pick closest starting point

Lex Neva 2016-11-06 13:44:27 -05:00
rodzic b16f7de2fc
commit e48a0f6556
1 zmienionych plików z 70 dodań i 37 usunięć

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@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ class Fill(EmbroideryElement):
if shgeo.LineString(segment1).distance(shgeo.LineString(segment1)) > self.row_spacing * 1.1:
return False
quad = make_quadrilateral(segment1, segment2)
quad = self.make_quadrilateral(segment1, segment2)
quad_area = quad.area
intersection_area = self.shape.intersection(quad).area
@ -448,14 +448,16 @@ class Fill(EmbroideryElement):
class AutoFill(Fill):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(AutoFill, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.outline = self.shape.boundary[0]
self.outline_length = self.outline.length
def flip(self):
return False
def outline(self):
return self.shape.boundary[0]
def running_stitch_length(self):
return self.get_float_param("running_stitch_length_mm")
@ -469,51 +471,82 @@ class AutoFill(Fill):
return True
def perimeter_distance(self, p1, p2):
# how far around the perimeter (and in what direction) do I need to go
# to get from p1 to p2?
p1_projection = self.outline.project(shgeo.Point(p1))
p2_projection = self.outline.project(shgeo.Point(p2))
distance = p2_projection - p1_projection
if abs(distance) > self.outline_length / 2.0:
# if we'd have to go more than halfway around, it's faster to go
# the other way
if distance < 0:
return distance + self.outline_length
elif distance > 0:
return distance - self.outline_length
# this ought not happen, but just for completeness, return 0 if
# p1 and p0 are the same point
return 0
return distance
def connect_points(self, p1, p2):
patch = Patch(color=self.color)
pos = self.outline.project(shgeo.Point(p1))
distance = self.perimeter_distance(p1, p2)
stitches = abs(int(distance / self.running_stitch_length))
direction = distance / abs(distance)
stitch = self.running_stitch_length * direction
for i in xrange(stitches):
pos = (pos + stitch) % self.outline_length
return patch
def get_corner_points(self, section):
return section[0][0], section[0][-1], section[-1][0], section[-1][-1]
def connect_points(self, p1, p2):
p1 = shgeo.Point(p1)
p2 = shgeo.Point(p2)
def nearest_corner(self, section, point):
return min(self.get_corner_points(section),
key=lambda corner: abs(self.perimeter_distance(point, corner)))
patch = Patch(color=self.color)
def find_nearest_section(self, sections, point):
sections_with_nearest_corner = [(i, self.nearest_corner(section, point))
for i, section in enumerate(sections)]
return min(sections_with_nearest_corner,
key=lambda(section, corner): abs(self.perimeter_distance(point, corner)))
outline = self.outline
outline_length = outline.length
start = outline.project(p1)
stitch_length = self.running_stitch_length
stitches = int(outline.length / stitch_length)
def section_from_corner(self, section, start_corner):
if start_corner not in section[0]:
section = list(reversed(section))
# TODO: tidy this code up, make pull_runs split more aggressively to
# completely avoid discontiguous sections, find the shorter direction
# around the shape to the destination
if section[0][0] != start_corner:
section = [list(reversed(row)) for row in section]
for i in xrange(stitches):
next_point = outline.interpolate((start + i * stitch_length) % outline_length)
patch.add_stitch(PyEmb.Point(next_point.x, next_point.y))
if next_point.distance(p2) <= stitch_length:
return patch
return self.section_to_patch(section)
def to_patches(self):
rows_of_segments = self.intersect_region_with_grating()
sections = self.pull_runs(rows_of_segments)
# to do: perhaps travel to the sections in a more intelligent manner, by
# finding the next nearest corner point?
#corner_points = [self.get_corner_points(section) for section in sections]
print >> dbg, "autofill"
patches = []
last_section = None
for section in sections:
if last_section:
patches.append(self.connect_points(patches[-1].stitches[-1], section[0][0]))
while sections:
if patches:
last_stitch = patches[-1].stitches[-1]
section_index, start_corner = self.find_nearest_section(sections, last_stitch)
patches.append(self.connect_points(last_stitch, start_corner))
patches.append(self.section_from_corner(sections.pop(section_index), start_corner))
last_section = section
return patches