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Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

from itertools import chain, izip
from shapely import geometry as shgeo, ops as shops
from .element import param, EmbroideryElement, Patch
from ..i18n import _
from ..utils import cache, Point
class SatinColumn(EmbroideryElement):
element_name = _("Satin Column")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(SatinColumn, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
@param('satin_column', _('Custom satin column'), type='toggle')
def satin_column(self):
return self.get_boolean_param("satin_column")
def color(self):
return self.get_style("stroke")
@param('zigzag_spacing_mm', _('Zig-zag spacing (peak-to-peak)'), unit='mm', type='float', default=0.4)
def zigzag_spacing(self):
# peak-to-peak distance between zigzags
return max(self.get_float_param("zigzag_spacing_mm", 0.4), 0.01)
@param('pull_compensation_mm', _('Pull compensation'), unit='mm', type='float')
def pull_compensation(self):
# In satin stitch, the stitches have a tendency to pull together and
# narrow the entire column. We can compensate for this by stitching
# wider than we desire the column to end up.
return self.get_float_param("pull_compensation_mm", 0)
@param('contour_underlay', _('Contour underlay'), type='toggle', group=_('Contour Underlay'))
def contour_underlay(self):
# "Contour underlay" is stitching just inside the rectangular shape
# of the satin column; that is, up one side and down the other.
return self.get_boolean_param("contour_underlay")
@param('contour_underlay_stitch_length_mm', _('Stitch length'), unit='mm', group=_('Contour Underlay'), type='float', default=1.5)
def contour_underlay_stitch_length(self):
return max(self.get_float_param("contour_underlay_stitch_length_mm", 1.5), 0.01)
@param('contour_underlay_inset_mm', _('Contour underlay inset amount'), unit='mm', group=_('Contour Underlay'), type='float', default=0.4)
def contour_underlay_inset(self):
# how far inside the edge of the column to stitch the underlay
return self.get_float_param("contour_underlay_inset_mm", 0.4)
@param('center_walk_underlay', _('Center-walk underlay'), type='toggle', group=_('Center-Walk Underlay'))
def center_walk_underlay(self):
# "Center walk underlay" is stitching down and back in the centerline
# between the two sides of the satin column.
return self.get_boolean_param("center_walk_underlay")
@param('center_walk_underlay_stitch_length_mm', _('Stitch length'), unit='mm', group=_('Center-Walk Underlay'), type='float', default=1.5)
def center_walk_underlay_stitch_length(self):
return max(self.get_float_param("center_walk_underlay_stitch_length_mm", 1.5), 0.01)
@param('zigzag_underlay', _('Zig-zag underlay'), type='toggle', group=_('Zig-zag Underlay'))
def zigzag_underlay(self):
return self.get_boolean_param("zigzag_underlay")
@param('zigzag_underlay_spacing_mm', _('Zig-Zag spacing (peak-to-peak)'), unit='mm', group=_('Zig-zag Underlay'), type='float', default=3)
def zigzag_underlay_spacing(self):
return max(self.get_float_param("zigzag_underlay_spacing_mm", 3), 0.01)
@param('zigzag_underlay_inset_mm', _('Inset amount (default: half of contour underlay inset)'), unit='mm', group=_('Zig-zag Underlay'), type='float')
def zigzag_underlay_inset(self):
# how far in from the edge of the satin the points in the zigzags
# should be
# Default to half of the contour underlay inset. That is, if we're
# doing both contour underlay and zigzag underlay, make sure the
# points of the zigzag fall outside the contour underlay but inside
# the edges of the satin column.
return self.get_float_param("zigzag_underlay_inset_mm") or self.contour_underlay_inset / 2.0
def csp(self):
return self.parse_path()
def flattened_beziers(self):
if len(self.csp) == 2:
return self.simple_flatten_beziers()
elif len(self.csp) < 2:
self.fatal(_("satin column: %(id)s: at least two subpaths required (%(num)d found)") % dict(num=len(self.csp), id=self.node.get('id')))
return self.flatten_beziers_with_rungs()
def flatten_beziers_with_rungs(self):
input_paths = [self.flatten([path]) for path in self.csp]
input_paths = [shgeo.LineString(path[0]) for path in input_paths]
paths = input_paths[:]
paths.sort(key=lambda path: path.length, reverse=True)
# Imagine a satin column as a curvy ladder.
# The two long paths are the "rails" of the ladder. The remainder are
# the "rungs".
rails = paths[:2]
rungs = shgeo.MultiLineString(paths[2:])
# The rails should stay in the order they were in the original CSP.
# (this lets the user control where the satin starts and ends)
rails.sort(key=lambda rail: input_paths.index(rail))
result = []
for rail in rails:
if not rail.is_simple:
self.fatal(_("One or more rails crosses itself, and this is not allowed. Please split into multiple satin columns."))
# handle null intersections here?
linestrings = shops.split(rail, rungs)
#print >> dbg, "rails and rungs", [str(rail) for rail in rails], [str(rung) for rung in rungs]
if len(linestrings.geoms) < len(rungs.geoms) + 1:
self.fatal(_("satin column: One or more of the rungs doesn't intersect both rails.") + " " + _("Each rail should intersect both rungs once."))
elif len(linestrings.geoms) > len(rungs.geoms) + 1:
self.fatal(_("satin column: One or more of the rungs intersects the rails more than once.") + " " + _("Each rail should intersect both rungs once."))
paths = [[Point(*coord) for coord in ls.coords] for ls in linestrings.geoms]
return zip(*result)
def simple_flatten_beziers(self):
# Given a pair of paths made up of bezier segments, flatten
# each individual bezier segment into line segments that approximate
# the curves. Retain the divisions between beziers -- we'll use those
# later.
paths = []
for path in self.csp:
# See the documentation in the parent class for parse_path() for a
# description of the format of the CSP. Each bezier is constructed
# using two neighboring 3-tuples in the list.
flattened_path = []
# iterate over pairs of 3-tuples
for prev, current in zip(path[:-1], path[1:]):
flattened_segment = self.flatten([[prev, current]])
flattened_segment = [Point(x, y) for x, y in flattened_segment[0]]
return zip(*paths)
def validate_satin_column(self):
# The node should have exactly two paths with no fill. Each
# path should have the same number of points, meaning that they
# will both be made up of the same number of bezier curves.
node_id = self.node.get("id")
if self.get_style("fill") is not None:
self.fatal(_("satin column: object %s has a fill (but should not)") % node_id)
if len(self.csp) == 2:
if len(self.csp[0]) != len(self.csp[1]):
self.fatal(_("satin column: object %(id)s has two paths with an unequal number of points (%(length1)d and %(length2)d)") % \
dict(id=node_id, length1=len(self.csp[0]), length2=len(self.csp[1])))
def offset_points(self, pos1, pos2, offset_px):
# Expand or contract two points about their midpoint. This is
# useful for pull compensation and insetting underlay.
distance = (pos1 - pos2).length()
if distance < 0.0001:
# if they're the same point, we don't know which direction
# to offset in, so we have to just return the points
return pos1, pos2
# don't contract beyond the midpoint, or we'll start expanding
if offset_px < -distance / 2.0:
offset_px = -distance / 2.0
pos1 = pos1 + (pos1 - pos2).unit() * offset_px
pos2 = pos2 + (pos2 - pos1).unit() * offset_px
return pos1, pos2
def walk(self, path, start_pos, start_index, distance):
# Move <distance> pixels along <path>, which is a sequence of line
# segments defined by points.
# <start_index> is the index of the line segment in <path> that
# we're currently on. <start_pos> is where along that line
# segment we are. Return a new position and index.
# print >> dbg, "walk", start_pos, start_index, distance
pos = start_pos
index = start_index
last_index = len(path) - 1
distance_remaining = distance
while True:
if index >= last_index:
return pos, index
segment_end = path[index + 1]
segment = segment_end - pos
segment_length = segment.length()
if segment_length > distance_remaining:
# our walk ends partway along this segment
return pos + segment.unit() * distance_remaining, index
# our walk goes past the end of this segment, so advance
# one point
index += 1
distance_remaining -= segment_length
pos = segment_end
def walk_paths(self, spacing, offset):
# Take a bezier segment from each path in turn, and plot out an
# equal number of points on each bezier. Return the points plotted.
# The points will be contracted or expanded by offset using
# offset_points().
points = [[], []]
def add_pair(pos1, pos2):
pos1, pos2 = self.offset_points(pos1, pos2, offset)
# We may not be able to fit an even number of zigzags in each pair of
# beziers. We'll store the remaining bit of the beziers after handling
# each section.
remainder_path1 = []
remainder_path2 = []
for segment1, segment2 in self.flattened_beziers:
subpath1 = remainder_path1 + segment1
subpath2 = remainder_path2 + segment2
len1 = shgeo.LineString(subpath1).length
len2 = shgeo.LineString(subpath2).length
# Base the number of stitches in each section on the _longest_ of
# the two beziers. Otherwise, things could get too sparse when one
# side is significantly longer (e.g. when going around a corner).
# The risk here is that we poke a hole in the fabric if we try to
# cram too many stitches on the short bezier. The user will need
# to avoid this through careful construction of paths.
# TODO: some commercial machine embroidery software compensates by
# pulling in some of the "inner" stitches toward the center a bit.
# note, this rounds down using integer-division
num_points = max(len1, len2) / spacing
spacing1 = len1 / num_points
spacing2 = len2 / num_points
pos1 = subpath1[0]
index1 = 0
pos2 = subpath2[0]
index2 = 0
for i in xrange(int(num_points)):
add_pair(pos1, pos2)
pos1, index1 = self.walk(subpath1, pos1, index1, spacing1)
pos2, index2 = self.walk(subpath2, pos2, index2, spacing2)
if index1 < len(subpath1) - 1:
remainder_path1 = [pos1] + subpath1[index1 + 1:]
remainder_path1 = []
if index2 < len(subpath2) - 1:
remainder_path2 = [pos2] + subpath2[index2 + 1:]
remainder_path2 = []
# We're off by one in the algorithm above, so we need one more
# pair of points. We also want to add points at the very end to
# make sure we match the vectors on screen as best as possible.
# Try to avoid doing both if they're going to stack up too
# closely.
end1 = remainder_path1[-1]
end2 = remainder_path2[-1]
if (end1 - pos1).length() > 0.3 * spacing:
add_pair(pos1, pos2)
add_pair(end1, end2)
return points
def do_contour_underlay(self):
# "contour walk" underlay: do stitches up one side and down the
# other.
forward, back = self.walk_paths(self.contour_underlay_stitch_length,
return Patch(color=self.color, stitches=(forward + list(reversed(back))))
def do_center_walk(self):
# Center walk underlay is just a running stitch down and back on the
# center line between the bezier curves.
# Do it like contour underlay, but inset all the way to the center.
forward, back = self.walk_paths(self.center_walk_underlay_stitch_length,
return Patch(color=self.color, stitches=(forward + list(reversed(back))))
def do_zigzag_underlay(self):
# zigzag underlay, usually done at a much lower density than the
# satin itself. It looks like this:
# \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|
# /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\|
# In combination with the "contour walk" underlay, this is the
# "German underlay" described here:
patch = Patch(color=self.color)
sides = self.walk_paths(self.zigzag_underlay_spacing / 2.0,
# This organizes the points in each side in the order that they'll be
# visited.
sides = [sides[0][::2] + list(reversed(sides[0][1::2])),
sides[1][1::2] + list(reversed(sides[1][::2]))]
# This fancy bit of iterable magic just repeatedly takes a point
# from each side in turn.
for point in chain.from_iterable(izip(*sides)):
return patch
def do_satin(self):
# satin: do a zigzag pattern, alternating between the paths. The
# zigzag looks like this to make the satin stitches look perpendicular
# to the column:
# /|/|/|/|/|/|/|/|
# print >> dbg, "satin", self.zigzag_spacing, self.pull_compensation
patch = Patch(color=self.color)
sides = self.walk_paths(self.zigzag_spacing, self.pull_compensation)
# Like in zigzag_underlay(): take a point from each side in turn.
for point in chain.from_iterable(izip(*sides)):
return patch
def to_patches(self, last_patch):
# Stitch a variable-width satin column, zig-zagging between two paths.
# The algorithm will draw zigzags between each consecutive pair of
# beziers. The boundary points between beziers serve as "checkpoints",
# allowing the user to control how the zigzags flow around corners.
# First, verify that we have valid paths.
patches = []
if self.center_walk_underlay:
if self.contour_underlay:
if self.zigzag_underlay:
# zigzag underlay comes after contour walk underlay, so that the
# zigzags sit on the contour walk underlay like rail ties on rails.
return patches