Add Custom Page to Print PDF (#418)

Kaalleen 2019-03-26 18:24:02 +01:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic 0b9f95ed88
commit f435520663
Nie znaleziono w bazie danych klucza dla tego podpisu
ID klucza GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
8 zmienionych plików z 402 dodań i 216 usunięć

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@ -353,7 +353,13 @@ class Print(InkstitchExtension):
template = env.get_template('index.html')
return template.render(
view={'client_overview': False, 'client_detailedview': False, 'operator_overview': True, 'operator_detailedview': True},
'client_overview': False,
'client_detailedview': False,
'operator_overview': True,
'operator_detailedview': True,
'custom_page': False
logo={'src': '', 'title': 'LOGO'},,

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d="M 9839,9818 V 8415 h 331 v 515 h 541 v -515 h 329 v 1403 h -329 v -589 h -541 v 589 z m -261,-959 c -60,-63 -122,-109 -184,-139 -62,-30 -128,-45 -196,-45 -119,0 -216,41 -291,122 -76,82 -113,188 -113,316 0,128 37,232 112,312 75,79 172,119 292,119 71,0 142,-14 213,-44 70,-30 141,-74 211,-134 l -22,373 c -60,40 -125,71 -196,92 -72,22 -146,32 -223,32 -82,0 -161,-12 -237,-38 -76,-26 -146,-64 -209,-115 -91,-71 -160,-157 -208,-259 -48,-102 -72,-214 -72,-335 0,-104 18,-201 53,-292 36,-91 87,-171 155,-241 68,-70 147,-123 237,-160 90,-37 184,-55 283,-55 79,0 154,10 226,33 72,21 140,55 205,99 z M 7595,9818 V 8708 h -446 v -293 h 1225 v 293 h -444 v 1110 z m -989,0 V 8415 h 335 v 1403 z m -986,0 V 8708 h -445 v -293 h 1224 v 293 H 5955 V 9818 Z M 4180,9422 c 86,52 160,89 220,111 60,21 119,31 177,31 57,0 104,-13 139,-38 35,-26 53,-58 53,-98 0,-57 -63,-122 -188,-193 -20,-12 -36,-21 -46,-27 l -95,-54 c -92,-52 -161,-111 -205,-177 -45,-66 -67,-140 -67,-223 0,-113 43,-206 128,-278 85,-72 195,-108 330,-108 50,0 103,5 161,17 58,12 123,30 194,54 v 329 c -68,-43 -132,-75 -193,-98 -61,-23 -112,-35 -155,-35 -47,0 -84,10 -111,30 -27,21 -41,48 -41,83 0,24 8,47 25,68 16,22 40,41 72,58 l 165,91 c 137,76 230,147 277,211 48,65 72,141 72,230 0,136 -47,247 -140,331 -93,84 -217,126 -371,126 -52,0 -109,-5 -171,-16 -61,-11 -128,-28 -202,-51 z"
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style="fill:#000000" />
d="m 10886,7473 c -676,154 -776,166 -1566,74 l -1848,18 c -374,4 -659,116 -1029,116 H 4373 l -138,-75 v -302 l 138,-75 h 2070 c 370,0 655,111 1029,115 l 1848,19 c 790,-92 890,-80 1566,73 9,2 15,10 15,19 0,9 -6,16 -15,18 z m -1029,7 v -51 c 0,-15 12,-27 27,-27 h 295 c 15,0 27,12 27,27 v 51 c 0,15 -12,28 -27,28 h -295 c -15,0 -27,-13 -27,-28 z"
style="fill:#808080" />


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Szerokość:  |  Wysokość:  |  Rozmiar: 7.4 KiB

Wyświetl plik

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Wyświetl plik

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color: black;
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color: white;
cursor: auto;
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background: #eaeaea !important;
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cursor: auto !important;
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display: inline;
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border: 1px solid darkgray;
@ -322,18 +300,18 @@ body {
vertical-align: top;
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color: #413232;
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opacity: 0.1;
content: '';
position: absolute;
@ -348,21 +326,21 @@ body {
transform: rotate(-45deg);
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opacity: 0.5;
#edit-mode input[type=checkbox]:checked + label:after {
.edit-mode input[type=checkbox]:checked + label:after {
opacity: 1;
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margin-left: 1em;
div#footer-url, div#footer-email, div#footer-reset {
div.tb-popup {
display: none;
position: absolute;
position: absolute !important;
background: white;
border: 1px solid black;
padding: 5mm;
@ -371,7 +349,7 @@ body {
z-index: 10;
div#footer-info-original {
div.original-info {
visibility: hidden;
width: 0;
height: 0;
@ -418,7 +396,6 @@ body {
/* Header */
header {
width: 100%;
height: 40mm;
@ -434,13 +411,11 @@ body {
figure.brandlogo {
height: 30mm;
width: 30mm;
margin: 2.5mm;
margin: 0 4mm 0 0;
figure.brandlogo label {
display: block;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
text-align: center;
position: relative;
@ -472,13 +447,6 @@ body {
cursor: pointer;
.operator-detailedview figure.brandlogo {
height: 20mm;
width: 30mm;
margin: 0 2.5mm;
text-align: left;
.operator-detailedview figure.brandlogo img {
max-width: 30mm;
max-height: 20mm;
@ -488,7 +456,7 @@ body {
display: flex;
display: -webkit-flex; /* old webkit */
display: -ms-flexbox; /* IE 10 */
width: calc(100% - 50mm);
width: calc(100% - 40mm);
height: 50%;
flex-grow: 1;
@ -515,6 +483,10 @@ body {
padding-top: 6mm;
.operator-overview figure.inksimulation {
height: 210mm;
.operator-overview div.job-details, .client-overview div.job-details {
padding-top: 2mm;
@ -904,6 +876,11 @@ body {
.opd-color-block.large {
display: block;
margin: 5mm 0;
font-size: 14pt;
.opd-color-block.large .operator-colorswatch {
font-size: 8pt;
.opd-color-block.large:first-child {
@ -987,6 +964,23 @@ body {
display: none;
/* Custom information sheet */
.custom-page header {
height: 30mm;
.custom-page main {
height: 230mm
#custom-page-tool-bar {
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
#custom-page-content {
height: 200mm;
overflow-y: hidden;
text-align: left;
/* Color Swatch Logic */
/* reference : */
@ -1121,6 +1115,32 @@ body {
width: calc(100% / 12);
/* Print Size A4 */
.page.a4 {
width: 210mm;
height: 296mm;
padding: 15mm;
.page.client-overview.a4 header, .page.operator-overview.a4 header {
height: 50mm;
flex-direction: row;
.page.client-overview.a4 div.job-details, .page.operator-overview.a4 div.job-details {
width: 100%;
.page.client-overview.a4 .client-overview-main figure.inksimulation {
height: 150mm;
.page.client-overview.a4 figure.brandlogo, .page.operator-overview.a4 figure.brandlogo {
margin: 0 4mm -2mm 0;
@media screen {
.page {
margin-top: 20mm !important;
@ -1153,8 +1173,11 @@ body {
span.logo-instructions {
display: none;
.notice--warning {
display: none !important;
.header-field:not(:empty)::before {

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
{% include 'headline.html' %}
<fieldset id="edit-custom-page">
<div id="custom-page-tool-bar" class="tool-bar">
<button id="custom-page-bold" class="tb-button tb-bold ff-serif edit-only" title="Bold"><b>B</b></button>
<button id="custom-page-italic" class="tb-button tb-italic ff-serif edit-only" title="Italic"><i>I</i></button>
<button id="custom-page-underline" class="tb-button tb-underline ff-serif edit-only" title="Underline"><u>U</u></button>
<button id="custom-page-remove" class="tb-button tb-remove ff-serif edit-only" title="Remove formatting">
<u style="vertical-align: super; font-size: 60%;">A</u>
<span style="vertical-align: sub; font-size: 80%;">A</span>
<button id="custom-page-hyperlink" class="tb-button tb-hyperlink edit-only" title="Hyperlink"></button>
<button id="custom-page-mail" class="tb-button tb-mail edit-only" title="E-Mail"></button>
<button id="custom-page-reset" class="tb-button tb-reset" title="Reset text"></button>
<p id="custom-page-edit-mode" class="edit-mode">
<input type="checkbox" id="custom-page-switch-mode" class="switch-mode" name="custom-page-switch-mode" />
<label for="custom-page-switch-mode">{{ ('Show HTML') }}</label>
<div id="custom-page-url" class="tb-popup url-window">
<p>{{ _("Enter URL") }}: <input type="text" id="custom-page-link" class="user-url" name="custom-page-link" value="https://" /></p>
<p><button id="custom-page-url-ok" class="url-ok">{{ _("OK") }}</button> <button id="custom-page-url-cancel" class="url-cancel">{{ _("Cancel") }}</button></p>
<div id="custom-page-email" class="tb-popup mail-window">
<p>{{ _("Enter E-Mail") }}: <input type="text" id="custom-page-mail" class="user-mail" name="custom-page-mail" value="@" /></p>
<p><button id="custom-page-mail-ok" class="mail-ok">{{ _("OK") }}</button> <button id="custom-page-mail-cancel" class="mail-cancel">{{ _("Cancel") }}</button></p>
<div id="custom-page-info-original" class="original-info"><b>{{ _("Custom Information Sheet") }}</b></div>
<div id="custom-page-reset" class="tb-popup reset-window">
<p>{{ _("This will reset your custom text to the default.") }}</p>
<p>{{ _("All changes will be lost.") }}</p>
<p><button id="custom-page-reset-ok" class="reset-ok">{{ _("OK") }}</button> <button id="custom-page-reset-cancel" class="reset-cancel">{{ _("Cancel") }}</button></p>
<div id="custom-page-content" class="info-text" contenteditable="true" data-field-name="custom-page-content">{{ _("Custom Information Sheet") }}</div>
<p class="notice--warning"><b>Note</b>: If you are using Firefox, use visible URLs. Links will not be printed to PDF with this browser.</p>
{% include 'footer.html' %}

Wyświetl plik

@ -9,22 +9,23 @@
{% include 'ui.html' %}
{# client overview #}
<div class="page client-overview" style="display: {{ 'block' if view.client_overview else 'none' }}">{% include 'print_overview.html' %}</div>
<div class="page client-overview" style="display: {{ 'block' if view.client_overview else 'none' }}">{% include 'print_overview.html' %}</div>
{# client detailedview #}
{% set printview = 'detailedview' %}
{% for color_block in color_blocks %}
{% set outer_loop = loop %}
<div class="page client-detailedview" style="display: {{ 'block' if view.client_detailedview else 'none' }}">{% include 'print_detail.html' %}</div>
{% endfor %}
{% set printview = 'detailedview' %}
{% for color_block in color_blocks %}
{% set outer_loop = loop %}
<div class="page client-detailedview" style="display: {{ 'block' if view.client_detailedview else 'none' }}">{% include 'print_detail.html' %}</div>
{% endfor %}
{# operator overview #}
<div class="page operator-overview" style="display: {{ 'block' if view.operator_overview else 'none' }}">{% include 'operator_overview.html' %}</div>
<div class="page operator-overview" style="display: {{ 'block' if view.operator_overview else 'none' }}">{% include 'operator_overview.html' %}</div>
{# operator detailed view #}
{% include 'operator_detailedview.html' %}
{% include 'operator_detailedview.html' %}
{# custom pages #}
<div class="page custom-page" style="display: {{ 'block' if view.custom_page else 'none' }}">{% include 'custom-page.html' %}</div>

Wyświetl plik

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
<figure class="inksimulation operator" data-field-name="operator-overview-transform" style="height: 210mm;" title="{{ _('Ctrl + Scroll to Zoom') }}">
<figure class="inksimulation operator" data-field-name="operator-overview-transform" title="{{ _('Ctrl + Scroll to Zoom') }}">
{{ svg_overview|replace("<li>", "")|replace("</li>", "")|safe }}
{% include 'ui_svg_action_buttons.html' %}

Wyświetl plik

@ -36,11 +36,30 @@
<legend>{{ _('Print Layouts') }}</legend>
<p><input type="checkbox" class="view" id="client-overview" data-field-name="client-overview" /><label for="client-overview">{{ _('Client Overview') }}</label></p>
<p><input type="checkbox" class="view" id="client-detailedview" data-field-name="client-detailedview" /><label for="client-detailedview">{{ _('Client Detailed View') }}</label></p>
<p><input type="checkbox" class="view" id="operator-overview" data-field-name="operator-overview" CHECKED /><label for="operator-overview">{{ _('Operator Overview') }}</label></p>
<p><input type="checkbox" class="view" id="operator-detailedview" data-field-name="operator-detailedview" CHECKED /><label for="operator-detailedview">{{ _('Operator Detailed View') }}</label></p>
<p style="text-indent: 1.5em;">{{ _('Thumbnail size') }}: <input type="range" min="15" max="110" value="15" step="5" id="operator-detailedview-thumbnail-size" data-field-name="operator-detailedview-thumbnail-size" style="vertical-align: middle;"> <span id="display-thumbnail-size">15mm</span></p>
<input type="checkbox" class="view" id="client-overview" data-field-name="client-overview" />
<label for="client-overview">{{ _('Client Overview') }}</label>
<input type="checkbox" class="view" id="client-detailedview" data-field-name="client-detailedview" />
<label for="client-detailedview">{{ _('Client Detailed View') }}</label>
<input type="checkbox" class="view" id="operator-overview" data-field-name="operator-overview" CHECKED />
<label for="operator-overview">{{ _('Operator Overview') }}</label>
<input type="checkbox" class="view" id="operator-detailedview" data-field-name="operator-detailedview" CHECKED />
<label for="operator-detailedview">{{ _('Operator Detailed View') }}</label>
<p style="text-indent: 1.5em;">{{ _('Thumbnail size') }}:
<input type="range" min="15" max="110" value="15" step="5" id="operator-detailedview-thumbnail-size" data-field-name="operator-detailedview-thumbnail-size" style="vertical-align: middle;" />
<span id="display-thumbnail-size">15mm</span>
<input type="checkbox" class="view" id="custom-page" data-field-name="custom-page" />
<label for="custom-page">{{ _('Custom information sheet') }}</label>
<button class="save-settings" title="{{ _("Includes these Page Setup, estimated time settings and also the icon.") }}">{{ _("Save as defaults") }}</button>
@ -58,31 +77,31 @@
<fieldset id="edit-footer">
<legend>{{ _('Footer: Operator contact information') }}</legend>
<div id="tool-bar">
<button id="tb-bold" class="tb-button ff-serif edit-only" title="Bold"><b>B</b></button>
<button id="tb-italic" class="tb-button ff-serif edit-only" title="Italic"><i>I</i></button>
<button id="tb-underline" class="tb-button ff-serif edit-only" title="Underline"><u>U</u></button>
<button id="tb-remove" class="tb-button ff-serif edit-only" title="Remove formatting"><u style="vertical-align: super; font-size: 60%;">A</u><span style="vertical-align: sub; font-size: 80%;">A</span></button>
<button id="tb-hyperlink" class="tb-button edit-only" title="Hyperlink"></button>
<button id="tb-mail" class="tb-button edit-only" title="E-Mail"></button>
<button id="tb-reset" class="tb-button" title="Reset text"></button>
<p id="edit-mode"><input type="checkbox" id="switch-mode" name="switch-mode" /> <label for="switch-mode">{{ ('Show HTML') }}</label></p>
<div id="footer-url">
<p>{{ _("Enter URL") }}: <input type="text" id="footer-link" name="footer-link" value="https://" /></p>
<p><button id="url-ok">{{ _("OK") }}</button> <button id="url-cancel">{{ _("Cancel") }}</button></p>
<div id="tool-bar" class="tool-bar">
<button id="tb-bold" class="tb-button tb-bold ff-serif edit-only" title="Bold"><b>B</b></button>
<button id="tb-italic" class="tb-button tb-italic ff-serif edit-only" title="Italic"><i>I</i></button>
<button id="tb-underline" class="tb-button tb-underline ff-serif edit-only" title="Underline"><u>U</u></button>
<button id="tb-remove" class="tb-button tb-remove ff-serif edit-only" title="Remove formatting"><u style="vertical-align: super; font-size: 60%;">A</u><span style="vertical-align: sub; font-size: 80%;">A</span></button>
<button id="tb-hyperlink" class="tb-button tb-hyperlink edit-only" title="Hyperlink"></button>
<button id="tb-mail" class="tb-button tb-mail edit-only" title="E-Mail"></button>
<button id="tb-reset" class="tb-button tb-reset" title="Reset text"></button>
<p id="edit-mode" class="edit-mode"><input type="checkbox" id="switch-mode" class="switch-mode" name="switch-mode" /> <label for="switch-mode">{{ ('Show HTML') }}</label></p>
<div id="footer-url" class="tb-popup url-window">
<p>{{ _("Enter URL") }}: <input type="text" id="footer-link" class="user-url" name="footer-link" value="https://" /></p>
<p><button id="url-ok" class="url-ok">{{ _("OK") }}</button> <button id="url-cancel" class="url-cancel">{{ _("Cancel") }}</button></p>
<div id="footer-email">
<p>{{ _("Enter E-Mail") }}: <input type="text" id="footer-mail" name="footer-mail" value="@" /></p>
<p><button id="mail-ok">{{ _("OK") }}</button> <button id="mail-cancel">{{ _("Cancel") }}</button></p>
<div id="footer-email" class="tb-popup mail-window">
<p>{{ _("Enter E-Mail") }}: <input type="text" id="footer-mail" class="user-mail" name="footer-mail" value="@" /></p>
<p><button id="mail-ok" class="mail-ok">{{ _("OK") }}</button> <button id="mail-cancel" class="mail-cancel">{{ _("Cancel") }}</button></p>
<div id="footer-info-original">{{ _("Proudly generated with") }} <a href="" target="_blank">Ink/Stitch</a></div>
<div id="footer-reset">
<div id="footer-info-original" class="original-info">{{ _("Proudly generated with") }} <a href="" target="_blank">Ink/Stitch</a></div>
<div id="footer-reset" class="tb-popup reset-window">
<p>{{ _("This will reset your custom text to the default.") }}</p>
<p>{{ _("All changes will be lost.") }}</p>
<p><button id="reset-ok">{{ _("OK") }}</button> <button id="reset-cancel">{{ _("Cancel") }}</button></p>
<p><button id="reset-ok" class="reset-ok">{{ _("OK") }}</button> <button id="reset-cancel" class="reset-cancel">{{ _("Cancel") }}</button></p>
<div id="footer-info-text" contenteditable="true"><div>{{ _("Proudly generated with") }} <a href="" target="_blank">Ink/Stitch</a></div></div>
<div id="footer-info-text" class="info-text" contenteditable="true"><div>{{ _("Proudly generated with") }} <a href="" target="_blank">Ink/Stitch</a></div></div>
<p class="notice--warning"><b>Note</b>: If you are using Firefox, use visible URLs. Links will not be printed to PDF with this browser.</p>
<button class="save-settings" title="{{ _('Includes these Page Setup, estimated time settings and also the icon.') }}">{{ _("Save as defaults") }}</button>