* os.execv doesn't replace the process on windows
* fix simulate/params crash
* pyinstaller windowed mode breaks things?
* fix output routing for windows
* properly route stderr to inkscape too
* don't print unless there's something to print
* remove last backup version if necessary
* add documentation for Windows build
* adds new options to Params: "TRIM after" and "STOP after"
* adds tooltip support to Params
* inkstitch now includes libembroidery and can directly output any supported file type
* this avoids the need for `libembroidery-convert` and compiling embroidermodder!
* TRIM support for DST format (inserts 3 JUMPs)
* STOP command supported as an extra color change that the operator can assign to code C00
* TRIMs cause the following jump stitch not to be displayed in the Embroidery layer