import libembroidery import inkex import simpletransform import shapely.geometry as shgeo from .utils import Point from .svg import PIXELS_PER_MM, get_doc_size, get_viewbox_transform def make_thread(color): thread = libembroidery.EmbThread() thread.color = libembroidery.embColor_make(*color.rgb) thread.description = thread.catalogNumber = "" return thread def add_thread(pattern, thread): """Add a thread to a pattern and return the thread's index""" libembroidery.embPattern_addThread(pattern, thread) return libembroidery.embThreadList_count(pattern.threadList) - 1 def get_flags(stitch): flags = 0 if stitch.jump: flags |= libembroidery.JUMP if stitch.trim: flags |= libembroidery.TRIM if stitch.stop: flags |= libembroidery.STOP return flags def _string_to_floats(string): floats = string.split(',') return [float(num) for num in floats] def get_origin(svg): # The user can specify the embroidery origin by defining two guides # named "embroidery origin" that intersect. namedview = svg.find(inkex.addNS('namedview', 'sodipodi')) all_guides = namedview.findall(inkex.addNS('guide', 'sodipodi')) label_attribute = inkex.addNS('label', 'inkscape') guides = [guide for guide in all_guides if guide.get(label_attribute, "").startswith("embroidery origin")] # document size used below doc_size = list(get_doc_size(svg)) # convert the size from viewbox-relative to real-world pixels viewbox_transform = get_viewbox_transform(svg) simpletransform.applyTransformToPoint(simpletransform.invertTransform(viewbox_transform), doc_size) default = [doc_size[0] / 2.0, doc_size[1] / 2.0] simpletransform.applyTransformToPoint(viewbox_transform, default) default = Point(*default) if len(guides) < 2: return default # Find out where the guides intersect. Only pay attention to the first two. guides = guides[:2] lines = [] for guide in guides: # inkscape's Y axis is reversed from SVG's, and the guide is in inkscape coordinates position = Point(*_string_to_floats(guide.get('position'))) position.y = doc_size[1] - position.y # This one baffles me. I think inkscape might have gotten the order of # their vector wrong? parts = _string_to_floats(guide.get('orientation')) direction = Point(parts[1], parts[0]) # We have a theoretically infinite line defined by a point on the line # and a vector direction. Shapely can only deal in concrete line # segments, so we'll pick points really far in either direction on the # line and call it good enough. lines.append(shgeo.LineString((position + 100000 * direction, position - 100000 * direction))) intersection = lines[0].intersection(lines[1]) if isinstance(intersection, shgeo.Point): origin = [intersection.x, intersection.y] simpletransform.applyTransformToPoint(viewbox_transform, origin) return Point(*origin) else: # Either the two guides are the same line, or they're parallel. return default def write_embroidery_file(file_path, stitch_plan, svg): origin = get_origin(svg) pattern = libembroidery.embPattern_create() for color_block in stitch_plan: add_thread(pattern, make_thread(color_block.color)) for stitch in color_block: if stitch.stop and stitch is not color_block.last_stitch: # A STOP stitch that is not at the end of a color block # occurs when the user specified "STOP after". "STOP" is the # same thing as a color change, and the user will assign a # special color at the machine that tells it to pause after. # We need to add another copy of the same color here so that # the stitches after the STOP are still the same color. add_thread(pattern, make_thread(color_block.color)) flags = get_flags(stitch) libembroidery.embPattern_addStitchAbs(pattern, stitch.x - origin.x, stitch.y - origin.y, flags, 1) libembroidery.embPattern_addStitchAbs(pattern, stitch.x - origin.x, stitch.y - origin.y, libembroidery.END, 1) # convert from pixels to millimeters libembroidery.embPattern_scale(pattern, 1/PIXELS_PER_MM) # SVG and embroidery disagree on the direction of the Y axis libembroidery.embPattern_flipVertical(pattern) libembroidery.embPattern_write(pattern, file_path)