# Authors: see git history # # Copyright (c) 2010 Authors # Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3.0 or later. See the file LICENSE for details. import textwrap from inkex import errormsg from lxml import etree from ..commands import add_layer_commands from ..elements.validation import (ObjectTypeWarning, ValidationError, ValidationWarning) from ..i18n import _ from ..svg.path import get_correction_transform from ..svg.tags import (INKSCAPE_GROUPMODE, INKSCAPE_LABEL, SODIPODI_ROLE, SVG_GROUP_TAG, SVG_PATH_TAG, SVG_TEXT_TAG, SVG_TSPAN_TAG) from .base import InkstitchExtension class Troubleshoot(InkstitchExtension): def effect(self): self.create_troubleshoot_layer() problem_types = {'error': set(), 'warning': set(), 'type_warning': set()} if self.get_elements(True): for element in self.elements: for problem in element.validation_errors(): problem_types['error'].add(type(problem)) self.insert_pointer(problem) for problem in element.validation_warnings(): if isinstance(problem, ObjectTypeWarning): problem_types['type_warning'].add(type(problem)) else: problem_types['warning'].add(type(problem)) self.insert_pointer(problem) if any(problem_types.values()): self.add_descriptions(problem_types) else: svg = self.document.getroot() svg.remove(self.troubleshoot_layer) message = _("All selected shapes are valid! ") message += "\n\n" message += _("If you are still having trouble with a shape not being embroidered, " "check if it is in a layer with an ignore command.") errormsg(message) def insert_pointer(self, problem): correction_transform = get_correction_transform(self.troubleshoot_layer) if isinstance(problem, ValidationWarning): fill_color = "#ffdd00" layer = self.warning_group elif isinstance(problem, ValidationError): fill_color = "#ff0000" layer = self.error_group elif isinstance(problem, ObjectTypeWarning): fill_color = "#ff9900" layer = self.type_warning_group pointer_style = "stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.2;fill:%s;" % (fill_color) text_style = "fill:%s;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.2;font-size:8px;text-align:center;text-anchor:middle" % (fill_color) path = etree.Element( SVG_PATH_TAG, { "id": self.uniqueId("inkstitch__invalid_pointer__"), "d": "m %s,%s 4,20 h -8 l 4,-20" % (problem.position.x, problem.position.y), "style": pointer_style, INKSCAPE_LABEL: _('Invalid Pointer'), "transform": correction_transform } ) layer.insert(0, path) text = etree.Element( SVG_TEXT_TAG, { INKSCAPE_LABEL: _('Description'), "x": str(problem.position.x), "y": str(float(problem.position.y) + 30), "transform": correction_transform, "style": text_style } ) layer.append(text) tspan = etree.Element(SVG_TSPAN_TAG) tspan.text = problem.name text.append(tspan) def create_troubleshoot_layer(self): svg = self.document.getroot() layer = svg.find(".//*[@id='__validation_layer__']") if layer is None: layer = etree.Element( SVG_GROUP_TAG, { 'id': '__validation_layer__', INKSCAPE_LABEL: _('Troubleshoot'), INKSCAPE_GROUPMODE: 'layer', }) svg.append(layer) else: # Clear out everything from the last run del layer[:] add_layer_commands(layer, ["ignore_layer"]) error_group = etree.SubElement( layer, SVG_GROUP_TAG, { "id": '__validation_errors__', INKSCAPE_LABEL: _("Errors"), }) layer.append(error_group) warning_group = etree.SubElement( layer, SVG_GROUP_TAG, { "id": '__validation_warnings__', INKSCAPE_LABEL: _("Warnings"), }) layer.append(warning_group) type_warning_group = etree.SubElement( layer, SVG_GROUP_TAG, { "id": '__validation_ignored__', INKSCAPE_LABEL: _("Type Warnings"), }) layer.append(type_warning_group) self.troubleshoot_layer = layer self.error_group = error_group self.warning_group = warning_group self.type_warning_group = type_warning_group def add_descriptions(self, problem_types): svg = self.document.getroot() text_x = str(float(svg.get('viewBox', '0 0 800 0').split(' ')[2]) + 5.0) text_container = etree.Element( SVG_TEXT_TAG, { "x": text_x, "y": str(5), "style": "fill:#000000;font-size:5px;line-height:1;" } ) self.troubleshoot_layer.append(text_container) text = [ [_("Troubleshoot"), "font-weight: bold; font-size: 8px;"], ["", ""] ] for problem_type, problems in list(problem_types.items()): if problem_type == "error": text_color = "#ff0000" problem_type_header = _("Errors") problem_type_description = _("Problems that will prevent the shape from being embroidered.") elif problem_type == "warning": text_color = "#ffdd00" problem_type_header = _("Warnings") problem_type_description = _("These are problems that won't prevent the shape from being embroidered. " "You should consider to fix the warning, but if you don't, " "Ink/Stitch will do its best to process the object.") elif problem_type == "type_warning": text_color = "#ff9900" problem_type_header = _("Object Type Warnings") problem_type_description = _("Ink/Stitch only knows how to works with paths and ignores everything else. " "You might want these shapes to be ignored, but if you don't, " "follow the instructions to change this behaviour.") if problems: text.append([problem_type_header, "font-weight: bold; fill: %s; text-decoration: underline; font-size: 7px;" % text_color]) text.append(["", ""]) text.append([problem_type_description, "fill:%s;" % text_color]) text.append(["", ""]) for problem in problems: text.append([problem.name, "font-weight: bold; fill: %s;" % text_color]) text.append([problem.description, "font-size: 3px;"]) text.append(["", ""]) for step in problem.steps_to_solve: text.append([step, "font-size: 4px;"]) text.append(["", ""]) explain_layer = _('It is possible, that one object contains more than one error, ' + 'yet there will be only one pointer per object. Run this function again, ' + 'when further errors occur. Remove pointers by deleting the layer named ' '"Troubleshoot" through the objects panel (Object -> Objects...).') explain_layer_parts = textwrap.wrap(explain_layer, 60) for description in explain_layer_parts: text.append([description, "font-style: italic; font-size: 4px;"]) text = self.split_text(text) for text_line in text: tspan = etree.Element( SVG_TSPAN_TAG, { SODIPODI_ROLE: "line", "style": text_line[1] } ) tspan.text = text_line[0] text_container.append(tspan) def split_text(self, text): splitted_text = [] for text_part, style in text: if text_part: description_parts = textwrap.wrap(text_part, 60) for description in description_parts: splitted_text.append([description, style]) else: splitted_text.append(["", ""]) return splitted_text