# Authors: see git history # # Copyright (c) 2010 Authors # Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3.0 or later. See the file LICENSE for details. import errno import json import logging import os import socket import sys import time from copy import deepcopy from datetime import date from threading import Thread import appdirs import requests from flask import Flask, Response, jsonify, request, send_from_directory from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, select_autoescape from lxml import etree from ..gui import open_url from ..i18n import translation as inkstitch_translation from ..stitch_plan import patches_to_stitch_plan from ..svg import render_stitch_plan from ..svg.tags import INKSCAPE_GROUPMODE from ..threads import ThreadCatalog from .base import InkstitchExtension def datetimeformat(value, format='%Y/%m/%d'): return value.strftime(format) def defaults_path(): defaults_dir = appdirs.user_config_dir('inkstitch') if not os.path.exists(defaults_dir): os.makedirs(defaults_dir) return os.path.join(defaults_dir, 'print_settings.json') def load_defaults(): try: with open(defaults_path(), 'r') as defaults_file: defaults = json.load(defaults_file) return defaults except BaseException: return {} def save_defaults(defaults): with open(defaults_path(), 'w') as defaults_file: json.dump(defaults, defaults_file) class PrintPreviewServer(Thread): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.html = kwargs.pop('html') self.metadata = kwargs.pop('metadata') self.stitch_plan = kwargs.pop('stitch_plan') self.realistic_overview_svg = kwargs.pop('realistic_overview_svg') self.realistic_color_block_svgs = kwargs.pop('realistic_color_block_svgs') Thread.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.daemon = True self.shutting_down = False self.__setup_app() def __set_resources_path(self): if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): self.resources_path = os.path.join(sys._MEIPASS, 'print', 'resources') else: self.resources_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'print', 'resources')) def __setup_app(self): # noqa: C901 self.__set_resources_path() # Disable warning about using a development server in a production environment cli = sys.modules['flask.cli'] cli.show_server_banner = lambda *x: None self.app = Flask(__name__) @self.app.route('/') def index(): return self.html @self.app.route('/shutdown', methods=['POST']) def shutdown(): self.shutting_down = True request.environ.get('werkzeug.server.shutdown')() return "shutting down" @self.app.route('/resources/', methods=['GET']) def resources(resource): return send_from_directory(self.resources_path, resource, cache_timeout=1) @self.app.route('/settings/', methods=['POST']) def set_field(field_name): self.metadata[field_name] = request.json['value'] return "OK" @self.app.route('/settings/', methods=['GET']) def get_field(field_name): return jsonify(self.metadata[field_name]) @self.app.route('/settings', methods=['GET']) def get_settings(): settings = {} settings.update(load_defaults()) settings.update(self.metadata) return jsonify(settings) @self.app.route('/defaults', methods=['POST']) def set_defaults(): save_defaults(request.json['value']) return "OK" @self.app.route('/palette', methods=['POST']) def set_palette(): name = request.json['name'] catalog = ThreadCatalog() palette = catalog.get_palette_by_name(name) catalog.apply_palette(self.stitch_plan, palette) # clear any saved color or thread names for field in self.metadata: if field.startswith('color-') or field.startswith('thread-'): del self.metadata[field] self.metadata['thread-palette'] = name return "OK" @self.app.route('/threads', methods=['GET']) def get_threads(): threads = [] for color_block in self.stitch_plan: threads.append({ 'hex': color_block.color.hex_digits, 'name': color_block.color.name, 'manufacturer': color_block.color.manufacturer, 'number': color_block.color.number, }) return jsonify(threads) @self.app.route('/realistic/block', methods=['GET']) def get_realistic_block(index): return Response(self.realistic_color_block_svgs[index], mimetype='image/svg+xml') @self.app.route('/realistic/overview', methods=['GET']) def get_realistic_overview(): return Response(self.realistic_overview_svg, mimetype='image/svg+xml') def stop(self): # for whatever reason, shutting down only seems possible in # the context of a flask request, so we'll just make one requests.post("http://%s:%s/shutdown" % (self.host, self.port)) def disable_logging(self): logging.getLogger('werkzeug').setLevel(logging.ERROR) def run(self): self.disable_logging() self.host = "" self.port = 5000 while True: try: self.app.run(self.host, self.port, threaded=True) except socket.error as e: if e.errno == errno.EADDRINUSE: self.port += 1 continue else: raise else: break class Print(InkstitchExtension): def build_environment(self): if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): template_dir = os.path.join(sys._MEIPASS, "print", "templates") else: template_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "print", "templates")) env = Environment( loader=FileSystemLoader(template_dir), autoescape=select_autoescape(['html', 'xml']), extensions=['jinja2.ext.i18n'] ) env.filters['datetimeformat'] = datetimeformat env.install_gettext_translations(inkstitch_translation) return env def strip_namespaces(self, svg): # namespace prefixes seem to trip up HTML, so get rid of them for element in svg.iter(): if type(element.tag) == str and element.tag[0] == '{': element.tag = element.tag[element.tag.index('}', 1) + 1:] def render_svgs(self, stitch_plan, realistic=False): svg = deepcopy(self.document).getroot() render_stitch_plan(svg, stitch_plan, realistic, visual_commands=False) self.strip_namespaces(svg) # Now the stitch plan layer will contain a set of groups, each # corresponding to a color block. We'll create a set of SVG files # corresponding to each individual color block and a final one # for all color blocks together. layers = svg.findall("./g[@%s='layer']" % INKSCAPE_GROUPMODE) stitch_plan_layer = svg.find(".//*[@id='__inkstitch_stitch_plan__']") # Make sure there is no leftover translation from stitch plan preview stitch_plan_layer.pop('transform') # objects outside of the viewbox are invisible # TODO: if we want them to be seen, we need to redefine document size to fit the design # this is just a quick fix and doesn't work on realistic view svg.set('style', 'overflow:visible;') # First, delete all of the other layers. We don't need them and they'll # just bulk up the SVG. for layer in layers: if layer is not stitch_plan_layer: svg.remove(layer) overview_svg = etree.tostring(svg).decode('utf-8') color_block_groups = stitch_plan_layer.getchildren() color_block_svgs = [] for i, group in enumerate(color_block_groups): # clear the stitch plan layer del stitch_plan_layer[:] # add in just this group stitch_plan_layer.append(group) # save an SVG preview color_block_svgs.append(etree.tostring(svg).decode('utf-8')) return overview_svg, color_block_svgs def render_html(self, stitch_plan, overview_svg, selected_palette): env = self.build_environment() template = env.get_template('index.html') return template.render( view={ 'client_overview': False, 'client_detailedview': False, 'operator_overview': True, 'operator_detailedview': True, 'custom_page': False }, logo={'src': '', 'title': 'LOGO'}, date=date.today(), client="", job={ 'title': '', 'num_colors': stitch_plan.num_colors, 'num_color_blocks': len(stitch_plan), 'num_stops': stitch_plan.num_stops, 'num_trims': stitch_plan.num_trims, 'dimensions': stitch_plan.dimensions_mm, 'num_stitches': stitch_plan.num_stitches, 'estimated_thread': '', # TODO }, svg_overview=overview_svg, color_blocks=stitch_plan.color_blocks, palettes=ThreadCatalog().palette_names(), selected_palette=selected_palette, ) def effect(self): # It doesn't really make sense to print just a couple of selected # objects. It's almost certain they meant to print the whole design. # If they really wanted to print just a few objects, they could set # the rest invisible temporarily. self.svg.selected.clear() if not self.get_elements(): return self.metadata = self.get_inkstitch_metadata() collapse_len = self.metadata['collapse_len_mm'] patches = self.elements_to_patches(self.elements) stitch_plan = patches_to_stitch_plan(patches, collapse_len=collapse_len) palette = ThreadCatalog().match_and_apply_palette(stitch_plan, self.get_inkstitch_metadata()['thread-palette']) overview_svg, color_block_svgs = self.render_svgs(stitch_plan, realistic=False) realistic_overview_svg, realistic_color_block_svgs = self.render_svgs(stitch_plan, realistic=True) for i, svg in enumerate(color_block_svgs): stitch_plan.color_blocks[i].svg_preview = svg html = self.render_html(stitch_plan, overview_svg, palette) print_server = PrintPreviewServer( html=html, metadata=self.get_inkstitch_metadata(), stitch_plan=stitch_plan, realistic_overview_svg=realistic_overview_svg, realistic_color_block_svgs=realistic_color_block_svgs ) print_server.start() # Wait for print_server.host and print_server.port to be populated. # Hacky, but Flask doesn't have an option for a callback to be run # after startup. time.sleep(0.5) browser_window = open_url("http://%s:%s/" % (print_server.host, print_server.port)) browser_window.wait() print_server.stop() print_server.join()