# Authors: see git history # # Copyright (c) 2010 Authors # Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3.0 or later. See the file LICENSE for details. from collections.abc import Set from colormath.color_conversions import convert_color from colormath.color_diff import delta_e_cie1994 from colormath.color_objects import LabColor, sRGBColor from .color import ThreadColor def compare_thread_colors(color1, color2): # K_L=2 indicates textiles return delta_e_cie1994(color1, color2, K_L=2) class ThreadPalette(Set): """Holds a set of ThreadColors all from the same manufacturer.""" def __init__(self, palette_file): self.threads = dict() self.parse_palette_file(palette_file) def parse_palette_file(self, palette_file): """Read a GIMP palette file and load thread colors. Example file: GIMP Palette Name: Ink/Stitch: Metro Columns: 4 # RGB Value Color Name Number 240 186 212 Sugar Pink 1624 237 171 194 Carnatio 1636 """ with open(palette_file) as palette: line = palette.readline().strip() if line.lower() != "gimp palette": raise ValueError("Invalid gimp palette header") self.name = palette.readline().strip() if self.name.lower().startswith('name: ink/stitch: '): self.name = self.name[18:] # number of columns palette.readline() # headers palette.readline() for line in palette: try: fields = line.split(None, 3) thread_color = [int(field) for field in fields[:3]] thread_name, thread_number = fields[3].strip().rsplit(" ", 1) thread_name = thread_name.strip() thread = ThreadColor(thread_color, thread_name, thread_number, manufacturer=self.name) self.threads[thread] = convert_color(sRGBColor(*thread_color, is_upscaled=True), LabColor) except ValueError: continue def __contains__(self, thread): return thread in self.threads def __iter__(self): return iter(self.threads) def __len__(self): return len(self.threads) def nearest_color(self, color): """Find the thread in this palette that looks the most like the specified color.""" if isinstance(color, ThreadColor): color = color.rgb color = convert_color(sRGBColor(*color, is_upscaled=True), LabColor) return min(self, key=lambda thread: compare_thread_colors(self.threads[thread], color))