don't go the long way around the outline

Lex Neva 2017-10-17 18:25:00 +01:00
rodzic eff59de06d
commit 6bfe4eb0d2
1 zmienionych plików z 12 dodań i 1 usunięć

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@ -940,17 +940,28 @@ class AutoFill(Fill):
def connect_points(self, patch, start, end):
outline_index = self.which_outline(start)
outline = self.shape.boundary[outline_index]
outline_length = outline.length
start = outline.project(shgeo.Point(*start))
end = outline.project(shgeo.Point(*end))
travel_distance = abs(end - start)
direction = math.copysign(1.0, end - start)
while (end - start) * direction > 0:
print >> dbg, "connect_points:", start, end, outline_length, abs(end-start)>outline_length/2.0
if abs(end-start) > outline_length/2.0:
print >> dbg, "connect_points: flipping"
direction = -direction
travel_distance = outline_length - travel_distance
travelled = 0
while travelled < travel_distance:
stitch = outline.interpolate(start)
patch.add_stitch(PyEmb.Point(stitch.x, stitch.y))
start += self.running_stitch_length * direction
travelled += self.running_stitch_length
stitch = outline.interpolate(end)
end = PyEmb.Point(stitch.x, stitch.y)