kopia lustrzana https://github.com/inkstitch/inkstitch
add vertical travel edges for less jagged travel paths
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import atexit
from contextlib import contextmanager
from datetime import datetime
import os
import socket
@ -80,7 +81,8 @@ class Debug(object):
def add_layer(self, name="Debug"):
layer = etree.Element("g", {
"style": "display: none"
self.current_layer = layer
@ -172,6 +174,17 @@ class Debug(object):
def time_this(self, label="code block"):
if self.enabled:
start = time.time()
self.raw_log("begin %s", label)
if self.enabled:
self.raw_log("completed %s, duration = %s", label, time.time() - start)
debug = Debug()
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import math
import networkx
from shapely import geometry as shgeo
from shapely.ops import snap
from shapely.strtree import STRtree
from ..debug import debug
@ -146,21 +147,7 @@ def build_fill_stitch_graph(shape, angle, row_spacing, end_row_spacing):
graph.add_edge(*segment, key="segment", underpath_edges=[])
tag_nodes_with_outline_and_projection(graph, shape, graph.nodes())
for node in graph.nodes():
outline_index = which_outline(shape, node)
outline_projection = project(shape, node, outline_index)
# Tag each node with its index and projection.
graph.add_node(node, index=outline_index, projection=outline_projection)
for node1, node2, key, data in graph.edges(keys=True, data=True):
if key == "outline":
# duplicate every other edge
if data['index'] % 2 == 0:
graph.add_edge(node1, node2, key="extra")
add_edges_between_outline_nodes(graph, duplicate_every_other=True)
debug.log_graph(graph, "graph")
@ -175,7 +162,7 @@ def tag_nodes_with_outline_and_projection(graph, shape, nodes):
graph.add_node(node, outline=outline_index, projection=outline_projection)
def add_edges_between_outline_nodes(graph):
def add_edges_between_outline_nodes(graph, duplicate_every_other=False):
"""Add edges around the outlines of the graph, connecting sequential nodes.
This function assumes that all nodes in the graph are on the outline of the
@ -197,6 +184,9 @@ def add_edges_between_outline_nodes(graph):
data = dict(outline=outline_index, index=i)
graph.add_edge(node1, node2, key="outline", **data)
if i % 2 == 0:
graph.add_edge(node1, node2, key="extra", **data)
def build_travel_graph(fill_stitch_graph, shape, fill_stitch_angle, underpath):
@ -210,14 +200,15 @@ def build_travel_graph(fill_stitch_graph, shape, fill_stitch_angle, underpath):
If underpath is True, we'll also allow travel inside the shape. We'll
fill the shape with a cross-hatched grid of lines 2mm apart, at ±45
degrees from the fill stitch angle. This will ensure that travel stitches
won't be visible and won't disrupt the fill stitch.
fill the shape with a cross-hatched grid of lines. We'll construct a
graph from them and use a shortest path algorithm to construct travel
stitch paths in travel().
When underpathing, we "encourage" the travel() function to travel inside
the shape rather than on the boundary. We do this by weighting the
boundary edges extra so that they're more "expensive" in the shortest path
calculation. We also weight the interior edges extra proportional to
how close they are to the boundary.
graph = networkx.MultiGraph()
@ -228,33 +219,23 @@ def build_travel_graph(fill_stitch_graph, shape, fill_stitch_angle, underpath):
if underpath:
# These two MultiLineStrings will make up the cross-hatched grid.
grating1 = shgeo.MultiLineString(list(chain(*intersect_region_with_grating(shape, fill_stitch_angle + math.pi / 4, 2 * PIXELS_PER_MM))))
grating2 = shgeo.MultiLineString(list(chain(*intersect_region_with_grating(shape, fill_stitch_angle - math.pi / 4, 2 * PIXELS_PER_MM))))
boundary_points, travel_edges = build_travel_edges(shape, fill_stitch_angle)
debug.add_layer("auto-fill travel")
debug.log_line_strings(grating1, "grating1")
debug.log_line_strings(grating2, "grating2")
# We'll add the endpoints of the crosshatch grating lines too These
# will all be on the outline of the shape. This will ensure that a
# path traveling inside the shape can reach its target on the outline,
# which will be one of the points added above.
endpoints = [coord for mls in (grating1, grating2)
for ls in mls
for coord in ls.coords]
tag_nodes_with_outline_and_projection(graph, shape, endpoints)
# This will ensure that a path traveling inside the shape can reach its
# target on the outline, which will be one of the points added above.
tag_nodes_with_outline_and_projection(graph, shape, boundary_points)
for start, end, key in graph.edges:
p1 = InkstitchPoint(*start)
p2 = InkstitchPoint(*end)
# Set the weight equal to 10x the edge length, to encourage travel()
# to avoid them when underpathing is enabled.
graph[start][end][key]["weight"] = 10 * p1.distance(p2)
if underpath:
for start, end, key in graph.edges:
p1 = InkstitchPoint(*start)
p2 = InkstitchPoint(*end)
# Set the weight equal to 10x the edge length, to encourage travel()
# to avoid them.
graph[start][end][key]["weight"] = 10 * p1.distance(p2)
segments = []
for start, end, key, data in fill_stitch_graph.edges(keys=True, data=True):
if key == 'segment':
@ -264,14 +245,17 @@ def build_travel_graph(fill_stitch_graph, shape, fill_stitch_angle, underpath):
# allows for building a set of shapes and then efficiently testing
# the set for intersection. This allows us to do blazing-fast
# queries of which line segments overlap each underpath edge.
rtree = STRtree(segments)
strtree = STRtree(segments)
interior_edges = grating1.symmetric_difference(grating2)
for ls in interior_edges.geoms:
# This makes the distance calculations below a bit faster. We're
# not looking for high precision anyway.
outline = shape.boundary.simplify(0.5 * PIXELS_PER_MM, preserve_topology=False)
for ls in travel_edges:
p1, p2 = [InkstitchPoint(*coord) for coord in ls.coords]
edge = (p1.as_tuple(), p2.as_tuple(), 'travel')
for segment in rtree.query(ls):
for segment in strtree.query(ls):
start, end = segment.coords
@ -282,20 +266,67 @@ def build_travel_graph(fill_stitch_graph, shape, fill_stitch_angle, underpath):
# This includes the outer outline and the outlines of the holes.
# The result is that travel stitching will tend to hug the center
# of the shape.
weight /= ls.distance(shape.boundary) + 0.1
weight /= ls.distance(outline) + 0.1
graph.add_edge(*edge, weight=weight)
# otherwise we sometimes get exceptions like this:
# without this, we sometimes get exceptions like this:
# Exception AttributeError: "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'GEOSSTRtree_destroy'" in
# <bound method STRtree.__del__ of <shapely.strtree.STRtree instance at 0x0D2BFD50>> ignored
del rtree
del strtree
debug.log_graph(graph, "travel graph")
return graph
def build_travel_edges(shape, fill_angle):
"""Given a graph, compute the interior travel edges.
We want to fill the shape with a grid of line segments that can be used for
travel stitch routing. Our goals:
* not too many edges so that the shortest path algorithm is speedy
* don't travel in the direction of the fill stitch rows so that the
travel stitch doesn't visually disrupt the fill stitch pattern
To do this, we'll fill the shape with three gratings: one at +45 degrees
from the fill stitch angle, one at -45 degrees, and one at +90 degrees.
The pattern looks like this:
Returns: (endpoints, edges)
endpoints - the points on travel edges that intersect with the boundary
of the shape
edges - the line segments we can travel on, as individual LineString
grating1 = shgeo.MultiLineString(list(chain(*intersect_region_with_grating(shape, fill_angle + math.pi / 4, 2 * PIXELS_PER_MM))))
grating2 = shgeo.MultiLineString(list(chain(*intersect_region_with_grating(shape, fill_angle - math.pi / 4, 2 * PIXELS_PER_MM))))
grating3 = shgeo.MultiLineString(list(chain(*intersect_region_with_grating(shape, fill_angle - math.pi / 2, math.sqrt(2) * PIXELS_PER_MM))))
debug.add_layer("auto-fill travel")
debug.log_line_strings(grating1, "grating1")
debug.log_line_strings(grating2, "grating2")
debug.log_line_strings(grating3, "grating3")
endpoints = [coord for mls in (grating1, grating2, grating3)
for ls in mls
for coord in ls.coords]
diagonal_edges = grating1.symmetric_difference(grating2)
# without this, floating point inaccuracies prevent the intersection points from lining up perfectly.
vertical_edges = snap(grating3.difference(grating1), diagonal_edges, 0.005)
return endpoints, chain(diagonal_edges, vertical_edges)
def check_graph(graph, shape, max_stitch_length):
if networkx.is_empty(graph) or not networkx.is_eulerian(graph):
if shape.area < max_stitch_length ** 2:
Reference in New Issue