v1.18.0: stop position and origin commands

* descriptive names for command symbols added by "Attach Commands" et al.
* new commands:
  * stop position
    * the embroidery machine jumps to this point before every Stop command
    * this allows for pushing the embroidery frame out toward the user to make applique steps easier
  * origin
    * specifies the origin (0,0) point for embroidery files
    * NOTE: this replaces the old "guidelines" method of specifying the origin
* translation support for INX files!
  * current languages:
    * German
    * English
* code style standardization
pull/296/head dev-build-v1.18.0
Lex Neva 2018-08-24 21:13:08 -04:00
rodzic 6f425f7b3e
commit 28bb3ff380

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