
127 wiersze
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Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

from inkex import errormsg
from .i18n import _
from .elements import EmbroideryElement
from .metadata import InkStitchMetadata
from .svg.tags import INKSTITCH_ATTRIBS
def update_inkstitch_document(svg):
document = svg.getroot()
# get the inkstitch svg version from the document
search_string = "//*[local-name()='inkstitch_svg_version']//text()"
file_version = document.findone(search_string)
file_version = int(file_version)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
file_version = 0
if file_version == INKSTITCH_SVG_VERSION:
if file_version > INKSTITCH_SVG_VERSION:
errormsg(_("This document was created with a newer Version of Ink/Stitch. "
"It is possible that not everything works as expected.\n\n"
"Please update your Ink/Stitch version:"))
# they may not want to be bothered with this info everytime they call an inkstitch extension
# let's udowngrade the file version number
# this document is either a new document or it is outdated
# if we cannot find any inkstitch attribute in the document, we assume that this is a new document which doesn't need to be updated
search_string = "//*[namespace-uri()='' or " \
"@*[namespace-uri()=''] or " \
"@*[starts-with(name(), 'embroider_')]]"
inkstitch_element = document.findone(search_string)
if inkstitch_element is None:
# update elements
for element in document.iterdescendants():
# We are just checking for params and update them.
# No need to check for specific stitch types at this point
update_legacy_params(EmbroideryElement(element), file_version, INKSTITCH_SVG_VERSION)
def _update_inkstitch_svg_version(svg):
# set inkstitch svg version
metadata = InkStitchMetadata(svg.getroot())
metadata['inkstitch_svg_version'] = INKSTITCH_SVG_VERSION
def update_legacy_params(element, file_version, inkstitch_svg_version):
for version in range(file_version + 1, inkstitch_svg_version + 1):
_update_to(version, element)
def _update_to(version, element):
if version == 1:
def _update_to_one(element): # noqa: C901
# update legacy embroider_ attributes to namespaced attributes
legacy_attribs = False
for attrib in element.node.attrib:
if attrib.startswith('embroider_'):
_replace_legacy_embroider_param(element, attrib)
legacy_attribs = True
# convert legacy tie setting
legacy_tie = element.get_param('ties', None)
if legacy_tie == "True":
element.set_param('ties', 0)
elif legacy_tie == "False":
element.set_param('ties', 3)
# convert legacy fill_method
legacy_fill_method = element.get_int_param('fill_method', None)
if legacy_fill_method == 0:
element.set_param('fill_method', 'auto_fill')
elif legacy_fill_method == 1:
element.set_param('fill_method', 'contour_fill')
elif legacy_fill_method == 2:
element.set_param('fill_method', 'guided_fill')
elif legacy_fill_method == 3:
element.set_param('fill_method', 'legacy_fill')
# legacy satin method
if element.get_boolean_param('e_stitch', False) is True:
element.set_param('satin_method', 'e_stitch')
# default setting for fill_underlay has changed
if legacy_attribs and not element.get_param('fill_underlay', ""):
element.set_param('fill_underlay', False)
# convert legacy stroke_method
if element.get_style("stroke"):
# manual stitch
legacy_manual_stitch = element.get_boolean_param('manual_stitch', False)
if legacy_manual_stitch is True:
element.set_param('stroke_method', 'manual_stitch')
# stroke_method
legacy_stroke_method = element.get_int_param('stroke_method', None)
if legacy_stroke_method == 0:
element.set_param('stroke_method', 'running_stitch')
elif legacy_stroke_method == 1:
element.set_param('stroke_method', 'ripple_stitch')
if (not element.get_param('stroke_method', None) and
element.get_param('satin_column', False) is False and
element.set_param('stroke_method', 'zigzag_stitch')
def _replace_legacy_embroider_param(element, param):
# remove "embroider_" prefix
new_param = param[10:]
if new_param in INKSTITCH_ATTRIBS:
value = element.node.get(param, "").strip()
element.set_param(param[10:], value)
del element.node.attrib[param]