{% if printview != 'detailedview' %}
{{ _('Color') }}: {{ color_block.color.name }} {# We don't want to see rgb if we have more than 7 colorSwatches #} {% if color_blocks|length < 7 %} {{ _('rgb') }}: {{ color_block.color.rgb }} {% endif %} {# We don't want to see thread_used if we have more than 7 colorSwatches to show #} {% if color_blocks|length < 7 %} {{ _('thread') }}: {{ color_block.color.manufacturer }} {{ "#" + color_block.color.number if color_block.color.number }} {% endif %} {# We don't want to see num_stitch if we have more than 49 colorSwatches to show #} {% if color_blocks|length < 49 %} {{ _('# stitches') }}: {{ color_block.num_stitches }} {% endif %} {# We don't want to see stops and trims if we have more than 13 colorSwatches to show #} {% if color_blocks|length < 13 %} {{ _('# trims') }}: {{ color_block.num_trims }} {{ _('stop after?') }}: {{ _("yes") if color_block.stop_after else _("no") }} {% endif %}
{% else %}

{{ _('Color') }}:{{ color_block.color.name }}

{{ _('rgb') }}:{{ color_block.color.rgb }}

{{ _('thread') }}:{{ color_block.color.manufacturer }} {{ "#" + color_block.color.number if color_block.color.number }}

{{ _('# stitches') }}:{{ color_block.num_stitches }}

{{ _('# trims') }}:{{ color_block.num_trims }}

{{ _('stop after?') }}:{{ _("yes") if color_block.stop_after else _("no") }}

{%endif %}