auto-fill: try to hide connecting stitches in the fill pattern

This lets us auto-fill regions with holes in it.  Just cut the region exactly
along the fill angle to convert a region with a hole to a region without.

|                  |
|      ______      |
|     |      |     |
|     |      |     |
|     |      |     |
|     |______|     |

Becomes this:
|                  |
|      ______      |
|     |      |     |
|     |      |     |
 =====       |     |
|     |______|     |

The cut ( ===== ) is less than the width of the row spacing.  Any connecting
stitch that follows this path becomes hidden among the rest of the fill --
an extra row of stitching isn't visible so long as the staggers line up.
Lex Neva 2016-11-09 22:00:14 -05:00
rodzic 6bbfbf6ef3
commit b9637a9287
1 zmienionych plików z 31 dodań i 18 usunięć

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@ -210,6 +210,21 @@ class Fill(EmbroideryElement):
def paths(self):
return self.flatten(self.parse_path())
def east(self, angle):
# "east" is the name of the direction that is to the right along a row
return PyEmb.Point(1, 0).rotate(-angle)
def north(self, angle):
return self.east(angle).rotate(math.pi / 2)
def adjust_stagger(self, stitch, angle, row_spacing, max_stitch_length):
row_num = round((stitch * self.north(angle)) / row_spacing)
row_stagger = row_num % self.staggers
stagger_offset = (float(row_stagger) / self.staggers) * max_stitch_length
offset = ((stitch * self.east(angle)) - stagger_offset) % max_stitch_length
return stitch - offset * self.east(angle)
def get_shape(self):
poly_ary = []
for sub_path in self.paths:
@ -379,9 +394,6 @@ class Fill(EmbroideryElement):
if angle is None:
angle = self.angle
# "east" is the name of the direction that is to the right along a row
east = PyEmb.Point(1, 0).rotate(-self.angle)
# print >> sys.stderr, len(groups_of_segments)
patch = Patch(color=self.color)
@ -426,18 +438,7 @@ class Fill(EmbroideryElement):
if last_end is None or (beg - last_end).length() > 0.5 * self.options.pixels_per_mm:
# Now, imagine the coordinate axes rotated by 'angle' degrees, such that
# the rows are parallel to the X axis. We can find the coordinates in these
# axes of the beginning point in this way:
relative_beg = beg.rotate(angle)
absolute_row_num = round(relative_beg.y / row_spacing)
row_stagger = absolute_row_num % self.staggers
row_stagger_offset = (float(row_stagger) / self.staggers) * max_stitch_length
first_stitch_offset = (relative_beg.x - row_stagger_offset) % max_stitch_length
first_stitch = beg - east * first_stitch_offset
first_stitch = self.adjust_stagger(beg, angle, row_spacing, max_stitch_length)
# we might have chosen our first stitch just outside this row, so move back in
if (first_stitch - beg) * row_direction < 0:
@ -545,12 +546,24 @@ class AutoFill(Fill):
stitches = abs(int(distance / self.running_stitch_length))
direction = math.copysign(1.0, distance)
stitch = self.running_stitch_length * direction
one_stitch = self.running_stitch_length * direction
for i in xrange(stitches):
pos = (pos + stitch) % self.outline_length
pos = (pos + one_stitch) % self.outline_length
stitch = PyEmb.Point(*self.outline.interpolate(pos).coords[0])
# if we're moving along the fill direction, adjust the stitch to
# match the fill so it blends in
if patch.stitches:
if abs((stitch - patch.stitches[-1]) * self.north(self.angle)) < 0.01:
new_stitch = self.adjust_stagger(stitch, self.angle, self.row_spacing, self.max_stitch_length)
# don't push the point past the end of this section of the outline
if self.outline.distance(shgeo.Point(new_stitch)) <= 0.01:
stitch = new_stitch
return patch