# Authors: see git history # # Copyright (c) 2010 Authors # Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3.0 or later. See the file LICENSE for details. import math import inkex from lxml import etree from math import pi from ..i18n import _ from ..utils import Point, cache from .tags import (INKSCAPE_GROUPMODE, INKSCAPE_LABEL, INKSTITCH_ATTRIBS, SVG_DEFS_TAG, SVG_GROUP_TAG, SVG_PATH_TAG) from .units import PIXELS_PER_MM, get_viewbox_transform # The stitch vector path looks like this: # _______ # (_______) # # It's 0.32mm high, which is the approximate thickness of common machine # embroidery threads. # 1.216 pixels = 0.32mm stitch_height = 1.216 # This vector path starts at the upper right corner of the stitch shape and # proceeds counter-clockwise.and contains a placeholder (%s) for the stitch # length. # # It contains two invisible "whiskers" of zero width that go above and below # to ensure that the SVG renderer allocates a large enough canvas area when # computing the gaussian blur steps. Otherwise, we'd have to expand the # width and height attributes of the tag to add more buffer space. # The width and height are specified in multiples of the bounding box # size, It's the bounding box aligned with the global SVG canvas's axes, not # the axes of the stitch itself. That means that having a big enough value # to add enough padding on the long sides of the stitch would waste a ton # of space on the short sides and significantly slow down rendering. stitch_path = "M0,0c0.4,0,0.4,0.3,0.4,0.6c0,0.3,-0.1,0.6,-0.4,0.6v0.2,-0.2h-%sc-0.4,0,-0.4,-0.3,-0.4,-0.6c0,-0.3,0.1,-0.6,0.4,-0.6v-0.2,0.2z" # This filter makes the above stitch path look like a real stitch with lighting. realistic_filter = """ """ def realistic_stitch(start, end): """Generate a stitch vector path given a start and end point.""" end = Point(*end) start = Point(*start) stitch_length = (end - start).length() stitch_center = Point((end.x+start.x)/2.0, (end[1]+start[1])/2.0) stitch_direction = (end - start) stitch_angle = math.atan2(stitch_direction.y, stitch_direction.x) * (180 / pi) stitch_length = max(0, stitch_length - 0.2 * PIXELS_PER_MM) # create the path by filling in the length in the template path = inkex.Path(stitch_path % stitch_length).to_arrays() # rotate the path to match the stitch rotation_center_x = -stitch_length / 2.0 rotation_center_y = stitch_height / 2.0 path = inkex.Path(path).rotate(stitch_angle, (rotation_center_x, rotation_center_y)) # move the path to the location of the stitch path = inkex.Path(path).translate(stitch_center.x - rotation_center_x, stitch_center.y - rotation_center_y) return str(path) def color_block_to_point_lists(color_block): point_lists = [[]] for stitch in color_block: if stitch.trim: if point_lists[-1]: point_lists.append([]) continue if not stitch.jump and not stitch.color_change and not stitch.stop: point_lists[-1].append(stitch.as_tuple()) # filter out empty point lists point_lists = [p for p in point_lists if len(p) > 1] return point_lists @cache def get_correction_transform(svg): transform = get_viewbox_transform(svg) # we need to correct for the viewbox transform = -inkex.transforms.Transform(transform) return str(transform) def color_block_to_realistic_stitches(color_block, svg, destination): for point_list in color_block_to_point_lists(color_block): color = color_block.color.visible_on_white.darker.to_hex_str() start = point_list[0] for point in point_list[1:]: destination.append(etree.Element(SVG_PATH_TAG, { 'style': "fill: %s; stroke: none; filter: url(#realistic-stitch-filter);" % color, 'd': realistic_stitch(start, point), 'transform': get_correction_transform(svg) })) start = point def color_block_to_paths(color_block, svg, destination, visual_commands): # If we try to import these above, we get into a mess of circular # imports. from ..commands import add_commands from ..elements.stroke import Stroke # We could emit just a single path with one subpath per point list, but # emitting multiple paths makes it easier for the user to manipulate them. first = True path = None for point_list in color_block_to_point_lists(color_block): if first: first = False elif visual_commands: add_commands(Stroke(destination[-1]), ["trim"]) color = color_block.color.visible_on_white.to_hex_str() path = etree.Element(SVG_PATH_TAG, { 'style': "stroke: %s; stroke-width: 0.4; fill: none;" % color, 'd': "M" + " ".join(" ".join(str(coord) for coord in point) for point in point_list), 'transform': get_correction_transform(svg), INKSTITCH_ATTRIBS['manual_stitch']: 'true' }) destination.append(path) if path is not None and visual_commands: if color_block.trim_after: add_commands(Stroke(path), ["trim"]) if color_block.stop_after: add_commands(Stroke(path), ["stop"]) def render_stitch_plan(svg, stitch_plan, realistic=False, visual_commands=True): layer = svg.find(".//*[@id='__inkstitch_stitch_plan__']") if layer is None: layer = etree.Element(SVG_GROUP_TAG, {'id': '__inkstitch_stitch_plan__', INKSCAPE_LABEL: _('Stitch Plan'), INKSCAPE_GROUPMODE: 'layer'}) else: # delete old stitch plan del layer[:] # make sure the layer is visible layer.set('style', 'display:inline') svg.append(layer) for i, color_block in enumerate(stitch_plan): group = etree.SubElement(layer, SVG_GROUP_TAG, {'id': '__color_block_%d__' % i, INKSCAPE_LABEL: "color block %d" % (i + 1)}) if realistic: color_block_to_realistic_stitches(color_block, svg, group) else: color_block_to_paths(color_block, svg, group, visual_commands) if realistic: defs = svg.find(SVG_DEFS_TAG) if defs is None: defs = etree.SubElement(svg, SVG_DEFS_TAG) defs.append(etree.fromstring(realistic_filter))