start[0], delta[1] - self.drag_start[1]) self.pan = (self.drag_original_pan[0] + offset[0], self.drag_original_pan[1] + offset[1]) self.Refresh() def on_drag_end(self, event): if self.HasCapture(): self.ReleaseMouse() self.Unbind(wx.EVT_MOTION) self.Unbind(wx.EVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_LOST) self.Unbind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP) def on_mouse_wheel(self, event): if event.GetWheelRotation() > 0: zoom_delta = 1.03 else: zoom_delta = 0.97 # If we just change the zoom, the design will appear to move on the # screen. We have to adjust the pan to compensate. We want to keep # the part of the design under the mouse pointer in the same spot # after we zoom, so that we appar to be zooming centered on the # mouse pointer. # This will create a matrix that takes a point in the design and # converts it to screen coordinates: matrix = wx.AffineMatrix2D() matrix.Translate(*self.pan) matrix.Scale(self.zoom, self.zoom) # First, figure out where the mouse pointer is in the coordinate system # of the design: pos = event.GetPosition() inverse_matrix = wx.AffineMatrix2D() inverse_matrix.Set(*matrix.Get()) inverse_matrix.Invert() pos = inverse_matrix.TransformPoint(*pos) # Next, see how that point changes position on screen before and after # we apply the zoom change: x_old, y_old = matrix.TransformPoint(*pos) matrix.Scale(zoom_delta, zoom_delta) x_new, y_new = matrix.TransformPoint(*pos) x_delta = x_new - x_old y_delta = y_new - y_old # Finally, compensate for that change in position: self.pan = (self.pan[0] - x_delta, self.pan[1] - y_delta) self.zoom *= zoom_delta self.Refresh() class SimulatorPanel(wx.Panel): """""" def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs): """""" self.parent = parent stitch_plan = kwargs.pop('stitch_plan') target_duration = kwargs.pop('target_duration') stitches_per_second = kwargs.pop('stitches_per_second') kwargs['style'] = wx.BORDER_SUNKEN wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs) self.cp = ControlPanel(self, stitch_plan=stitch_plan, stitches_per_second=stitches_per_second, target_duration=target_duration) self.dp = DrawingPanel(self, stitch_plan=stitch_plan, control_panel=self.cp) self.cp.set_drawing_panel(self.dp) vbSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vbSizer.Add(self.dp, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) vbSizer.Add(self.cp, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) self.SetSizerAndFit(vbSizer) def quit(self): self.parent.quit() def go(self): self.dp.go() def stop(self): self.dp.stop() def load(self, stitch_plan): self.dp.load(stitch_plan) def clear(self): self.dp.clear() class EmbroiderySimulator(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.on_close_hook = kwargs.pop('on_close', None) stitch_plan = kwargs.pop('stitch_plan', None) stitches_per_second = kwargs.pop('stitches_per_second', 16) target_duration = kwargs.pop('target_duration', None) size = kwargs.get('size', (0, 0)) wx.Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.statusbar = self.CreateStatusBar(2) self.statusbar.SetStatusWidths([250, -1]) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.simulator_panel = SimulatorPanel(self, stitch_plan=stitch_plan, target_duration=target_duration, stitches_per_second=stitches_per_second) sizer.Add(self.simulator_panel, 1, wx.EXPAND) # self.SetSizerAndFit() sets the minimum size so that the buttons don't # get squished. But it then also shrinks the window down to that size. self.SetSizerAndFit(sizer) # Therefore we have to reapply the size that the caller asked for. self.SetSize(size) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.on_close) def quit(self): self.Close() def on_close(self, event): self.simulator_panel.stop() if self.on_close_hook: self.on_close_hook() self.Destroy() def go(self): self.simulator_panel.go() def stop(self): self.simulator_panel.stop() def load(self, stitch_plan): self.simulator_panel.load(stitch_plan) def clear(self): self.simulator_panel.clear() class SimulatorPreview(Thread): """Manages a preview simulation and a background thread for generating patches.""" def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs): """Construct a SimulatorPreview. The parent is expected to be a wx.Window and also implement the following methods: def generate_patches(self, abort_event): Produce an list of Patch instances. This method will be invoked in a background thread and it is expected that it may take awhile. If possible, this method should periodically check abort_event.is_set(), and if True, stop early. The return value will be ignored in this case. """ self.parent = parent self.target_duration = kwargs.pop('target_duration', 5) super(SimulatorPreview, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.daemon = True self.simulate_window = None self.refresh_needed = Event() # used when closing to avoid having the window reopen at the last second self._disabled = False wx.CallLater(1000, self.update) def disable(self): self._disabled = True def update(self): """Request an update of the simulator preview with freshly-generated patches.""" if self.simulate_window: self.simulate_window.stop() self.simulate_window.clear() if self._disabled: return if not self.is_alive(): self.start() self.refresh_needed.set() def run(self): while True: self.refresh_needed.wait() self.refresh_needed.clear() self.update_patches() def update_patches(self): patches = self.parent.generate_patches(self.refresh_needed) if patches and not self.refresh_needed.is_set(): stitch_plan = patches_to_stitch_plan(patches) # GUI stuff needs to happen in the main thread, so we ask the main # thread to call refresh_simulator(). wx.CallAfter(self.refresh_simulator, patches, stitch_plan) def refresh_simulator(self, patches, stitch_plan): if self.simulate_window: self.simulate_window.stop() self.simulate_window.load(stitch_plan) else: params_rect = self.parent.GetScreenRect() simulator_pos = params_rect.GetTopRight() simulator_pos.x += 5 current_screen = wx.Display.GetFromPoint(wx.GetMousePosition()) display = wx.Display(current_screen) screen_rect = display.GetClientArea() simulator_pos.y = screen_rect.GetTop() width = screen_rect.GetWidth() - params_rect.GetWidth() height = screen_rect.GetHeight() try: self.simulate_window = EmbroiderySimulator(None, -1, _("Preview"), simulator_pos, size=(width, height), stitch_plan=stitch_plan, on_close=self.simulate_window_closed, target_duration=self.target_duration) except Exception: error = traceback.format_exc() try: # a window may have been created, so we need to destroy it # or the app will never exit wx.Window.FindWindowByName(_("Preview")).Destroy() except Exception: pass info_dialog(self, error, _("Internal Error")) self.simulate_window.Show() wx.CallLater(10, self.parent.Raise) wx.CallAfter(self.simulate_window.go) def simulate_window_closed(self): self.simulate_window = None def close(self): self.disable() if self.simulate_window: self.simulate_window.stop() self.simulate_window.Close() def show_simulator(stitch_plan): app = wx.App() current_screen = wx.Display.GetFromPoint(wx.GetMousePosition()) display = wx.Display(current_screen) screen_rect = display.GetClientArea() simulator_pos = (screen_rect[0], screen_rect[1]) # subtract 1 because otherwise the window becomes maximized on Linux width = screen_rect[2] - 1 height = screen_rect[3] - 1 frame = EmbroiderySimulator(None, -1, _("Embroidery Simulation"), pos=simulator_pos, size=(width, height), stitch_plan=stitch_plan) app.SetTopWindow(frame) frame.Show() app.MainLoop() if __name__ == "__main__": stitch_plan = stitch_plan_from_file(sys.argv[1]) show_simulator(stitch_plan)