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2022-01-25 15:41:30 +00:00
# Authors: see git history
# Copyright (c) 2022 Authors
# Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3.0 or later. See the file LICENSE for details.
from copy import deepcopy
from os import path
from shapely import geometry as shgeo
2022-01-25 15:41:30 +00:00
import inkex
from .svg.tags import EMBROIDERABLE_TAGS
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from .utils import cache, get_bundled_dir
MARKER = ['pattern', 'guide-line']
2022-01-25 15:41:30 +00:00
def ensure_marker(svg, marker):
marker_path = ".//*[@id='inkstitch-%s-marker']" % marker
if svg.defs.find(marker_path) is None:
def _marker_svg():
marker_path = path.join(get_bundled_dir("symbols"), "marker.svg")
with open(marker_path) as marker_file:
return inkex.load_svg(marker_file).getroot()
def set_marker(node, position, marker):
ensure_marker(node.getroottree().getroot(), marker)
# attach marker to node
style = node.get('style') or ''
style = style.split(";")
style = [i for i in style if not i.startswith('marker-%s' % position)]
style.append('marker-%s:url(#inkstitch-%s-marker)' % (position, marker))
2022-01-25 15:41:30 +00:00
node.set('style', ";".join(style))
def get_marker_elements(node, marker, get_fills=True, get_strokes=True, get_satins=False):
from .elements import EmbroideryElement
2022-06-21 17:59:26 +00:00
from .elements.fill_stitch import FillStitch
from .elements.satin_column import SatinColumn
from .elements.stroke import Stroke
fills = []
strokes = []
satins = []
2022-06-21 17:46:59 +00:00
# do not close marker-start:url(
# if the marker group has been copied and pasted in Inkscape it may have been duplicated with an updated id (e.g. -4)
xpath = "./parent::svg:g/*[contains(@style, 'marker-start:url(#inkstitch-%s-marker')]" % marker
markers = node.xpath(xpath, namespaces=inkex.NSS)
for marker in markers:
if marker.tag not in EMBROIDERABLE_TAGS:
element = EmbroideryElement(marker)
fill = element.get_style('fill')
stroke = element.get_style('stroke')
if get_fills and fill is not None:
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fill = FillStitch(marker).shape
if get_strokes and stroke is not None:
stroke = Stroke(marker).paths
line_strings = [shgeo.LineString(path) for path in stroke]
if get_satins and stroke is not None:
satin = SatinColumn(marker)
if len(satin.rails) == 2:
return {'fill': fills, 'stroke': strokes, 'satin': satins}
def has_marker(node, marker=list()):
if not marker:
marker = MARKER
for m in marker:
style = node.get('style') or ''
2022-06-21 17:46:59 +00:00
if "marker-start:url(#inkstitch-%s-marker" % m in style:
return True
return False