# Authors: see git history # # Copyright (c) 2010 Authors # Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3.0 or later. See the file LICENSE for details. import sys import shapely.geometry from inkex import Transform from ..i18n import _ from ..marker import get_marker_elements from ..stitch_plan import StitchGroup from ..stitches import bean_stitch, running_stitch from ..stitches.ripple_stitch import ripple_stitch from ..svg import get_node_transform, parse_length_with_units from ..utils import Point, cache from .element import EmbroideryElement, param from .validation import ValidationWarning warned_about_legacy_running_stitch = False class IgnoreSkipValues(ValidationWarning): name = _("Ignore skip") description = _("Skip values are ignored, because there was no line left to embroider.") steps_to_solve = [ _('* Open the params dialog with this object selected'), _('* Reduce Skip values or increase number of lines'), ] class MultipleGuideLineWarning(ValidationWarning): name = _("Multiple Guide Lines") description = _("This object has multiple guide lines, but only the first one will be used.") steps_to_solve = [ _("* Remove all guide lines, except for one.") ] class Stroke(EmbroideryElement): element_name = _("Stroke") @property @param('satin_column', _('Running stitch along paths'), type='toggle', inverse=True) def satin_column(self): return self.get_boolean_param("satin_column") @property def color(self): return self.get_style("stroke") @property def dashed(self): return self.get_style("stroke-dasharray") is not None @property @param('stroke_method', _('Method'), type='dropdown', default=0, # 0: run/simple satin, 1: manual, 2: ripple options=[_("Running Stitch"), _("Ripple")], sort_index=0) def stroke_method(self): return self.get_int_param('stroke_method', 0) @property @param('manual_stitch', _('Manual stitch placement'), tooltip=_("Stitch every node in the path. All other options are ignored."), type='boolean', default=False, select_items=[('stroke_method', 0)], sort_index=1) def manual_stitch_mode(self): return self.get_boolean_param('manual_stitch') @property @param('repeats', _('Repeats'), tooltip=_('Defines how many times to run down and back along the path.'), type='int', default="1", sort_index=2) def repeats(self): return max(1, self.get_int_param("repeats", 1)) @property @param( 'bean_stitch_repeats', _('Bean stitch number of repeats'), tooltip=_('Backtrack each stitch this many times. ' 'A value of 1 would triple each stitch (forward, back, forward). ' 'A value of 2 would quintuple each stitch, etc.'), type='int', default=0, sort_index=3) def bean_stitch_repeats(self): return self.get_int_param("bean_stitch_repeats", 0) @property @param('running_stitch_length_mm', _('Running stitch length'), tooltip=_('Length of stitches in running stitch mode.'), unit='mm', type='float', default=1.5, sort_index=4) def running_stitch_length(self): return max(self.get_float_param("running_stitch_length_mm", 1.5), 0.01) @property @param('running_stitch_tolerance_mm', _('Running stitch tolerance'), tooltip=_('All stitches must be within this distance from the path. ' + 'A lower tolerance means stitches will be closer together. ' + 'A higher tolerance means sharp corners may be rounded.'), unit='mm', type='float', default=0.2, sort_index=4) def running_stitch_tolerance(self): return max(self.get_float_param("running_stitch_tolerance_mm", 0.2), 0.01) @property @param('zigzag_spacing_mm', _('Zig-zag spacing (peak-to-peak)'), tooltip=_('Length of stitches in zig-zag mode.'), unit='mm', type='float', default=0.4, select_items=[('stroke_method', 0)], sort_index=5) @cache def zigzag_spacing(self): return max(self.get_float_param("zigzag_spacing_mm", 0.4), 0.01) @property @param('line_count', _('Number of lines'), tooltip=_('Number of lines from start to finish'), type='int', default=10, select_items=[('stroke_method', 1)], sort_index=5) @cache def line_count(self): return max(self.get_int_param("line_count", 10), 1) def get_line_count(self): if self.is_closed or self.join_style == 1: return self.line_count + 1 return self.line_count @property @param('skip_start', _('Skip first lines'), tooltip=_('Skip this number of lines at the beginning.'), type='int', default=0, select_items=[('stroke_method', 1)], sort_index=6) @cache def skip_start(self): return abs(self.get_int_param("skip_start", 0)) @property @param('skip_end', _('Skip last lines'), tooltip=_('Skip this number of lines at the end'), type='int', default=0, select_items=[('stroke_method', 1)], sort_index=7) @cache def skip_end(self): return abs(self.get_int_param("skip_end", 0)) def _adjust_skip(self, skip): if self.skip_start + self.skip_end >= self.line_count: return 0 else: return skip def get_skip_start(self): return self._adjust_skip(self.skip_start) def get_skip_end(self): return self._adjust_skip(self.skip_end) @property @param('exponent', _('Line distance exponent'), tooltip=_('Increase density towards one side.'), type='float', default=1, select_items=[('stroke_method', 1)], sort_index=8) @cache def exponent(self): return max(self.get_float_param("exponent", 1), 0.1) @property @param('flip_exponent', _('Flip exponent'), tooltip=_('Reverse exponent effect.'), type='boolean', default=False, select_items=[('stroke_method', 1)], sort_index=9) @cache def flip_exponent(self): return self.get_boolean_param("flip_exponent", False) @property @param('reverse', _('Reverse'), tooltip=_('Flip start and end point'), type='boolean', default=False, select_items=[('stroke_method', 1)], sort_index=10) @cache def reverse(self): return self.get_boolean_param("reverse", False) @property @param('grid_size', _('Grid size'), tooltip=_('Render as grid. Use with care and watch your stitch density.'), type='float', default=0, unit='mm', select_items=[('stroke_method', 1)], sort_index=11) @cache def grid_size(self): return abs(self.get_float_param("grid_size", 0)) @property @param('scale_axis', _('Scale axis'), tooltip=_('Scale axis for satin guided ripple stitches.'), type='dropdown', default=0, # 0: xy, 1: x, 2: y, 3: none options=["X Y", "X", "Y", _("None")], select_items=[('stroke_method', 1)], sort_index=12) def scale_axis(self): return self.get_int_param('scale_axis', 0) @property @param('scale_start', _('Starting scale'), tooltip=_('How big the first copy of the line should be, in percent.') + " " + _('Used only for ripple stitch with a guide line.'), type='float', default=100, select_items=[('stroke_method', 1)], sort_index=13) def scale_start(self): return self.get_float_param('scale_start', 100.0) @property @param('scale_end', _('Ending scale'), tooltip=_('How big the last copy of the line should be, in percent.') + " " + _('Used only for ripple stitch with a guide line.'), type='float', default=0.0, select_items=[('stroke_method', 1)], sort_index=14) def scale_end(self): return self.get_float_param('scale_end', 0.0) @property @param('rotate_ripples', _('Rotate'), tooltip=_('Rotate satin guided ripple stitches'), type='boolean', default=True, select_items=[('stroke_method', 1)], sort_index=15) @cache def rotate_ripples(self): return self.get_boolean_param("rotate_ripples", True) @property @param('join_style', _('Join style'), tooltip=_('Join style for non circular ripples.'), type='dropdown', default=0, options=(_("flat"), _("point")), select_items=[('stroke_method', 1)], sort_index=16) @cache def join_style(self): return self.get_int_param('join_style', 0) @property @cache def is_closed(self): # returns true if the outline of a single line stroke is a closed shape # (with a small tolerance) lines = self.as_multi_line_string().geoms if len(lines) == 1: coords = lines[0].coords return Point(*coords[0]).distance(Point(*coords[-1])) < 0.05 return False @property def paths(self): path = self.parse_path() flattened = self.flatten(path) # manipulate invalid path if len(flattened[0]) == 1: return [[[flattened[0][0][0], flattened[0][0][1]], [flattened[0][0][0] + 1.0, flattened[0][0][1]]]] if self.manual_stitch_mode: return [self.strip_control_points(subpath) for subpath in path] else: return flattened @property @cache def shape(self): return self.as_multi_line_string().convex_hull @cache def as_multi_line_string(self): line_strings = [shapely.geometry.LineString(path) for path in self.paths] return shapely.geometry.MultiLineString(line_strings) def get_ripple_target(self): command = self.get_command('ripple_target') if command: pos = [float(command.use.get("x", 0)), float(command.use.get("y", 0))] transform = get_node_transform(command.use) pos = Transform(transform).apply_to_point(pos) return Point(*pos) else: return self.shape.centroid def is_running_stitch(self): # using stroke width <= 0.5 pixels to indicate running stitch is deprecated in favor of dashed lines stroke_width, units = parse_length_with_units(self.get_style("stroke-width", "1")) if self.dashed: return True elif stroke_width <= 0.5 and self.get_float_param('running_stitch_length_mm', None) is not None: # if they use a stroke width less than 0.5 AND they specifically set a running stitch # length, then assume they intend to use the deprecated <= 0.5 method to set running # stitch. # # Note that we use self.get_style("stroke_width") _not_ self.stroke_width above. We # explicitly want the stroke width in "user units" ("document units") -- that is, what # the user sees in inkscape's stroke settings. # # Also note that we don't use self.running_stitch_length_mm above. This is because we # want to see if they set a running stitch length at all, and the property will apply # a default value. # # This is so tricky, and and intricate that's a major reason that we deprecated the # 0.5 units rule. # Warn them the first time. global warned_about_legacy_running_stitch if not warned_about_legacy_running_stitch: warned_about_legacy_running_stitch = True print(_("Legacy running stitch setting detected!\n\nIt looks like you're using a stroke " + "smaller than 0.5 units to indicate a running stitch, which is deprecated. Instead, please set " + "your stroke to be dashed to indicate running stitch. Any kind of dash will work."), file=sys.stderr) # still allow the deprecated setting to work in order to support old files return True else: return False def simple_satin(self, path, zigzag_spacing, stroke_width): "zig-zag along the path at the specified spacing and wdith" # `self.zigzag_spacing` is the length for a zig and a zag # together (a V shape). Start with running stitch at half # that length: patch = self.running_stitch(path, zigzag_spacing / 2.0, self.running_stitch_tolerance) # Now move the points left and right. Consider each pair # of points in turn, and move perpendicular to them, # alternating left and right. offset = stroke_width / 2.0 for i in range(len(patch) - 1): start = patch.stitches[i] end = patch.stitches[i + 1] # sometimes the stitch results into zero length which cause a division by zero error # ignoring this leads to a slightly bad result, but that is better than no output if (end - start).length() == 0: continue segment_direction = (end - start).unit() zigzag_direction = segment_direction.rotate_left() if i % 2 == 1: zigzag_direction *= -1 patch.stitches[i] += zigzag_direction * offset return patch def running_stitch(self, path, stitch_length, tolerance): repeated_path = [] # go back and forth along the path as specified by self.repeats for i in range(self.repeats): if i % 2 == 1: # reverse every other pass this_path = path[::-1] else: this_path = path[:] repeated_path.extend(this_path) stitches = running_stitch(repeated_path, stitch_length, tolerance) return StitchGroup(self.color, stitches) def ripple_stitch(self): return StitchGroup( color=self.color, tags=["ripple_stitch"], stitches=ripple_stitch(self)) def do_bean_repeats(self, stitches): return bean_stitch(stitches, self.bean_stitch_repeats) def to_stitch_groups(self, last_patch): patches = [] # ripple stitch if self.stroke_method == 1: patch = self.ripple_stitch() if patch: if self.bean_stitch_repeats > 0: patch.stitches = self.do_bean_repeats(patch.stitches) patches.append(patch) else: for path in self.paths: path = [Point(x, y) for x, y in path] # manual stitch if self.manual_stitch_mode: patch = StitchGroup(color=self.color, stitches=path, stitch_as_is=True) # running stitch elif self.is_running_stitch(): patch = self.running_stitch(path, self.running_stitch_length, self.running_stitch_tolerance) if self.bean_stitch_repeats > 0: patch.stitches = self.do_bean_repeats(patch.stitches) # simple satin else: patch = self.simple_satin(path, self.zigzag_spacing, self.stroke_width) if patch: patches.append(patch) return patches @cache def get_guide_line(self): guide_lines = get_marker_elements(self.node, "guide-line", False, True, True) # No or empty guide line # if there is a satin guide line, it will also be in stroke, so no need to check for satin here if not guide_lines or not guide_lines['stroke']: return None # use the satin guide line if there is one, else use stroke # ignore multiple guide lines if len(guide_lines['satin']) >= 1: return guide_lines['satin'][0] return guide_lines['stroke'][0] def validation_warnings(self): if self.stroke_method == 1 and self.skip_start + self.skip_end >= self.line_count: yield IgnoreSkipValues(self.shape.centroid) # guided fill warnings if self.stroke_method == 1: guide_lines = get_marker_elements(self.node, "guide-line", False, True, True) if sum(len(x) for x in guide_lines.values()) > 1: yield MultipleGuideLineWarning(self.shape.centroid)