import sys from copy import deepcopy from ..i18n import _ from ..utils import cache from ..svg import PIXELS_PER_MM, convert_length, get_doc_size, apply_transforms from ..commands import find_commands # inkscape-provided utilities import simplestyle import cubicsuperpath from cspsubdiv import cspsubdiv class Patch: """A raw collection of stitches with attached instructions.""" def __init__(self, color=None, stitches=None, trim_after=False, stop_after=False, stitch_as_is=False): self.color = color self.stitches = stitches or [] self.trim_after = trim_after self.stop_after = stop_after self.stitch_as_is = stitch_as_is def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Patch): return Patch(self.color, self.stitches + other.stitches) else: raise TypeError("Patch can only be added to another Patch") def __len__(self): # This method allows `len(patch)` and `if patch: return len(self.stitches) def add_stitch(self, stitch): self.stitches.append(stitch) def reverse(self): return Patch(self.color, self.stitches[::-1]) class Param(object): def __init__(self, name, description, unit=None, values=[], type=None, group=None, inverse=False, default=None, tooltip=None, sort_index=0): = name self.description = description self.unit = unit self.values = values or [""] self.type = type = group self.inverse = inverse self.default = default self.tooltip = tooltip self.sort_index = sort_index def __repr__(self): return "Param(%s)" % vars(self) # Decorate a member function or property with information about # the embroidery parameter it corresponds to def param(*args, **kwargs): p = Param(*args, **kwargs) def decorator(func): func.param = p return func return decorator class EmbroideryElement(object): def __init__(self, node): self.node = node @property def id(self): return self.node.get('id') @classmethod def get_params(cls): params = [] for attr in dir(cls): prop = getattr(cls, attr) if isinstance(prop, property): # The 'param' attribute is set by the 'param' decorator defined above. if hasattr(prop.fget, 'param'): params.append(prop.fget.param) return params @cache def get_param(self, param, default): value = self.node.get("embroider_" + param, "").strip() return value or default @cache def get_boolean_param(self, param, default=None): value = self.get_param(param, default) if isinstance(value, bool): return value else: return value and (value.lower() in ('yes', 'y', 'true', 't', '1')) @cache def get_float_param(self, param, default=None): try: value = float(self.get_param(param, default)) except (TypeError, ValueError): value = default if value is None: return value if param.endswith('_mm'): value = value * PIXELS_PER_MM return value @cache def get_int_param(self, param, default=None): try: value = int(self.get_param(param, default)) except (TypeError, ValueError): return default if param.endswith('_mm'): value = int(value * PIXELS_PER_MM) return value def set_param(self, name, value): self.node.set("embroider_%s" % name, str(value)) @cache def get_style(self, style_name, default=None): style = simplestyle.parseStyle(self.node.get("style")) if (style_name not in style): return default value = style[style_name] if value == 'none': return None return value @cache def has_style(self, style_name): style = simplestyle.parseStyle(self.node.get("style")) return style_name in style @property @cache def stroke_scale(self): svg = self.node.getroottree().getroot() doc_width, doc_height = get_doc_size(svg) viewbox = svg.get('viewBox', '0 0 %s %s' % (doc_width, doc_height)) viewbox = viewbox.strip().replace(',', ' ').split() return doc_width / float(viewbox[2]) @property @cache def stroke_width(self): width = self.get_style("stroke-width", "1") if width is None: return 1.0 width = convert_length(width) return width * self.stroke_scale @property def path(self): # A CSP is a "cubic superpath". # # A "path" is a sequence of strung-together bezier curves. # # A "superpath" is a collection of paths that are all in one object. # # The "cubic" bit in "cubic superpath" is because the bezier curves # inkscape uses involve cubic polynomials. # # Each path is a collection of tuples, each of the form: # # (control_before, point, control_after) # # A bezier curve segment is defined by an endpoint, a control point, # a second control point, and a final endpoint. A path is a bunch of # bezier curves strung together. One could represent a path as a set # of four-tuples, but there would be redundancy because the ending # point of one bezier is the starting point of the next. Instead, a # path is a set of 3-tuples as shown above, and one must construct # each bezier curve by taking the appropriate endpoints and control # points. Bleh. It should be noted that a straight segment is # represented by having the control point on each end equal to that # end's point. # # In a path, each element in the 3-tuple is itself a tuple of (x, y). # Tuples all the way down. Hasn't anyone heard of using classes? d = self.node.get("d", "") if not d: self.fatal(_("Object %(id)s has an empty 'd' attribute. Please delete this object from your document.") % dict(id=self.node.get("id"))) return cubicsuperpath.parsePath(d) @cache def parse_path(self): return apply_transforms(self.path, self.node) @property def shape(self): raise NotImplementedError("INTERNAL ERROR: %s must implement shape()", self.__class__) @property @cache def commands(self): return find_commands(self.node) @cache def get_commands(self, command): return [c for c in self.commands if c.command == command] @cache def has_command(self, command): return len(self.get_commands(command)) > 0 @cache def get_command(self, command): commands = self.get_commands(command) if len(commands) == 1: return commands[0] elif len(commands) > 1: raise ValueError(_("%(id)s has more than one command of type '%(command)s' linked to it") % dict(id=self.node.get(id), command=command)) else: return None def strip_control_points(self, subpath): return [point for control_before, point, control_after in subpath] def flatten(self, path): """approximate a path containing beziers with a series of points""" path = deepcopy(path) cspsubdiv(path, 0.1) return [self.strip_control_points(subpath) for subpath in path] @property def trim_after(self): return self.get_boolean_param('trim_after', False) @property def stop_after(self): return self.get_boolean_param('stop_after', False) def to_patches(self, last_patch): raise NotImplementedError("%s must implement to_patches()" % self.__class__.__name__) def embroider(self, last_patch): patches = self.to_patches(last_patch) if patches: patches[-1].trim_after = self.has_command("trim") or self.trim_after patches[-1].stop_after = self.has_command("stop") or self.stop_after return patches def fatal(self, message): # L10N used when showing an error message to the user such as "satin column: One or more of the rungs doesn't # intersect both rails." print >> sys.stderr, _("error:"), message sys.exit(1)