
161 wiersze
5.9 KiB
Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

import sys
from .. import _, Point
from .element import param, EmbroideryElement, Patch
from ..utils import cache
warned_about_legacy_running_stitch = False
class Stroke(EmbroideryElement):
element_name = "Stroke"
@param('satin_column', _('Satin stitch along paths'), type='toggle', inverse=True)
def satin_column(self):
return self.get_boolean_param("satin_column")
def color(self):
return self.get_style("stroke")
def dashed(self):
return self.get_style("stroke-dasharray") is not None
@param('running_stitch_length_mm', _('Running stitch length'), unit='mm', type='float', default=1.5)
def running_stitch_length(self):
return max(self.get_float_param("running_stitch_length_mm", 1.5), 0.01)
@param('zigzag_spacing_mm', _('Zig-zag spacing (peak-to-peak)'), unit='mm', type='float', default=0.4)
def zigzag_spacing(self):
return max(self.get_float_param("zigzag_spacing_mm", 0.4), 0.01)
@param('repeats', _('Repeats'), type='int', default="1")
def repeats(self):
return self.get_int_param("repeats", 1)
def paths(self):
2018-04-03 02:11:57 +00:00
path = self.parse_path()
if self.manual_stitch_mode:
return [self.strip_control_points(subpath) for subpath in path]
return self.flatten(path)
@param('manual_stitch', _('Manual stitch placement'), tooltip=_("Stitch every node in the path. Stitch length and zig-zag spacing are ignored."), type='boolean', default=False)
def manual_stitch_mode(self):
return self.get_boolean_param('manual_stitch')
def is_running_stitch(self):
# using stroke width <= 0.5 pixels to indicate running stitch is deprecated in favor of dashed lines
stroke_width = float(self.get_style("stroke-width"))
except ValueError:
stroke_width = 1
if self.dashed:
return True
elif stroke_width <= 0.5 and self.get_float_param('running_stitch_length_mm', None) is not None:
# if they use a stroke width less than 0.5 AND they specifically set a running stitch
# length, then assume they intend to use the deprecated <= 0.5 method to set running
# stitch.
# Note that we use self.get_style("stroke_width") _not_ self.stroke_width above. We
# explicitly want the stroke width in "user units" ("document units") -- that is, what
# the user sees in inkscape's stroke settings.
# Also note that we don't use self.running_stitch_length_mm above. This is because we
# want to see if they set a running stitch length at all, and the property will apply
# a default value.
# Thsi is so tricky, and and intricate that's a major reason that we deprecated the
# 0.5 units rule.
# Warn them the first time.
global warned_about_legacy_running_stitch
if not warned_about_legacy_running_stitch:
warned_about_legacy_running_stitch = True
print >> sys.stderr, _("Legacy running stitch setting detected!\n\nIt looks like you're using a stroke " + \
"smaller than 0.5 units to indicate a running stitch, which is deprecated. Instead, please set " + \
"your stroke to be dashed to indicate running stitch. Any kind of dash will work.")
# still allow the deprecated setting to work in order to support old files
return True
return False
def stroke_points(self, emb_point_list, zigzag_spacing, stroke_width):
# TODO: use inkstitch.stitches.running_stitch
patch = Patch(color=self.color)
p0 = emb_point_list[0]
rho = 0.0
side = 1
last_segment_direction = None
for repeat in xrange(self.repeats):
if repeat % 2 == 0:
order = range(1, len(emb_point_list))
order = range(-2, -len(emb_point_list) - 1, -1)
for segi in order:
p1 = emb_point_list[segi]
# how far we have to go along segment
seg_len = (p1 - p0).length()
if (seg_len == 0):
# vector pointing along segment
along = (p1 - p0).unit()
# vector pointing to edge of stroke width
perp = along.rotate_left() * (stroke_width * 0.5)
if stroke_width == 0.0 and last_segment_direction is not None:
if abs(1.0 - along * last_segment_direction) > 0.5:
# if greater than 45 degree angle, stitch the corner
rho = zigzag_spacing
# iteration variable: how far we are along segment
while (rho <= seg_len):
left_pt = p0 + along * rho + perp * side
rho += zigzag_spacing
side = -side
p0 = p1
last_segment_direction = along
rho -= seg_len
if (p0 - patch.stitches[-1]).length() > 0.1:
return patch
def to_patches(self, last_patch):
patches = []
for path in self.paths:
path = [Point(x, y) for x, y in path]
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if self.manual_stitch_mode:
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patch = Patch(color=self.color, stitches=path, stitch_as_is=True)
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elif self.is_running_stitch():
patch = self.stroke_points(path, self.running_stitch_length, stroke_width=0.0)
patch = self.stroke_points(path, self.zigzag_spacing / 2.0, stroke_width=self.stroke_width)
return patches