# Authors: see git history # # Copyright (c) 2010 Authors # Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3.0 or later. See the file LICENSE for details. import os import sys from pathlib import Path # to work with paths as objects import configparser # to read DEBUG.ini from argparse import ArgumentParser # to parse arguments and remove --extension import lib.debug_utils as debug_utils SCRIPTDIR = Path(__file__).parent.absolute() running_as_frozen = getattr(sys, 'frozen', None) is not None # check if running from pyinstaller bundle if len(sys.argv) < 2: # no arguments - prevent accidentally running this script msg = "No arguments given, exiting!" # without gettext localization see _() if running_as_frozen: # we show dialog only when running from pyinstaller bundle - using wx try: import wx app = wx.App() dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, msg, "Inkstitch", wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() except ImportError: print(msg) else: print(msg) exit(1) ini = configparser.ConfigParser() ini.read(SCRIPTDIR / "DEBUG.ini") # read DEBUG.ini file if exists # check if running from inkscape, given by environment variable if os.environ.get('INKSTITCH_OFFLINE_SCRIPT', '').lower() in ['true', '1', 'yes', 'y']: running_from_inkscape = False else: running_from_inkscape = True debug_active = bool((gettrace := getattr(sys, 'gettrace')) and gettrace()) # check if debugger is active on startup debug_type = 'none' profiler_type = 'none' if not running_as_frozen: # debugging/profiling only in development mode # specify debugger type # but if script was already started from debugger then don't read debug type from ini file or cmd line if not debug_active: debug_type = debug_utils.resole_debug_type(ini) # read debug type from ini file or cmd line profile_type = debug_utils.resole_profile_type(ini) # read profile type from ini file or cmd line if running_from_inkscape: # process creation of the Bash script - should be done before sys.path is modified, see below in prefere_pip_inkex if ini.getboolean("DEBUG", "create_bash_script", fallback=False): # create script only if enabled in DEBUG.ini debug_utils.write_offline_debug_script(SCRIPTDIR, ini) # disable debugger when running from inkscape disable_from_inkscape = ini.getboolean("DEBUG", "disable_from_inkscape", fallback=False) if disable_from_inkscape: debug_type = 'none' # do not start debugger when running from inkscape # prefer pip installed inkex over inkscape bundled inkex, pip version is bundled with Inkstitch # - must be be done before importing inkex prefere_pip_inkex = ini.getboolean("LIBRARY", "prefer_pip_inkex", fallback=True) if prefere_pip_inkex and 'PYTHONPATH' in os.environ: debug_utils.reorder_sys_path() # enabling of debug depends on value of debug_type in DEBUG.ini file if debug_type != 'none': from lib.debug import debug # import global variable debug - don't import whole module debug.enable(debug_type, SCRIPTDIR, ini) # check if debugger is really activated debug_active = bool((gettrace := getattr(sys, 'gettrace')) and gettrace()) # warnings are used by some modules, we want to ignore them all in release # - see warnings.warn() if running_as_frozen or not debug_active: import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # TODO - check if this is still needed for shapely, apparently shapely now uses only exceptions instead of io. # all logs were removed from version 2.0.0 and above # ---- plan to remove this in future ---- # import logging # to set logger for shapely # from io import StringIO # to store shapely errors # set logger for shapely - for old versions of shapely # logger = logging.getLogger('shapely.geos') # attach logger of shapely # logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # shapely_errors = StringIO() # in memory file to store shapely errors # ch = logging.StreamHandler(shapely_errors) # ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # formatter = logging.Formatter('%(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') # ch.setFormatter(formatter) # logger.addHandler(ch) # ---- plan to remove this in future ---- # pop '--extension' from arguments and generate extension class name from extension name # example: --extension=params will instantiate Params() class from lib.extensions. # we need to import only after possible modification of sys.path, we disable here flake8 E402 from lib import extensions # noqa: E402 # import all supported extensions of institch parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--extension") my_args, remaining_args = parser.parse_known_args() extension_name = my_args.extension # example: foo_bar_baz -> FooBarBaz extension_class_name = extension_name.title().replace("_", "") extension_class = getattr(extensions, extension_class_name) extension = extension_class() # create instance of extension class - call __init__ method # extension run(), we differentiate between debug and normal mode # - in debug or profile mode we debug or profile extension.run() method # - in normal mode we run extension.run() in try/except block to catch all exceptions and hide GTK spam if debug_active or profiler_type != "none": # if debug or profile mode if profiler_type == 'none': # only debugging extension.run(args=remaining_args) else: # do profiling debug_utils.profile(profiler_type, SCRIPTDIR, ini, extension, remaining_args) else: # if not debug nor profile mode from lib.exceptions import InkstitchException, format_uncaught_exception from inkex import errormsg # to show error message in inkscape from lxml.etree import XMLSyntaxError # to catch XMLSyntaxError from inkex from lib.i18n import _ # see gettext translation function _() from lib.utils import restore_stderr, save_stderr # to hide GTK spam save_stderr() # hide GTK spam exception = None try: extension.run(args=remaining_args) except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt): raise except XMLSyntaxError: msg = _("Ink/Stitch cannot read your SVG file. " "This is often the case when you use a file which has been created with Adobe Illustrator.") msg += "\n\n" msg += _("Try to import the file into Inkscape through 'File > Import...' (Ctrl+I)") errormsg(msg) except InkstitchException as exc: errormsg(str(exc)) except Exception: errormsg(format_uncaught_exception()) sys.exit(1) finally: restore_stderr() # if shapely_errors.tell(): # see above plan to remove this in future for shapely # errormsg(shapely_errors.getvalue()) sys.exit(0)