# Authors: see git history # # Copyright (c) 2010 Authors # Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3.0 or later. See the file LICENSE for details. from inkex.units import convert_unit from ..utils import Point, cache, string_to_floats from .tags import INKSCAPE_LABEL, SODIPODI_GUIDE, SODIPODI_NAMEDVIEW class InkscapeGuide(object): def __init__(self, node): self.node = node self.svg = node.getroottree().getroot() self._parse() def _parse(self): self.label = self.node.get(INKSCAPE_LABEL, "") doc_size = self.svg.get_page_bbox() # inkscape's Y axis is reversed from SVG's, and the guide is in inkscape coordinates self.position = Point(*string_to_floats(self.node.get('position'))) self.position.y = doc_size.y.size - self.position.y # convert units to px unit = self.svg.unit self.position.y = convert_unit(self.position.y, 'px', unit) # This one baffles me. I think inkscape might have gotten the order of # their vector wrong? parts = string_to_floats(self.node.get('orientation')) self.direction = Point(parts[1], parts[0]) @cache def get_guides(svg): """Find all Inkscape guides and return as InkscapeGuide instances.""" namedview = svg.find(SODIPODI_NAMEDVIEW) if namedview is None: return [] return [InkscapeGuide(node) for node in namedview.findall(SODIPODI_GUIDE)]